Just started playing this and it's so fucking boring.
Was I tricked or does it get good later or something?
Just started playing this and it's so fucking boring.
Was I tricked or does it get good later or something?
The gameplay is great, but if you're referring to the shitty wacky story and writing, no. In fact, it only gets worse.
Play an actual RPG like Pillars of Eternity, Underrail or Shadowrun Dragonfall.
>Play an actual RPG like Pillars of Eternity
>pillars of eternity
You almost got me friend.
Idk, enjoyed it. You just have shit taste senpai. It's the best tactical RPG to come out in years, name a better one, I'll wait.
the game does have a slow start but if you don't like the combat now you probably won't like it later; and there's a lot of it
hes right though, aside from the combat dos is arguably the worst of the new wave of crpgs
It's another one of those gets-good-eventually games. This one's not too bad, though. After about five hours I was having fun.
>aside from the only thing that matters it's bad
No, it's trash I got memed into playing it aswell.
Even the combat ended up being boring after i completed the Cyseal area and the game has nothing else
Is there a chance I'll like the second game if I dropped the first one?
>Quests, map design, and npc interactions don't matter in an RPG
CRPGs suit a specific taste. You have to be in the right state of mind to enjoy them. Theyre not games for hurry up assfaggot achievement unlockers who only have fun with flashy things are happening. If you cant take your time and get immersed you might as well just uninstall it because the genre is not for you, and thats fine. But dont come on Sup Forums and call D:OS a bad game, especially the enhanced edition.
Second game removes the "wackyness" that pervaded the first game. It also males different magic type much more unique. It's also way fucking harder.
I like it a lot more.
If you think Original Sin is a bad game then fuck off back to pubg.
>go play Cod argument
Is that your argument? Are you 12?
What he says is the story, lore and dialogues of DOS are terrible even for Larian standard. There are other cRPG more well written. It's not about turn based.
You two are a couple of sensitive little bunnies. Are CPRG lovers always so easily butthurt?
Play it with a friend, you loser. It's amazing.
I bet you are so retarded that you dont even play echanted edition. Hell, I doubt you even play the game considering you used a generic google image instead of screenshot.
this is why modern RPGs are shit
The only thing D:OS has going for it is the le wacky combat.
>it's fun with friend
Guess what, plating Fear 3 with a friend is fun too. It doesn't remove the fact it's terrible by itself.
Stopped reading
>Hell, I doubt you even play the game considering you used a generic google image instead of screenshot.
What kind of retarded argument is that
>only cares about the combat in an RPG
I remember you. Like I said half a week ago, Skyrim and Fallout 4 are the games you're looking for.
ahh, an alum of the bethesda school of RPGs i see
The argument is that you dont have to play a game in order to make a stupid bait thread.
There's a point from a little before the middle of the game to the last level where combat is pretty fun, especially if you try doing things with different abilities and the environment. The last level is kind of boring though, especially the final boss.
Download Epic Encounter mod
This is honestly 100% not bait. I loved Pillars, Underail, all the old fallouts, BG1&2, yet hated Original Sin.
>I loved Pillars
>hated Original Sin
Pillars felt more like wasted potential and cut content compared to Original Sin. That fucking fort shit was totally balls, one measly encounter and all of a sudden half of your buildings are gone.
I always see Pillars hate from OS fans. Why cant I enjoy both? Is this Crpg wars or something? My Crpg is better than yours shit?
>That fucking fort shit was totally balls, one measly encounter and all of a sudden half of your buildings are gone.
The Stronghold. Even if you maxed it out, any random bandit group that decides to invade your shit and you resolve it you end up damaged.
So you can't make a partner in the new game? Damn, I wanted to make a Lizard team.
Yeah it was garbage but it got patched
i couldn't get into underrail or original sin because the characters and story and world didn't really interest me in either game.
I could never getinto Original Sin, I always get board after Cyseal and hated the plot of it.
I only played 3.0+ with white march 1&2 installed which fixed alot of problems with everything apparently.
You could always get four friends and play co-op.
It didn't do much, half the time shit still falls apart.
All I fucking want is a reinterpretation of the cancelled The Black Hound project. Is this so hard, Obsidian?
I never once had my stronghold damaged even after they added all the additional content in a patch
You just suck
He could split screen all by himself. Control the second player with his toes like an orangutan.
>this is the best modern crpg
Where did everyone ele go wrong?
>It didn't do much, half the time shit still falls apart.
Never mind, guess you're just garbage
Pillars has terrible combat
RTwP is the worst. You could plug in a JRPG battle system like from Star Ocean 2 and it would improve everything.
Can someone tell me what everyones problem with the stronghold was it seems fine now?
>side adventures for non adventuring companions
>cool scenarios where you have to make a choice vetween helping a slaver etc.
>that dispute over ownership leading to a cool war side story
>produces crafting items
>Gives out unique items
>able to take prisoners instead of kill everyone
>bounty hunter quests
Shit was cash yo.
I wouldnt mind reading walls of text if the story was interesting and the characters were good.
ITT faggots that never chose auto resolving the conflict which usually ends up with walls destroyed and buildings razed to the ground
I have never experienced this, did you auto resolve it as the hired guards are completely useless while the fights are easy to do manually?
And story. And characters. And lore.
It looks pretty but thats pretty much it.
>so fucking boring
welcome to crpgs son
then what the fuck is the point of even having guards in there if shit just catches fire anyway
might as well have no guards whatsoever and just force your party to travel back there
fucking Obsidian
The stronghold got really improved with patches and the expansion. But the loading times still annoy me.
>8 seconds to enter the kitchen
>tfw you loved all of those games
>also origin sin
>also wasteland 2
>even numenera
I dunno man, I must just be easily amused or something
>chooses to autoresolve a choice
>gets made when it gives a bad outcome
casuals i fucking swear
What's bad about Numenera in terms of gameplay mechanics aside from the SJW marketing pitch that didn't net them any sales at all.
