Was Lunafreya whole purpose was to give Noctis the ring?

Was Lunafreya whole purpose was to give Noctis the ring?

I don't know, I haven't played it. What do you think, OP?

Lunafreya is fanfiction created by the guy that took over Versus right?

Pretty much. But you also got to go Super Saiyan.

She had a purpose?

she didnt even give the roundy ring that mattered

Awakening the summons performimg the rites so that Noctis could form the covenants
Blessing the havens
Healing those infected by the starscourge around the world
Safeguarding the ring

Without her Noctis would have failed to become the true king because he wouldn't have been granted the summons blessing or been able to use the ring to access the crystal

They also wouldn't have been able to camp anywhere because daemons would have attacked them at night, because she blessed the havens with her light is also the reason why Ardyn insisted on staying at a caravan instead of camping because the light magic is harmful to him

Post feet

Looks like lil neithy is here already samefaggin


t. XV-kun

Did they actually explain any of this in the game or did I have to watch the outside materials

She's also there to convince the audience that Noctis is not-gay

>They also wouldn't have been able to camp anywhere because daemons would have attacked them at night

I thought that was because of the magic rocks.

she is seen awakening 2 of the summons (Titan and Levithan) and healing the starscorge.

I guess yo can also say keeping the ring safe. But why not give it to that Gentianna chick or put it in the book on the dog that can defy space/time.

There's too many white people in FF

I think her purpose was forced emotional impact

I had more emotions when the car got destroyed than her.

t. NeithOF


The haven runes are blessed by the Oracle

Gentiana is a goddess and the dogs are angels, they dont interfere, the dogs only act as messengers and Gentiana is posing as one of the angels top but is a goddess

Why are you talking to yourself?

I wouldn't go that far, but the shot of the crashed car was weirldy emotional. Luna's death was only emotional because of the rather well done CG scene, not because it cared about her though.
I guess others liked her, i don't know why, the game barely gave me reasons for it. But i better not say too much, people always take opinions on XV characters as personal insults.

So...she's basically frodo

The best girls FF has ever produced along side Tifa and they're in such a shitty game. No DLC with them, no side quests side, no interaction with them, no romancing waifu options with them. What a shame. What could have been. I'm more saddened by the loss of their potential as characters in and outside of FF than the feelings the game proper tried to make me feel.

Those tits, those asses, those smiles. Never to be seen again outside a few cutscenes in FF 15. What a shame.

>Best girls
I don't think I've ever seen worst taste on Sup Forums

>I don't think I've ever seen worst taste on Sup Forums

never underestimate the stupidity of Sup Forums. We had a guy earlier today that legitimately thought DmC (as in the edgy as fuck reboot) was good