old PUBG thread died.
get in here. haters and lovers alike. we are all one in this world
hi paw
old PUBG thread died.
get in here. haters and lovers alike. we are all one in this world
hi paw
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is retard wearing sunglasses at home?
continuing from last thread
pubg is not very good tbqh fampais
Reminder: in 10 years time PUBg and Overwatch will be the biggest game franchises ever, meanwhile the haters on Sup Forums will have either died by suicide or married a fat nagging wife who forced them to give up video games.
he has a persona he plays on twitch.
oh we need those hater fags tho. they know who they are. guys that will link you the previous threads and call you a shill. those guys give me fat yous and keks.
they are extreme gamer sunglasses to maximize gaming skill
>PUBGs threads are infested with e-celeb cancer
PUBGs and e-celeb garbage need to be moved to
Anime thread
Isn't this the guy that complained about stream honkers, says everyone who kills him is a stream sniper, refuses to use a stream delay for snipers, and is in general an asshat?
google prototypes. help him aim
if you say so my dude
>but I still enter the thread
gj m8
Make a general you faggots.
anime thread
have you even watched the honker video? naw, he doesn't give a fuck about them.he laughs at them.
doc literally takes it the best.
it's not as good as i was hoping. still okay. need to do more squad matches with the mates though
>i enter threads I care nothing about
>don't talk about video games on v!
oh just stop it. get out of here.
Who does he disrespect?
s-sauce me please
Trying to find the link between PUBG lovers and the fact that they all seem to type in all lowercase and use slang. It can't be that they're underage because they insist on being old enough to post here, and nobody lies on the internet.
>tfw cant stop panicking once i spot people
i need to learn how to keep my cool
feels like every other sandbox survival game out there really
are you having a dope time analyzing Sup Forums threads? :^)
To hide his lazy eye.
the doctor
May is specifically for breeding.
100% underage
what is this shit, why wont you dumb niggers shut up about it
And their obsession with twitch celebrities.
No. He's literally one of two streamers that's cool with honkers.
where's this from
boy do I know it
Gamers a shitty fucking bait and switch anime airing this season that has nothing to do with games and is instead about contrived misunderstandings and attempted romcom
What's holding back my system, Sup Forums? Most of the time when I land I have to wait a whole minute or more for the buildings to fully load/not be blobs of polygons, which makes for a shit time playing. Is it my HDD, which is shit, or my RAM, or something else?
Rosa too.
Oh well, thanks for the heads up
Set all your settings to low, even people on beefier machines are having trouble with it because the game is optimized like shit
Can I get a quick rundown on this meme game? I know nothing about it except that it's selling well and it looks like CS:GO...
Nigga I have everything set to Very Low and I still have the issue, even when I close every other application.
Game built entirely around looting and RNG.
It's a round based battle royale game, you parachute into an island and have to find gear to survive, after a few minutes a circle that slowly constricts gets drawn on the map, anyone outside of it takes constant damage which is supposed to prevent turtling/camping since you'll have to keep moving, last man/team standing wins
That sounds kind of fun
That does not
Looting is RNG, the place you have to go is RNG, the place you spawn from is RNG, finding a vehicle is RNG.
Get an ssd
RNG isn't that big a deal, looting is RNG but there are certain areas with higher density of loot and vehicles spawn in set locations so you can just follow along until you find one, RNG is only going to bite you if you stray out into the middle of nowhere hoping to find something instead of going into a hot zone getting some stuff then getting out and looting the far away areas.
I'd much prefer a pre-designed map with balanced weapon/vehicle/player spawns
The map is predesigned, what you find in it and the place you need to move to is not.
if all plane, weapon and vehicle spawns were completely static the game would devolve into memorizing timings (especially for openings) which is less fun
a hildas good as well
The map is predesigned it's the same map every time, it's the placement of loot thats RNG but even then the towns clustered around the map have higher chances of good loot, and you choose where you start at so it's more of a strategy decision, do you start in a town with guaranteed decent loot but risk getting into a fight early or do you go to the middle of nowhere where you're less likely to run into someone early but also have less a chance of getting good gear
>into hypnosis
>thanks his opinion matters
fuck off with your shit fetish and attempted derailment of an actual gaming thread