Fuck the controversy, I want to hear your thoughts about the GAME part specifically. Do you think this will be fun, going back to boots on the ground? Or do you think they'll fuck it up somehow?
Fuck the controversy, I want to hear your thoughts about the GAME part specifically. Do you think this will be fun...
Other urls found in this thread:
The beta was open all weekend. You should have tried it.
>Or do you think they'll fuck it up somehow?
They already fucked it up. The weapons that we've all seen so far are absolute garbage designs. I don't know how they can fuck up so bad that they choose a machinegun for the Germans that isn't the MG34 and is instead a fucking plane mounted MG.
The fire ammo on shotguns looks like its going to be bullshit.
it's the same old shit they've rehashed for the past decade. don't be deceived by the fact that they're going back to their original setting: the game's still a braindead casualized fuckfest with a WW2 skin slapped on it.
in 5 months it'll be dead and the intended audience will already be eagerly awaiting their next 80$ annual clone
>SP is 4 hours of walking though corridors while stuff explodes in the background
>MP still has broken netcode, no weapon balance whatsoever, shit maps and everyone's favorite new addition, p2w lootcrates
yeah it's gonna be FUN bro
It sucks and is inconsistent just like the rest of the game
Terrible netcode, unbalanced weapons, shit map design
totally not astroturfing
>I want to hear your thoughts about the GAME part specifically.
What the fuck do you mean, asshole? CoD has had the same gameplay/engine since 4.
The hit registration/net code is surprisingly shitty. If they fix that and the rest of the maps are better it'll be alright.
It's a big change from one of the biggest most questionable players in the industry, you're mentally retarded to expect there to be little noise about it.
With the same pic in the OP and the same filename
They have to fix weapon balance to, either bring down the Stg 44 and SMGs or buff everything else
>It's a big change
>a big change
>removing literally the only innovation this shit show of a franchise has had in 10 years is big
Fuck off marketeer.
>5 hour SP "story"
>P2W lootcrates in MP
That series somehow manages to always get worse despite having hit rock bottom long ago.
What's there to talk about?
/k/ here
...it's the first image in google search. And CoDww2 isn't the craziest thing to name a disposable image.
played the beta and got bored. im not really into online multiplayer games anymore. i met get it when its $10 if the campaign is good.
>STILL playing cod
I tried giving COD a chance after so many years without playing.
This beta reminded me exactly why I got bored of it.
It's amazing how little has changed after so many years.
It's different than the last three to come out, they mentioned the game would go back to its roots
It's different because they took out the only novelty COD has had in 10 years, the jetpacks.
Honestly? I want to feel optimistic about it.
The last COD I bought was BO1 and too this day, I am still not that interested in the the multiplayer, which is the bulk of every COD game by a long shot. HOWEVER the new zombies mode looks incredible and I would love to see it be good, because if it is I might actually bother buying a COD again
No, the new zombie mode is the exact same shit it's always been.
Majority of the fans hated jetpacks and are happy the game is steering away from them.
So basically, the novelty is the it's the same shit COD has been but without jetpacks.
Says a lot when the only welcome "novelty" is removing something.
Even if it is the "exact same shit" the only zombies I ever played was the BO1 version which was mediocre at best. The presentation of this one is so much better than the rest, esp. since it's not going for the "cheeky 80's slasher" vibe
>literally buying the ELEVENTH instalment of COD4
Looks like a fun game to play as a way to just chill out for a bit. Nothing more.
Fuck those retards then, advanced warfare was the most fun i had with the franchise because of the amount of mobility the game has.
Sorry people like things you don't user but the jetpacks were terrible additions and they couldn't get the system to work well. Titanfall 1 and 2 had a better movement system than any of the CODs
If you like that then go play Titanfall 2. Its mobility is way better
For those who already played the beta, does it have Spandaus and Brens? If it has, is the Spandau better than the Bren as it should be?
Wait a minute, you're telling me people actually still play Call of Duty
I'm not saying they were good, i'm saying it's laughable that the only appeal this game has is removing the only novelty this game has had, which turned out to suck.
