Why are there so many games about gay anime robots and shit?

why are there so many games about gay anime robots and shit?

wow so fast you speed around and shoot a gun and shit you're so badass dude -_-

compare it to the dragon born and his shotus which are badass, fuck mechs dude

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/m/ vidya thread?

yeah sure dude

what's the best mech and why is it the rifleman

>compare it to the dragon born and his shotus which are badass, fuck mechs dude

What a grand and intoxicating innocence, how can you be so naive?

So, what vr mech games are there besides Rigs? I feel like now would be the perfect chance to reboot Steel Battalion

>be dagoth ur
>be killed by some fag on a boat

>be giant dragon
>get shouted to death by a fag with swords
much cooler than dagoth ur (a faget)

For Answer has probably the best opening and title music in all of video games.

Neon Genesis Evangelion Japan arcades only

Op, this is a fucking hilarious post. I don't mean to not take you seriously, but I'm laughing, Mech's really are so gay!

I need a game that's 1/3 Mecha Action, 1/3 Mecha Customization and 1/3 slice of life sim

I'll always have a soft spot for the AC Master of arena opening

Xenoblade X would be better if the combat was hack and slash like PSO2 instead of dumb combat like the original Xenoblade

Yeah yeah cult classic fucking fight me your cult classic has shitty combat

Guys when will Armored Core be good again?

>Not getting killed by your friend reincarnated
What are you? Gay?

When From decides to make another one.

basically never I guess

when it comes on PC and I come on your mother hahah :D

>why are there so many games about gay anime robots and shit?

there aren't enough.

Did you like V?

after the Kinect one, I doubt we'll see one ever again

The spell has mostly broken with the original Xenoblade. Most Sup Forums users at least have realized it's shit.

Not him but Verdict day was good.

I'd forgotten that one. It oozes 90's charm.

>PSO2 added mechs
>they don't get used enough

This guy gets it.

I don't know I've only played those on PS2 because I don't have a 360/PS3.

City Shrouded in Shadow with a VR mode would be incredible too


We need a good Gundam game to hit the states. I just want to frag some feddie scum with great graphics and good gameplay.

That sounds like Steambot Chronicles. The mech combat was clunky, but you could do a lot of side activities, like fighting or betting in the mech arena, customize your mech so it can act as a taxi, or play an instrument on the streets for money.

Sequel never

Gundam is the shittiest of all mech series.

>SNES control ports on the planes

>siding with the monsters that killed 3/4 of humanity in a surprise attack
how zeon wasn't turned into radioactive space dust by the victorious feddies will never make sense to me.

Zeek subhuman bastards.

>space colony
>space colony
>space colony
>suddently asteroid
did they finally realize dropping asteroids is cheaper than dropping space colonies ?

Why is there not more turn-based SRPG mech games?

Like holy shit, this genre has so much potential and nobody is doing anything with it.

Don't forget about poaching sharks and picking up a robot to beat his friends to death with him.

There were a lot of empty space colonies after the zeeks finished gassing them.

Front mission are the only ones I've personally played.

No it wasn't, shut the fuck up

Because turn-based gameplay is boring.

Where my HEAVY GEAR bros at?

Nah, fuck you man.
I want tech trees and spreadsheets upon spreadsheets of parts and pilot stats and slow methodical combat between giant robots and waifu pilots in plugsuits. Only this can feed the autistic beast inside me.

What didn't you like about it?

So make a game like that, it's mostly text anyway.

I pity the fools who find no joy imn slashing things to death while going fast.

> dragonborn
Yeah because stealth bowing everything is cool

only really availlable in giant boss raids.


This. In Sup Forums's eyes it currently stands as one of the most overrated games of the seventh generation, whatever little fanbase this game has here is just shills from red dit and smashniggers who don't know what Xenogears is.
>bladecucks too scared to debate this post
every time

The hilarious thing is that people thought that Xenoshit, a game released in an era where JRPGs are nothing but cancer lowest common denominator moeshit, would be considered a classic in the vein of the likes of FF6, Suikoden 2, or Chrono Trigger, only for the honeymoon to end and the veil to be unlogged reveling that game for the turd shit it is.

And then woopsie daisee Monolithsoft sold out to the moeshit cancer themselves. Thanks jewtendo.
>no mechs
>just le epik sword harems

>Siding with the authoritarian regime that willingly lets their own people starve and get killed, and exiles undesirables to outer space and they cry when they start to drop colonies.

You can do better by refuting this wall of text, fascist fuck.

>compare it to the dragon born and his shotus which are badass,

>he hates fast

>Most Sup Forums users at least have realized it's shit
It's amazing how much the same small handful of shills for this trash game on Sup Forums deny this. Face it fags, we don't like your game. Wake up and see this shit for what it actually is.

>fuck mechs

if only

>why are there so many games about gay anime robots and shit?
The fuck, where?

>wow so fast you speed around and shoot a gun and shit you're so badass dude -_-
Literally one game does this. Nothing else.

>compare it to the dragon born and his shotus which are badass, fuck mechs dude
Why did you make this thread?

XBX2 never.


Chill nigga, it's falseflagging OP as usual.

daily reminder that humanoid robots don't make sense and to grow out of your manchild ways

It's supposed to be very obvious he's joking.

Not Takahashi's fault that Tales of moeshit happened to be more profitable. Thanks smashfags.

You never know, given how many newfags have invaded this board over the past few years.

Who VOTOMS here?

>people thought that Xenoshit, a game released in an era where JRPGs are nothing but cancer lowest common denominator moeshit, would be considered a classic
Nobody thought this, just brainless nintenshills starved for a game that isn't total kiddyshit.


XBX was so close to being a masterpiece. Make skell combat a bit more involved, tweak the lategame balance to make it a bit saner, change the party around so you're not stuck with the same two characters the whole game.

Instant masterpiece. Every other part of this game is fantastic. Great combat like the original Xenoblade, and god-tier world design. Maybe the best open world ever made.

If Xenoblade Chronicles 2 can add some of the better XBX features to a XC chassis, it'll be pretty fantastic.

>If Xenoblade Chronicles 2 can add some of the better XBX features to a XC chassis, it'll be pretty fantastic.
Sorry user but putting glitter on a turd doesn't suddenly make it not shit. Get off your honeymoon.


Feels bad, man.