Just finished cry of fear and looking for more silent hill inspired horror games. anything you want to recommend bros?

just finished cry of fear and looking for more silent hill inspired horror games. anything you want to recommend bros?

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The Evil Within, actually just wait for the sequel - the original was technically incompetent due to replacing the light engine part way through development.

There's a first person source mod that lets you do some stuff in the hospital from SH1 called Alchemilla. Personally, I'd recommend you try out Clocktower the first fear and Rule of Rose since I adored those.

Depends. What are you looking for in your spooky gaming exactly?
Me, I like PS2 style survival horror most, but give almost anything spooky a shot. Have you given the Siren games a shot? What about Fatal Frame?
If you like adventures, Scratches is surprisingly great.

I've heard of siren and fatal frame but haven't played either. I actually downloaded scratches but got bored/lost with it.

I heard afraid of monsters is really great too

Heard good things about that as well, but haven't come around to playing it yet. I heard there's some chick doing weird abstract indie games, kittyhorrorshow or something, that looked really interesting.

Siren is hard as fuck but actually made by Team Silent. Really look into Fatal Frame, especially 2, since these games have their very own flavour that works perfectly.

Almost forgot about Pathologic and the Void.
Not straight horror, but interesting af

Check out Haunting Ground. It was originally a Clock Tower game but the name changed.


Would you recommend Haunting Ground to a huge Rule of Rose fan?

I mean, both games got strong doggos.



my favorite thing about these kinds of games is how strangely detached the supporting cast is from the events happening around the main character. really makes me feel like I'm going crazy or something

The creative director of SH1, or whatever the fuck his role was, left TS after 1 and ended up doing Siren with a new team.

Angela in SH2 fucked with me hard.

Sorry for spreading misinformation, then.

Afraid of Monsters
REmake has a fantastic atmosphere about it

Also, if you want something made in HL1 but is more goofy than scary, check out They Hunger.

I've never played Rule of Rose so I can't say. Considering you can buy HG cheap though, it's most definitely worth checking out.

which is that source mod with the mannequins?
that shit was tight

Darkwood, its on steam.

Yeah, I know, >top down >horror
but it has more in common with silent hill than any other recent game. That, and its cheap.

don't hate on me but

five nights at freddy's 1 has great atmosphere and is incredibly creepy. it also has an eery early 90's CGI look to it that unnerves me and is largely unexplained...at least until its shitty sequels


This mod was really fucking hard. Didn't think anything would top Afraid of Monsters always out of flashlight batteries bullshit.

what I liked about cry of fear was there was actual combat with the monsters it wasn't this run away from scary shit bullshit I've been seeing nowadays

Afraid of monsters was really good. I liked it more than cry of fear but it does feel more like a less polished version.

Combat with the monsters was terrible for most of Cry of Fear's early life though. They'd fucking bug out and clip through walls, detect and hit you across the map. They'd rarely not register you shooting or using the camera on them. I guess I'm glad they fixed most of that.

*blocks your path*