What are some games where you play as just an ordinary working man

What are some games where you play as just an ordinary working man

My Summer Car I guess? Kind of?

Why would people laud being boring.

Aren't Conservatives basically rich city bastards?

Glory to arstotzka

Churchill had a gay vegan lover who hired a black guy to drive his white car and an albino to drive his black car.

Are you fucking retarded, UKIP I kind of get, but no working man worth his salt votes blue.

hello have you ever visited the midlands?


Try out Papers Please. It's decent but you'll want to play on Easy first.

Cart Life.

Also, arguably Papers, Please.

No, conservatives are small town rich bastards, liberals are the city rich bastards

>cigarettes brand cigarettes

That makes sense but you can't really peg poor people. They're liable to vote either way depending on geography/demography

Reminder only the poor rural and suburban retards voted for Trump. The educated voted for Hillary.


Why do we like to mock the working class so much in the UK? Unless there is a big war going on and we are apl scared and we suddenly need the fuck out of them, we like to baby them all as chumps and demonize them.
>haha chavs!

>vote for one person
>get blasted in the ass
>vote for a different one
>still get blasted in the ass
why isnt humanity dead yet bros

Because we have a very established class system and not much social mobility.

Oh baby, you're muffla fell out

I grew up poor in a farming community and most of these people are absolutely worth mocking. There are a lot of good apples though.

Isn't the working class most people?

I dunno though, being a plumber say, used to be a "working class man's job" but those boys are being paid son, becoming home owners.

People dont hate chavs because theyre working class.
People hate chavs because theyre shitty people who behave like animals at best.

As i understand it, "working class" used to mean "person who didn't own their own home or business"

>feel proud to be an american
Nationalist shitlord!

>Help for heroes
Please stop shilling this pro war organisation literally ran by the jews

Class is a way of life at this stage, money isn't an indicator. It's all about social circles.

Right right, but as the OP picture shows, there are a lot of generic qualifiers to just lump a person in as "chav/working class/SCUM" as they see fit.

I am an ordinary working man and i dont drink or smoke jewish chemicals

also I am not a politics cuck

also fuck the troops

The exact definition of classes has changed.

paper boy

Tbf guardian readers are the biggest cunts ever

Guardian writers are worse.

I think the Americans have it right over us sometimes, picture the scene, a big flash cunt drives in a sports car:
>americans: wow nice car, i want to afford that one day
>english:hey! What you staring at that toff in that car for, what do you want to be a fucking tory posh wanko like him or something??

There's nothing wrong with class pride. Plus, some people do strive for more. I'm middle middle aiming at upper middle.

People with shitty jobs who smoke make me laugh every fucking time. That's like a quarter of your goddamn monthly earnings spent on something that makes your life even more miserable.