It's pathetic, either they keep everything exactly the same, or they fuck it up.
Played the beta, hit detection was ass (20hz servers, ayy lmao), guns felt awful, the maps were shit generic three lane maps as usual, people would jump around and drop shot constantly using SMGs making taking anything other than also an SMG pointless, killstreaks are a pain in the ass or weak, guns are mostly generic and all perform the same way, "divisions" are just a shittier perk system, weapons sound and look fucking terrible, barebones weapon customisation in terms of attachments most of which being dumb shit like bayonets for LMGs and so on.
The only plus I can think is War mode, until it became a repetitive mess that only ends in a stomp one way or the other. Also so many goddamn five year old retards ruining everything screaming down the microphone.
I expected nothing and was let down even harder than I anticipated.
Also the M1 Garand ping is fucking awful.
Bren is in it, but it sucks compared to every other gun just like every other LMG. By Spandau do you mean MG 42? Because those are only set up as turrets, but they might be in the full game
I just want to pirate this game to show my dad, he was into WW2 games and then stopped playing games once modern/future warfare became the mainstream.
Give him Red Orchestra instead
its weird when you cant tell the difference between mario games and call of duty games unless the name is specifically dropped
from the trailer it looks like literally every other cod game so why should i get hyped?
The novelty is that they are doing what a majority of the fans want. Its also the first AAA WW2 game in awhile from what I can recall. People enjoy the games. Then they were bored of them and added the novelty of jetpacks, then every COD after had jetpacks and people were bored. 1, 2, and 3 were just WW2 shooters until 4 had the novelty of a modern game and create a class. Pretty much every COD has a novelty.
They'll fuck it up. A WW2 playground is supposed to be pure of the modern day shite of attachments for the most part. World at War struck a nice middle ground but we all know they'll go further than that this time.
If you played the games you can tell the difference.
they'll fuck it up
hell even the beta is a disappointment so far
horrible map design and unbalanced weapons
perfect example. who could possibly tell which series your talking about, you didnt specify
They already fucked it up by saying it'll be historically accurate and authentic, and then have the guns that don't work properly, sound like shit, and fire slower than they are supposed to
When they said going back to its roots they meant only in theme. It still tries to do shitty fast paced gameplay (MW3 onwards). The fast reload on the bolt action is proof that this game will not play any differently from the recent COD games besides looking different.
>ww2 skin slapped on it
that'd be pretty cool
oh, well, in that case of course. ones a first person shooter, ones bing bing wahoo
The movement speed looks ridiculous and most weapons are going to get overshadowed by SMGs and MGs.
Other than that it looks like typical CoD trash.
Played all the way through to max rank and had a pretty good time.
Hit Detection needs fixed, STG is OP, and quick scoping seems to be a problem. If those are fixed, it will be pretty enjoyable.
>its a go back to crouching and using 1 shot sniper rifles call of duty
>Fuck the controversy
No, fuck you. You can't just sweep this bullshit under the rug, shill. The game was advertised as being "as historically accurate as possible," and that's far from what we're getting.
Black women were never in the war.
>not having other players muted by default
I once had some player send me a party invite after a game of SnD, only to have him and his gang of squeakers tell me I was shit.
>as historically accurate as possible,"
citation needed, and secondly "as possible". the historical inaccuracies are therefor irrelevant because it wasnt possible
>overwatchposter judging a shooter
Daily reminder that Sup Forums literally considers your SHITFAGGOTS trash to be worse than any modern military shooter.
Game play looks simplistic and boring. Maps aren't dynamic, weapons have no recoil, customisation is basically the same with more limitations. The only interesting thing was the WW2 setting but they threw out the immersion in favour of a friendly atmosphere, and it's only going to get worse once they add more ridiculous cosmetics in supply drops to try and make a quick buck.
its fun
I mean he isn't wrong though
I'm fine with regular human combat but I have no love for World War II.
I prefer modern-day shooters.