If you want wasted potential and cut content attack Tyranny rather than Pillars. Though I can understand why it ended the way it did. Had it continued it either would've been overwhelmingly massive from all the different paths you could take, or become extremely linear compared to the rest of the game, which would ultimately make players feel like their choices didn't matter. A thought which goes directly against one of the major aspirations.
The combat was perfectly servucable. And this is coming from an OS fan who loved the combat
I mean thats just like your opinion man. A wrong one at that. Pillars was great.
Tyranny can go get fucked with a cactus, I had that shit out of my mind and you had to fucking remind me, like holy shit what were they even thinking when they made that game, quick cash grab?
>ITT: faggots that actually play their games
Hire better people
nah wasteland 2 was good with the director cut
>Hire the most expensive guards
>shit still breaks
They patrol the road so visitor and tax collectors aren't bothered by bandits
I thought it was pretty good and accomplished what it set out to do. That doesn't excuse the anti-climactic ending and sacrificing game length for replayability though. At times I felt it almost did the meaningful choices thing too much. Almost everything you said would piss off somebody and that got old fairly quickly. Other than the fairly different paths and consequences the game was a step down from pillars in every single way.
They help you out during the battle of Yenwood fields too which is very helpful on higher difficulties.
>accomplished what it set out to do
It completely failed in what it set out to do, or at least what it promised it set out to do
>You play in a world dominated by evil bureaucracy
>Your choices matter
Thanks a lot, Obsidian, you stupid fucks
Pillars of Eternity is much better than Tyranny. Tyranny is shit.
>muh lenghts
That's how you end up filling your game with garbage content just to please the retards who needs their 20 hours game to last 50
I 100% agree but am still cautiously optimistic about the upcoming dlc
I dont know whats wrong with me
I actually liked most of Numanuma but I found that there a still bugged quests in it that will never be fixed.
Also the fact that party members only gain xp with you means Rhin takes 1/4 of the xp with her when she leaves
Who /seeing how obsidion improved uppon Pillars 1 and acknowlaged its short comings like with factions and shit exited as fuck for Deadfire/ here???
Why must we have these CRPG wars? Cant we all be happy for eachothers different tastes?
Harebrained Schemes is doing pretty well in this niche market since they're making a new Battletech and a Wasteland 3.
You can fight for one side or the other, go neutral, or join the rebels. What would've been meaningful choices for you then, just staying a fatebinder for the Overlord and doing fuckall?
Nice argument. I never said a game should be long to be long. Just as a game can be too long, it can also be too short. Especially when they start giving you the power of edicts, making other archons submit, and tease a huge battle to overthrow the Overlord only to roll the credits.
i backed the physical collectors edition
0 regrets
Are you talking about PoE? How is it possible for your Stronghold to get damaged? I didn't even know that was a thing.
I've been invaded by random shitters a few times, but they've never really done much damage and they're easy to shoo off (just a little annoying).
Nigga, pillars are definition of boring. All those unnessary fights you had to plow through that yielded liretally nothing just so you could explore the map.
I find happiness in complaining. It's because of my Jew blood. You won't understand unless you've seen Fiddler on the Roof where he complains to God, which is pretty entry-tier to getting into the mindset of a Jew.
The upcoming DLC isn't even set after the cliffhanger. It's Act 2 content. It changes nothing.
I put a 100 bucks in it. Loved the first Pillars and I'm in for a nautical one.
If you didn't fight trash mobs, then how are you supposed to advance levels? Make each encounter meaningful or like mini boss fights?
its the old Sup Forums meme, "if its hard its good xddd".
I don't think this applies to Tyranny rather than the never ending Original Sin which didn't have any decent story motivation to actually give a reason to continue
>Play an actual RPG like Pillars of Eternity, Underrail or Shadowrun Dragonfall.
Shadowrun is barely an RPG.
Not if you find the combat satisfying it aint!
i had alot of fun with pillars so its hard for me to get into the mindset of someone like you.
More of an rpg than divinity that's for sure
>fight this pack of lions and repeat several times
What levels? You didnt get experience through combat.
How do most of your fights go? Just describe them.
By the way if you don't have one spellcaster the game is pretty fucking boring. I don't know why nobody mentions this.
Man, I'm so hyped for OS2.
OS1 was by far the best game in the past 10 years for me and maybe one of my favourite games ever.
This is gonna be gud.
I thought I was the only one who enjoyed PoE combat.
Its like everyone played OS and decided if it aint exactly like that its shit.
It takes a while to get all the mechanics down but once I did I enjoyed it alot more.
That's exactly what I want to know. So how did they do level advancement to get out of the skinner box mindset?
dunno OP my friend and I had tons of fun with this game, but we intentionally tried to do ridiculous shit that the game wasn't telling us to try. Like in the first town there's a locked door that your supposed to teleport into after some story progresses, but we didnt know that so we spent an hour attacking the door until it finally broke...we would try to kite zombos into town to either get the guards to help us, or to get the guards killed so we could take their loot and sell it for more money, things like that.
And if you dont find killing skellies with a box full of random items using telekinesis fun, then im sorry but you are a horrible person
im on the same boat as you except for underrail
melee at the start is the worst
reminds me of Ultima, Dransik, and all those MMOs that were based on Ultima
Yes, you did, but only until you defeated x amount of certain types of enemies.
The only times trash was really noticable for me was on the Endless Paths. Are you counting every fight on a map tarsh? Would you prefer just bosses abd mini bosses?
I also enjoyed PoE's combat. For reference, I think stuff like Underrail and Divinity: Original Sin is funner, but PoE's RTwP was a nice change of pace.