>Western release is censored
>No one cares because the tits and butts were left alone
Western release is censored
Who gives a fuck about anything else?
Wait, how is it censored?
Oh no, they changed one trash item description because nintendo fans got asshurt over nothing, what a tragedy.
Is there a torrent for this that actually works? All I can find are ones that apparently dont work.
Yeah, what??
The robots Jean-Paul and Beauvoir are called Sartre and Simone in the Japanese script, since they're none-too subtle references to the philosophers of the same names. The western localisation changed the names to avoid controversy and any time either character name comes up in the Japanese audio track it's bleeped out, which obviously doesn't happen in the Japanese release.
Not what I was talking about, but also a stupid change.
>avoid controversy
What controversy? Americans don't like french philosophers or something?
The only thing they really censored is using Jean Paul Sartre's last name because apparently his family are sticklers for copyright.
Sartre's family apparently gets butthurt about his name being used anywhere and has tried to sue for it in the past.
Honestly, I thought the censorship was just 9S calling Jean Paul a shit, so the bleeping made me chuckle the first time I played it.
I didn't come to that conclusion, but I did think it was deliberate and there was going to be a story reason for it. I was disappointed when there didn't end up being one.
No one cares because the reason is a legal problem thus understandable.
Jean-Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvior worked with the Nazi party during the occupation of France, and helped root out French partisans. They frequently used torture and mind break techniques to extract information from captives. It was some pretty fucked up shit.
First post is the best post. Am I supposed to care about robots and androids? I murder them on sight.
>It's ok because potential legal issues
Same defence every publisher uses, but I don't see Sup Forums forgiving Atlus and NISA for censoring lolis in their games.
Oh, alright then.
What about Simone?
No, no one cares because this was incredibly tame compared to other localized games out there
Doesn't seem to have such a problem and likely just got changed by association.
>No one cares because it isn't anime titties
Lolis aren't illegal unless you're a filthy leaf.
The answer is pretty obvious.
Using Sartre's name isn't illegal anywhere.
It isn't illegal, but they wanted to avoid being sued.
Using it has a high chance of getting his assblasted family after you. That's more serious then anime titties.
I don't know what you're trying to imply, I would like this game just as much if ti was an all male cast
So why is it ok for Square-Enix to take that approach, but not Atlus or NISA? Anyone could sue them for putting half-naked lolis on the shelves, even if there's nothing to sue them for, as with using Sartre's name.
My implication was quite clearly that people care more about censorship when it's sex appeal being covered up and easily visible than when it's something that isn't to do with sex appeal or with a less transparent effect such as a script change.
how is it legal? pretty sure you can't prevent someone's name from being used in something.
Even in Canada we have a loophole for this. For example you won't get in shit at all if you have say Maji de Watashi because all characters are stated to be over 18 in-game, even the loli who gets creamed.
What's stopping Sartre's family from going after Squeenix for the Japanese version of the game, which wasn't censored?
Not that same user, they can censor lolis all they want.
nobody cares since nobody buys PS2 games anymore
Japanese copyright laws are different than the ones in Europe and USA.
For example: Jojo.
Araki uses band names all the time and was never sued, but they need to be changed when a Jojo game is localized.
pretty sure that's just a joke, like how Japanese regularly bleeps out product placement/other shows in anime.
Then we have nothing to argue over, because this thread is about Sup Forums only caring about censorship when it affects outfits, not whether they were right or wrong to censor to avoid potential legal issues in the first place.
Jojo localisations don't bleep out the Japanese audio, though.
>which obviously doesn't happen in the Japanese release.
>Jojo localisations don't bleep out the Japanese audio, though.
Well, can't help you there.
>Anyone could sue them for putting half-naked lolis on the shelves,
No they can't
Has the PC port's optimization been improved? I heard it was pretty bad.
>Taro shat all over Sartre and Simone but there's not a single mention of Camus in the entire game, a writer he has an huge hardon for as far as themes go
Fucking underage.
They can try, which was obviously the point, just as much as Sartre's family could try to sue, because they would never win.
It absolutely is censorship.
So tl:dr the names of two bots in a sidequest were changed because one of the name used belongs to a family that tends to sue the shit out of people. I think that's a fair reason to change something, the quest itself was left alone.
Fuck off retard. It's in no way censorship. Come talk to me when you have the goddamn communists removing half of a movie and not letting you have access to world information. Then you can cry about censorship. Changing the names from one asshole to another is not censorship. There is no controversy. Nobody even knows who Sartre and Simone are.
