>it's a swampy/heavy rain level
is there anything worse?
>it's a swampy/heavy rain level
is there anything worse?
That level ruled
git gud, those levels are fun.
Hard Rain is like the second best L4D2 campaign fuck off
escort missions
Heavy Rain is comfy
>on the way back
>heavy storm
man, wish there were some pugs playing this on realism, but that might be even too hardcore for me
still amazing feels
Mundane task simulator. It sucks ass.
Hard Rain is my favorite campaign.
My favorite campaign next to the carnival one.
a poison swamp
with two different kinds of poison
When is L4D3 coming out?
I need it.
>its a hallway full of weapons/ammo/health before a large arena room
Hard rain has the best instrument, the twangy guitar as it's motif, so I forgive it, almost as nice as Swamp Fever's Swamp Ass Fiddle.
>you will never master the ass fiddle
Feel the dirty french coming off this thing.
For when your'e instrumentalist takes drugs before playing.
heavy rain is comfy
swamps are almost always garbage tier. especially so in games that think swamp=poison
Yes, a cheeseburger apocalypse
Holy shit
Nothing light blighttown and then suddenly getting TOXIC
"oh hey that swamp looks like a poisonous kinda place better go stock up on poison clearing stuff"
>it doesn't fucking work
>cruxifiction woods to farron keep
if you didnt like the swamp behind you, the poison swamp ahead may make you feel a little better
Hard Rain feels so good to run. I know the exact perfect path to get back to the boat.
I love L4D so much.
Hands down the best level in 2
hard rain has some cool weather effects, but it's not much fun when you can't see or hear shit and the zombies swarm you
L4D3 when?
>the ringed city DLC
>grand finale for the dark souls series, let's make this the best we can to give our fans a good send off
>Oh but you know what we really need?
did we even get a conclusion for l4d2 other than the one in-game? they just leave new orleans in a helicopter?
The swamp level in Metro: LL gave me PTSD
that dlc shot itself in the foot like 8 times.
But that was the best campaign in the game. Second best being Dark Carnival.
Git gud
Swamp Knight Gael
they banked the engine on Payday2 and my guess is they are waiting for people to get bored with that before they release it
thats kinda lame considering how crash course starts
play Condemned Criminal Origins if you want a real video game about a serial killer
>No one picked up that OP just wanted to talk about hurricane harvey in an on topic way
are you literally retarded? That was the most fun campaign in the game
I wish MORE games would do VIOLENT rain/thunderstorms. Most games have piss weak storms but L4D2 did it right.
Atmospheric weather is a thing few games do right.
No l4d3 ever
I built up a poison resist set before going in there my first playthroigh becaiae i stumbled upon a set that had high poison resist so i figured it was a clue to prepare myself.
Fuck that game.
snow levels
Dark Carnival was better. That gantlet before the stadium entrance still gives me PTSD. And the final stage finale is pure rock and roll; just don't be pussies and ruin it by using the scaffolding.
you probably enjoy the Parish, faggot
wait there was a serial killer in Condemned, didn't pay attention i just wanted to beat up a bunch of bums
I fucking love weather in vidyas, especially heavy rain with thunderstrikes
>poison doesn't do damage
>second type dissapears after your first run
Never pick a picture that is more interesting than the post
>tfw I live near the area that this was based on
The rain really is as bad in real life as it was in that part
>Didn't play Hard Rain with friends on versus realism.
>mfw the foggy flash storms and hordes bogging you down
>mfw the corn field
>mfw the tank at the construction site
Hard Rain was terrific though. I can't think of a game that handled that kind of weather effect as well.
Dynamic light during lightning strikes shows the capabilities of the game's engine.
STALKER still looks great after all these years.
>raining in the game while it's raining IRL
I miss full friends only games of V.S. on L4D2....