Does this thing have ANYTHING original thats interesting? Don't get me wrong. PS$ has some great games but when you really think about it, all of its hard hitters are continuations of pre-existing series, nothing new and innovative.
>Uncharted, Persona, Souls, Yakuza, Drakengard, Fallout, Doom, Hitman, Dishonored, Gravity rush, Ratchet and clank, Tales of, Final Fantasy etc.
All great, but all pre-established. Its like the only new IP out there is Horizon Zero dawn. When is PS4 going to start getting some new blood?
Does this thing have ANYTHING original thats interesting? Don't get me wrong...
Fucking stop whining and buy if it has the games you want to play.
Are you just poor or something?
inb4 The Last Guardian is a pre-existing series
Sony shill
Did you even read the post? I own all of the above. I'd just like some new IPs and fresh ideas for a change.
Isn't Nioh a dynasty warriors spinoff though?
Pls no
nioh is closer to the souls series not dynasty warriors.
who the hell told you nioh was a dynasty warriors spinoff lmao
I dunno, I remember Sup Forums calling it the next musou a while back.
they are doing very NINTENDO remaking old titles to get some profit, cause the new ones became like hollywood: high cost games, very expensive to sell and no huge thing. horizon zero dawn is an exeption. bye
>new IPs and fresh ideas for a change.
There's game like Horizon and VR but you probably demand something like new genre of game. That's just stupid.
Nah doesnt have to be a new genre changer, just a new interesting series.
lmao, you are clueless
First - if you had bought it BEFORE checking games then you're idiot.
Second - you've just described the mainstream vidya in general.
I like all of the series and have over 20+ PS4 games, It just dawned on me recently though after counting them that Out of those 20, I have like 2 original IPs, which I found a bit concerning. Its speaking more about the industry than about the quality of the games themselves.
Non-deluded-fanboy-PS4 owner here.
No. This console does not have anything original or interesting. I own two disc games that I don't regret buying: FFXV (yeah har har har I'm a faggot who only likes it for the shipping) and Nier: Automata. Both of those are on or coming to PC. Pyre is excellent, I think it's a must buy, but it's also on PC. I was also really happy with Journey: a PS4 port of a PS3 game ... and even though it's great, it /is/ still a 3 hour long game and does not justify buying the console.
The reason I got my PS4 was for Destiny. I was young and foolish and I bought into the hype train. Highly regretted it. Destiny 2 is coming to PC, so if you want to try that disappointment of a franchise you can do it there (suddenly I realize that I don't even recognize that Xbox exists).
The only exclusive people think is worth getting is Bloodborne, but personally I think it's overhyped grim-dark pretentious bullshit with none of the charm of Dark Souls or Demon Souls.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a good game if you respect women.
>Yakuza Kiwami 2, 3, 4, and 5 got announced
>Persona 3/4 HD is more likely than ever
>Trails of Cold steel remasters inbound before III according to Falcom
>Dark souls trilogy still a thing apparently
Even if this console is nothing but remasters, I don't care. I love these games and having them all on one console is even better.
>Victorian = grim dark edgy bullshit
Stop posting.
IS it too much to ask for Metal Gear Legacy and Demon souls to come to PS4 so I can just trash the PS3 for good?
>Does this thing have ANYTHING original thats interesting?
Nioh - Bad Dark Souls clone
Horizon - SJW-friendly garbage
No. Fuck you. Bloodborne is like The Dark Knight of videogames: a needlessly overhyped edgy tryhard trenchcoat brown color palette mess of repetitive boring combat. Sure it's decent gameplay-wise but the color palette bothers me to no end. I like victorian and gothic architecture, I fucking loved Anor Londo in DS1, but Bloodborne is victorian era beauty with an edgy coat of hot topic paint.
Fuck Bloodborne.
It won't. You'll have to wait for PS%.
>does this thing have anything original
low iq contrarian snowflake retard who can't do simple as fuck research
60 million sold, bitch
>dynasty warriors
Are you dumb? genuinely asking.
everything you ask can be solved through a quick googe search
you definite, fucking lazy retard
autistic faggot lmao
You guys are needlessly hostile and obviously don't read the thread. I'm not demonizing the PS4 FFS, i'm asking why it can't have a little more variety in the creativity department.
60 million pieces of trash sold? that's just great user! You faggot!
>people say it's a bloodborne machine
>only game i didn't like out of the games i bought was bloodborne
>People have different tastes, why is this fellow anons? I'm utterly mifed by this concept.
you say this about ps4 when nintendo is way worse about this.
>death stranding
Can't wait until death stranding comes out and it's game of the generation and plebs/fanboys say ps4 is a death stranding machine.
>You guys are needlessly hostile
Welcome to Sup Forums's sony niggers.
You sound like a faggot who would unironically recommend someone a Wii U over a PS4
FFS what is it with you console warriors, I'm not comparing the two, I didn't even mention Nintendo because its not part of the equation. Don't needlessly drag in other companies to start something here. The point was its something I noticed in my own library just a few minutes ago.
I'd tell you the same as you're clearly new within the past three years if you honestly believe Sup Forums is hostile for the sake of hostile. You're falling into a stereotype played by Sup Forums thats long since plagued this board, not a fact.
WiiU sucks. Gamin since 2012 has largely sucked.
If you haven't caught on to the fact that Death Stranding is never coming out you're a literal retard. Even if it does come out it's going to be a mediocre 3rd person shooter with 1 interesting gimmick that gets old in 30 minutes of playtime.
>Death stranding being a """Game"""" of anything.
Kojima outright spieled about it being some retard hugbox simulator with no competitive atmosphere, or gameplay elements a few days ago. It's going to be as much of a pseudo-intellectual walking sim (with a baby) as Gone Home was.
>"We don't need a game about dividing players between winners and losers, but about creating connections at a different level"
>"It's time for humankind to take the rope in hand. We are ready for a game not based on competition, but on the rope that will bring good to the player and make connections. We don't need a game about dividing players between winners and losers, but about creating connections at a different level. My current project, Death Stranding, aims to fulfill this goal."
>"It's been roughly 120 years since the advent of movies, and 59 for video games. We are still awash in a flood of games where defeating enemies is the focus. It's time for video games to achieve their Dunkirk, their The Great Escape. We need a game that maintains the essence and fun unique to the medium, but also offers a completely new type of experience. What's more, the interactive nature of video games means that this new experience will be deeper than movies or other media could hope to offer.
>"At the very least, this is what I believe, and I won't run from the challenge."