>uses their last names rather than their first names
That doesn't sound like censorship at all.
>to avoid controversy
What's your evidence of this? Its still their names. There's nothing controversial about these philosophers with regards to talking about or referring to them either.
At least with the murder scene in Tales of Berseria we know for a fact it was done for the sake of lower the game's ESRB rating from M to T unnecessarily or how with Criminal Girls that NISA is afraid of an AO rating from the lewd content unnecessarily.
How can we know that this was done for the sake of avoiding controversy, especially when the names of these people is still their names?
I think you just made this thread because you have predetermined notions that people only call out censorship when something lewd is changed and wanted to get evidence to call people out on it because you're rustled. (even though people were upset over Berseria's murder scene change and God Eater's blood reduction)
you didn't even read the post, knucklehead.
Isn't that just localization? What are they censoring there, they just changed their first names to their last names. Nothing about that is controversial or anything.
>[Example of Censorship] A is worse than [Example of Censorship] B so that means B isn't [Example of Censorship]
That's not how it works.
>Nobody even knows who Sartre and Simone are.
Just because you're an uneducated arse doesn't mean everyone else is too.
>>uses their last names rather than their first names
It's the first name for one and the last name for the other.
>What's your evidence of this?
Read the thread.
>Its still their names.
Jean-Paul is a common first name, Sartre is a lot more specific.
>There's nothing controversial about these philosophers with regards to talking about or referring to them either.
Read the thread.
>How can we know that this was done for the sake of avoiding controversy, especially when the names of these people is still their names?
Read the thread.
>(even though people were upset over Berseria's murder scene change and God Eater's blood reduction)
Both of those were visual changes, which is more the point than lewd changes.
Sartre? more like FARTre, amirite?
Are you just wilfully ignoring how they bleeped out their names in the Japanese audio track in the western release?
>Example of censorship
They name Jean-Paul in the English audio in the PC version. I thought it was to avoid offending Catholics over Jean-Paul II. Still dumb either though
I already read the thread. Nothing said gives me any indication that it was done to avoid controversy. Possibly lawsuits, but considering how often Satre is mentioned in writings I doubt it
Go falseflag somewhere else.
>Jean-Paul is a common first name
Not really
>Read the thread.
>Read the thread.
>Read the thread.
Provide evidence.
Provide evidence.
Provide evidence.
This is literally the most retarded fucking thing to complain about. Literally who the fuck cares. It's like you literally just want something to be angry about.
I think he's just falseflagging
Lucky 2b. Nines is my husbando.
Are people on this board really that fucking bored?
What are they censoring tho? There's no controversy or reason. Seems to me that they used the last names instead because they felt like it sounded better in the dub, and bleeped it to avoid confusion. It's only censorship if they change something to avoid controversy or to change the nature of what is being expressed. The name change definitely does not fit that description. Why does this make you upset?
>this whole post
The Sartre estate is supposedly very anal about anyone referencing him in Western media for some reason which is why they had to be creative in working around calling him by name, thus Jean-Paul. I think there's a similar situation with Belvoir as well.
But as far as censorship goes, the bleeping in the dub isn't really censorship. It's a little work-around to avoid copyright trouble from what Taro said at PAX a few years back.
Forgot my pic
>assault isnt violent, come back to me when your whole family is murdered
This might be the most retarded post of the week
Wow, its fucking nothing
hot take user
Fucking go outside OP jfc there are better things to be wasting your time on.
>There's no controversy or reason.
The reason is to avoid getting Sartre's family pissed with them.
> Seems to me that they used the last names instead because they felt like it sounded better in the dub, and bleeped it to avoid confusion.
That's an absolutely absurd assumption with zero logic behind it, and something no company would ever waste the time or resources doing for such an asinine reason, and never has.
> It's only censorship if they change something to avoid controversy or to change the nature of what is being expressed.
Which is what they did.
>Why does this make you upset?
Because it's censorship, and censorship in any form is bad.
It LITERALLY (literally) is not censorship. There's not way you can argue it is. The literal definition of censorship is
>the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.
What about their names is obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security? Literally nothing. This is just localization.
>It isn't really censorship, it's just censorship to avoid trouble
Oh look, It's nothing. How surprising.
OP pls
What about pic related does that apply to? Nothing? I guess it wasn't censorship either then.
