MC and antagonist are both actually likable

>MC and antagonist are both actually likable

pic unrelated?

Are they still doing the rivalry shit with these two? I haven't watched wrestling in years

This. I see no one likeable in that image.

Thank God no. Orton is now the cool uncle that drinks behind your back, beats up other people and secretly is a racist, while Cena is now gives 0 fucks and became fully self-aware.

Nah, Orton hasn't feuded with Cena in a good while

Cena's about done, in fact

How can one not like John?


>love interest is even more likeable

Cause he's a faggot and a walking symbol of why WWE is shit?

Orton's too boring to be likeable.

He's a cool guy and he helps kids, user. Why are you so miserable?

what an obese cunt.

But other wrestlers are able to be cool guys without being an example of how out of touch Vince is.

hey when did you come out to your family

He's a bland, lazy default CAW


Sorry I don't like my asses filled with 50 pounds of fat.

I bet you like potatos too but there's fuck all to be found

how is that obese?

how lame. 1.5/10 try harder

>the boss has a one-shot attack

Because when I watch WWE I want wrestling and not sympathy hour for sick kids and women with breast cancer?

This guys count?

>character looks worse in the sequel

>Just white trash things.

>Game goes back to it's roots


>franchise is supposedly ended for good
>releases a few more poor, underwhelming games before finally being put down

>all these current gen wrestlers that put all their stat points into wrestling abilities, but zero points into charisma and promo abilities

those are the most important stats brother

i know undertaker in the context of wrestling is supposed to be this unkillable force that will always come back and get you, but jesus christ how am i supposed to suspend my disbelief that mantits isnt going to get bodied by roman reigns

that said i miss the showmanship of preCena wrestling even if Cena is the best of the worst currently

This. Workrate marks don't want to hear it but no one pays to see some tubby midget wearing basketball shorts or some goober in a flat cap.


>being gay: the post





sorry your potato nigger lost last night ireland.