what characters in your favorite games do you hate the most?
I hate pic related and all who play her
What characters in your favorite games do you hate the most?
>any tactical FPS
>80% of the team is snipers
>still getting shot to shit cause the snipers are shit
that dogs mouth looks disgusting
She gets nerfed next patch, so you won't have to hate her for too much longer.
You'll just switch hate to Ana.
honestly fuck anyone who plays her.. she is one of those heros that dont require any skill.. the only thing where you will actually need to use your brain is when your whole team is about to die and you hide like a little bitch just to go "HEY BITCH AND NOW THEYRE ALL BACK TO LIFE"
Depends on who you ask, as the changes currently stands it gives her a lot more versatility and potential.
Also all the fucking garbage female players who play her wont be able to get boosted, mercy now requires actual skill to play.
>what characters in your favorite games do you hate the most?
I hate the character OP for having Babby's First FPS as his """"""""favourite game""""""""
I wonder what you, the master of Vidya has as his favorite game
Snipers in Red Orchestra 2 are always cancer and never counter-snipe or take out machine gunners; they just shoot infantry pointlessly
Only trannies and faggots and women plays her
even niggers play her
together with Sombra and Symmetry
shes thicc holy shit
My favorite game is Until Dawn, I hate April because she is a stealth bitch.
Why do you hate Mercy though? Literally exists to keep you alive and help you.
You clearly do not play Mercy.
Yeah or ya know, people who want to actually win instead of lock a 4th DPS.
>be gold medal player for kills
>do a really good team play and wipe all 5 opponents there
>the mercy that flew halfway across the map suddenly reappears and resurrects everyone imcluding the goddamn zarya
this is why she deserves hate. not to mention that when she heals a certain annoying person like zarya or pharah she's more of a bitch.
I got to Master rank every season just playing her. I can't aim, get destroyed in 1v1 fights, and can go several matches without any damage/elims medals.
*I am playing DPS, and fuck up my target priority by not killing the Healer first.
Healer outplays me.
CLearly the healer is the stupid player.