I've invested enough money (3 grand) into this game to buy a used car

I've invested enough money (3 grand) into this game to buy a used car.

My question is, Sup Forums, what celluar games are YOU playing and why not Hearthstone?

Clash of clans. Been playing for 4 years now. I want to get into hearthstone but I don't need two addictions.

You're fucking pathetic.

Endless frontier. It's the only good idle game. Hearthstone is fucking garbage btw. If you spent 3k on shadowverse youd have 100x of every single card in the game

>on Sup Forums
>calling anyone pathetic

1000 keks, kid.

I invested a few euro in a bot license a few years ago, hit the 100 gold cap daily, and today have roughly 90% of the collection, play casually when i want, with any shitty deck i want, for fun.

Why the fuck would I play shadoverse? The animations and drawing in that game is putrid. At least hearthstone looks amazing on my galaxy s7. If I going to spend cash on a card game, I'd rather it be the best game card and not the most inferior one.


I can always sell my account to some chink. In fact there's literally a forum I frequent where a few I have a few posters that would pay upwards of 5 to 6 grand for my account. Jelly?

Same, I play clash of clans, just reached town hall 9

Kill yourself and everyone related to you. Your blood is a blight on this world

I too play clash and reached th11. I'm definitely rushed in terms of walls (I don't have the orange glowing ones) but everything else was maxed when I went th11. Be warned...th9 is a total fucking grind. I mean, I guess that's the point in the game but th9 especially so. I was on th9 longer than th10. Then again, there's been so many updates now maybe that's not the case anymore.


Go pirate something. That'll help out the gaming community.
If you don't like something, calling something Reddit doesn't do much good. It honestly makes you look like a loser. I'm sure you call people you don't like irl Reddit as well. Sad.

Fire emblem heroes. Dropped hearthstone after the whole tupelo wild things. I'm not a fan of a game taking away my toys even if it's for a good reason

I really only play emulators. I can't bring myself to play most cash grab games. I actually bought kotor and it was a complete waste of money. No way to play that game with a fucking touch screen.

As someone who casually plays hearthstone, please explain.

I'll play it again when they nerf druids.

>as RNG dependent as a slot machine
>As creatively bankrupt as a slot machine
>Costs more than a slot machine on average

I'll just play slots.

There's a difference between would and will, retard.

Go on, try to sell it.

They are nerfed when you bring an over powered deck that some fag like the OP bought. Or you could also git gud and beat them with a priest deck.

I have some jelly in my fridge if you want some faggot

Just run Geist (^:

Do I look like a Trump voting nigger to you?

lol no fucking way is any hearthstone account worth 5K

nice joke faggot

>I like the artstyle less so it's the inferior game

>he doesn't play know

Oh user. And you're on a vidya board?

The artstyle is the thing that if you saw both games without even playing them you'd immediately pick hearthstone because it doesn't look like some chink on deviant art made it. The gameplay is horrific but that goes without saying. Nice reading comp broceps


>mobile jrpg

Just go ahead and offer up your boipucci to the nearest homo already

>He ACTUALLY thinks someone would buy his shitty Hearthstone account for 5 grand

Holy fucking shit I'm dying.

but no ones play shadowverse

>5-6 grand
>for digital cards
do you have any idea how much porn i could commission with that money, which is actually worth something?

If you were to tell me someone spent 3 grand on a mobile game without knowing how rampantly autistic the hearthstone community is I'd think they're lying too.

I've heard of people who have spent 10 grand of it and similar addictive games like clash of clans. Trust me, some person would.

the only games im willing to play on the phone is KOTOR and buriedbornes.