When you grow up and realize the Water Temple was actually the best designed dungeon

>when you grow up and realize the Water Temple was actually the best designed dungeon

forest temple was the best design. the over arching concept of having to collect the four ghosts was really neat, and the temple just felt twisty and mazey

It was a good design, but just tedious and slow.

I actually really like all the Temples in OOT, besides Shadow. Shadow was just kind of boring to me. I don't really go for the horror-y theme I guess.

Water Temple was one of my favourites. It looks nice and the music is fitting and calming.

>when you realize nintendo noticed their fanbase are retards and stuck the only key in the temple in the one place they didn't look for the master quest edition.

solid design but bad game mechanics like needed to go into the inventory to switch boots was annoying

Needed a better way to switch between Iron boots and regular. 3DS version fixed this.

>mindnumbingly bad tutorial dungeons for young link
>the boulder room, the firewall room, and the moving platform room in the Fire Temple
>boring corridors in Shadow Temple
>boring corridors in Spirit Temple

The game has plenty of moments of genius, but there are so many segments that are just garbage.

Yeah, I made a point to say temples, because I don't care for Young Link's dungeons at all. They're pretty boring, even if Jabu's was kind of neat in terms of design. Bit grotesque, but that's the idea.

For Fire Temple I mostly like the atmosphere because of that music. Really booming, kind of ominous.

For Spirit Temple I really only liked the music and Twinrova fight. It actually kind of sucked otherwise. I can't recall much about it besides Iron Knuckles and mirror puzzles.

The Great Bay Temple was horribly better due to the Zora form usefullness and the "fluidity" of the swimming mechanics.
Best dungeon in any case is the Stone Tower Temple.

I, to this day, have never beaten the garudo training grounds. It's not hard by any means, there's something about it that just irks me. It felt out of place.

>his equips are slow
Pretty sad user

nah water temple was still shit in the 3DS version.

best temple in OOT goes to shadow temple.

imo the 3ds version killed the shadow temple. the place is less dark and foggy and the remodeled
enemies makes it lose its charm

>I had to open a menu.. FUCK

On 3DS, sure. Regardless of how clunky it ever used to be, it was always an ingeniously designed temple. I love it's structure too, it feels very elaborate, and the central pillar room creates a great feeling of coherency and overall satisfying design.

the training grounds felt like they took all the puzzles that were leftover and mashed them into one place

>horribly better

It's true. It might not be everyone's favorite, but it's hard to deny how well it's designed.

I like all of them, but I like Jabu-Jabu's Belly the least. The Bottom of the Well and the Shadow Temple sacred the pants off of me until I was 14.

>play Master Quest version
>some rooms are literally WOOOOOOOOW-tier confusing
Like hell I knew there was a switch underneath the ice in the Ice Cavern. That shit got me for minutes.

>I had to open a menu ten thousand times to submerge or lift
>had to literally do a song and dance for the game every time the water level changed
>and had to do it all over again if I messed up the intended order of operations

I bet you think the Command Melody was fun too.

you know NO ONE would have an issue if you could take the fucking iron boots on and off with a quick button shit like the 3DS version has

>The Elegy of Emptiness

>the Deku statue is functionally useless since it isn't heavy enough to hold down switches

I bet whoever decided that one had a giggle for days.

>make the player search every room on every floor until they accidentally figure out that the last small key is underneath the platform in the central tower because lol
>constantly switching between normal and iron boots every 10 seconds
>dude spiders lmao

fuck off with your garbage bait

This is how you know these users are underage or just turned 18. It's baffling to think you weren't even alive when I was playing this for the first time.

t. underage who never actually played the game

I wish I was 18.

I was 18 when Majora's Mask was a new game.

I think a lot of the reason people complain about the difficulty was the timing. I played through OoT a bunch back in the day and always seemed to reach the Water Temple by the time fatigue had set in. Now I take regular breaks to do other shit so my brain can rest and have no problems with puzzles.

Seriously how bad are you at equips? Start>RB/LB>quick move>A

Takes 3 seconds tops

It was. Having to go into the menu to equip the boots, coupled with the abysmal frame rate was an awful experience.

Then the 3DS version came along and fixed goddamn everything. Water Temple a best.


Oh you poor baby, you had to actually PLAY the game!

I'm sorry, that's the Spirit Temple

if you play on a emulator it takes much longer than 3 seconds due to the pause menu bug

Water Temple is really the only dungeon where you have to use your brain

The point is you've got to do this many dozens of times over the course of the Temple. It gets tedious and it's far an away better on the 3DS version where its a single button press.

If you think having to repeatedly open the menu just to traverse the Temple doesn't detrimentally tamper with the flow of gameplay then you're a legit retard

Im playing through Master Quest for the first time on my 3DS
Really good so far because enemies actually pose a threat

But Im fucking scared to think how bad the Adult temples will be, especially the Fire and Water temples

The worst thing about MQ dungeons imo is how weird some of the later puzzles are. In Ganon's Castle you actually need one of the optional items to progress, I believe. Nothing too terrible but it's a little jarring and might leave you stuck at an inconvenient time. Almost feels rom hack esque.

which optional item

I hate more the Majora's Mask water temple, fuck that place.
Just thinking about it I can hear the clunking noises in my head.

that shit isnt bad

Notdatguy, but he's probably referring to Bombchus. In Ocarina of Time the game gave you 10 for a part in the Spirit Barrier room. In Master Quest you get nothing. You have to come prepared. But then again, the Spirit Temple had some puzzles and should have given you Bombchus so if you saved some you shouldn't have a problem.

Of all the puzzles to mention I'm surprised you didn't mention the "shoot the random cow in the face that is sticking out of the wall" puzzle.

>playing zelda at night while parents are out
>bottom of the well
>creeped out by the music and dead body textures
>go to get around a corner
>green bubble flies right at me
>accidentally reset console in surprise with my foot
>don't go back for weeks
Still hard to play. That fucking bubble still makes my heart leap.

I played the game on an emulator that lagged every time the menu opened, had no idea what I was in for, and I still ended up thinking water temple was the best temple. These faggots just have no taste and no patience.

The best dungeons are the ones where you have to change the architecture or "state" of the dungeon to navigate it. Water Temple, Sandship, the list goes on.

I never used those anyway. Always prepared.
How about "light that torch that is behind a wall"? I saw it thanks to faulty camera.

It didn't fix anything.
It's still boring and tedious.

>follow the lines

Actually I'm mistaken. The game does give you Bombchu after you kill some Bubbles.

>Really good so far because enemies actually pose a threat

Four posts in a row mirroring how I feel. I'm not used to this feeling.

master quest spirit temple is one of the only dungeons in any zelda that has ever stumped me

I was this retarded, I still have master quest on a gamecube disc, going to pop this shit in !

Man, I use to be a pro at the bow and arrow in OOT. I remember killing at shooting range and sniping birds at a distance that fly around the laboratory in Lake Hylia

Tie between Forest Temple and Fire Temple.

Water Temple is just the most stimulating.