>Japanese government forces pornographers and cartoon pron artist to censor their works
>nobody gives a fuck
>private company and publishers that bankroll a game's development intentionally removes certain content in the interest of maximizing their profit margins overseas
>retarded weeaboos that don't understand what the word "censor" means all collectively lose their their shit
You people are so amazingly retarded in boggles my mind
What the fuck, then that makes it even more defensible, you moron. Are you saying that they should have used his name and gotten sued for it instead of changing it? That's pure nonsense. And no, the change does not in any way affect the nature of what is being expressed. It's still the exact same.
>Because it's censorship, and censorship in any form is bad.
Most of the time it's bad, but try using your brain for once instead of just seeing a word and getting angry. This isn't censorship. Even if it hypothetically was, it's perfectly OK censorship, done without any malicious intent whatsoever.
That was censorship because we know it was done for the sake of removing content deemed "unacceptable"
Here's your (You), sonny boy.
Wtf I played using the japanese audio and never noticed any beeping.
When does this happen and are there any videos on youtube?
Just OP.
POLITICALLY unacceptable, user.
What kind of retarded question is that? Obviously it was deemed obscene by the people who censored it. Now, I don't agree with their decision, but that's OBVIOUSLY what they were thinking.
Its not that people don't care, its that its impossible for foreigners to get a government of another country to repeal its dumb laws.
But stuff being brought over is entirely different since it isn't being changed for legal issues and is taking place within one's own country, thus making one's word have more power.
Jesus christ. I didn't think any OP could be stupider than the Official GOTM guy from earlier, but Censorship OP takes the f*cking cake there.
The beeping is only in the dub. Another user pointed it out earlier, Western copyright laws are different than Japanese one which is why they can say Sartre in the Japanese track, but in the localization they change his name to "Jean-Paul" and any attempt in the dub to actually say Sartre comes out S****e so I guess people who have some background in philosophy could put two and two together about who "Jean-Paul S****e" is.
>character in japan is called Holmes
>character in the west is called Sherlock
>>Japanese government forces pornographers and cartoon pron artist to censor their works
>>nobody gives a fuck
What a stupid assumption. It's law and it's been that way for decades, and no one here has any say in the matter. Aside from the odd "mosaics are dumb", what do you expect to see said about it?
>French postmodern """""philosophy"""""
I'm only mad because people still haven't forgotten about those fucks and continue to ruin everything the enlightenment achieved.
>Japanese government forces pornographers and cartoon pron artist to censor their works
I hope you know thats america's fault
Oh I get you now, makes me glad that I didn't play with the dub.
I still wouldn't consider that as censorship since they're still talking about the same person.
>Are you saying that they should have used his name and gotten sued for it instead of changing it?
No, my point is that no one cares about this change because it isn't anime titties getting covered up.
>This isn't censorship.
Yes it is.
>it's perfectly OK censorship
No censorship is ok censorship, the only difference is where the blame for it lies.
>delete my save game
>want to play 3 days later
>The beeping is only in the dub.
No it isn't, it's definitely in the Japanese track. Though looking it up, it seems to be in the dub too, but apparently only in some versions, since people say their versions weren't bleeped. I'm guessing it might only be bleeped in the console versions (which I played and which had the Japanese track bleeped), or it may be a matter of printed order.
Okay, so it was censored due to copyright issues. Why are you equating that with unnecessary "suggestive content" censorship? It's a legal issue, not a political one.
Because he wants (you)s.
Because it was only censored because they thought they could potentially have gotten into a legal battle over it, which is the same defence Atlus used for DT2 and NISA used for CG, and Sup Forums didn't defend that at all.
How's the bait thread anons
> no one cares about this change because it isn't anime titties getting covered up.
No, nobody cares about this change because it really doesn't matter a single bit.
What message are you trying to get across with this thread? That the Sartre estate are a bunch of assholes?
This literally isn't censorship. What about a game like Persona? Is changing the school questions to things that a Western audience would understand censorship too?
>No censorship is ok censorship, the only difference is where the blame for it lies.
And where does the blame lie here?
>not copying your save files before you delete them
You brought this on yourself.
>No, nobody cares about this change because it really doesn't matter a single bit.
Thanks for proving my point. Anyone could say the same thing about Tharja's butt.
>What message are you trying to get across with this thread? That the Sartre estate are a bunch of assholes?
That people don't care about censorship when it isn't in a visual format.
>This literally isn't censorship.
This literally is.
>What about a game like Persona? Is changing the school questions to things that a Western audience would understand censorship too?
That's a completely different example with a completely different motive behind it and no outside pressure behind it. It's localisation. Though I don't approve of that either.
there was censorship?