ITT: the last two games you played gets fusioned - what you got?

ITT: the last two games you played gets fusioned - what you got?

mine is Dying Light and Sims 2

>Pokemon fire red
>Master of magic
I have no fucking idea


Dokkan battle and cs:go

Battlefield and Skyrim
>It's like Skyrim but with guns

>Nier: Automata
>Rising Storm 2

What happens, anons?

Dwarf Coaster Tycoon 2

Hollow Knight and Clone Drone in the Danger Zone

I honestly don't know.

Shovel Knight - Plague Knight DLC / Bloodborne
>Bloodborne's world and monster design but you have a triple-jump, levitation, and customizable bombs to rain down on fuckers

Undertale and Sonic Mania. I'm either getting a good RPG with Sonic characters or another Sonic Mania with good/bad routes and Undertale bosses, I guess.

>Descent and Vector Thrust
A planet-wide war between humans and rogue UAVs.

>Sonic Mania and Etrian Odyssey

Either some shitty JRPG where sonic and friends dungeon crawl through egg labyrinths or sone kinda loli platformer which could actually be better

I'm starting to think that Sonic + Anything just equals cancer tbqh

Super Street Fighter 4 and Okami. Ryu and Ammy travel across Nippon to fight demons.

>Divine Divinity
>Dusk's more like Diablo I guess?

>AM2R and Sonic Mania

Shinespark the Spacehog

>Fallout 4
>Pokemon Moon

>Path of Exile
>Dead Cells
Oh god it's Maple Story

>Sonic 2 and PUBG
the shadow the hedgehog spinoff we all deserve

>Darkwood and Banished

Minecraft and Rainbow 6 Siege
>one team builds a base
>the other tries to infiltrate it

>Player Unknowns Battlegrounds
>Metal gear Solid 5
possibly the best game ever made
i also played a bunch of Nioh, so PUBG with swords might be cool, but probably not

ace of spades, basically

Agent Cooper was always cool.

>Sonic Mania
doesn't seem too bad

Sm4sh and forza horizons 3.
Fairly realistic mario kart would be sick as fuck.

>half life and starcraft

>Chaos Reborn/Starbound
...lots of capture pods i guess?
also reforming terrain with matter manipulator might be cool

it's too bad burnout is a dead ip, that sort of fit

>Endless Space 2

>A battle royale game set in huge sic-fi set pieces like capital ships, asteroid belts, space stations and exotic planets
>but everyone is Horatio, fighting amongst each other to decide who is the True Horatio

i'd play it

>Tale of Wuxia
>Civilization VI
It's a TBS but you're leading Chinese martial arts sects instead of nations. Potentially awesome.

Fire emblem fates and fallout 3.

Holy shit, I wouldn't mind playing as a Spear Master in the fallout 3 universe.

Crusader Kings 2 and Half Life

Sonic Mania and Sonic CD.
nigga how

Alien Isolation
Forza Horizon 3

sonic &knuckles/smash for wii u....Knux confirmed for smash?

half life 2 and minecraft
what if minecraft had physics?

That looks like an episode of Renegade Angel Xavier

Doom and PUBg...

I want it now.

Gwent and Elder Scrolls Legends. Really makes me think.

Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor and Sunset Overdrive.

Holy fuck that sounds cool.

Wish it for your 12th birthday, maybe it will come true

That's called fallout 4

>dishonored 2
>danganronpa v3 demo

>Golf with Friends


Heretic + Drill Dozer

I can't even imagine it to be honest, famalam


>nhl 17
>rainbow six siege

Sudden Death: The Game

violated heroine and fate/grand order

Doom x rhythm heaven

>you have to shoot demons following the rhythm of a metal song

That sounds pretty fucking amazing

>Resident Evil 4
>Rising Storm 2
Hmmm... What would this make?

Dying light and darkwood, Would be pretty cool holding up in your house in first person

sonic mania x roller coaster tycoon

>League of Legends

I would totally play a crossover game between these two, specially if character interaction was taken to Valve levels.

>Madden 18
>Persona 3 FES
i have no fucking idea

>Starcraft 2
>Micromanage your army and your factories to produce that army


>Terraria V: The Phantom Pain

Oh my.

a team of young misfits plays in a phantom football league in a hidden 25th hour of the day in order to save humanity from its wish to win the super bowl

Dragon Dogma / Skyrim


A game about gay boys on a roadtrip with actual gameplay? Count me the fuck in

>Better combat
>More quests
>Griffins now have massive tits and cocks

>West of Loathing
A Space Western Horror game?

>Space Station 13
>Theme Hospital

huh. So its ss13 but only medical wing. And i guess Its in space? might be cool.

>Splatoon 2

Pure Autismkino?

>battlefield 1
>fate grand order
So a holy grail war simulator 32 vs 32?

FFXIV PSO2, holy shit suck it Yoshi combat is fun now.

Assassin's Creed: Rune Mysteries

Might and Magic: Rainbow VI

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Age of Empires II HD

I dunno, I'd play it.

>monster hunter
>the sims 3
what the fuck would that even be

>Hub world plays like a Sims 3 lite version
>Only set in fantasy setting
>Build guild huts, homes, marry waifus, cook meals to take on adventures, go shopping ala Sims, etc
>Take Monster Huntering job
>Adventure in big, metropolitan worlds and villages instead of fields and shit
>The monsters kill Sims to shouts of "Bogodda Pleash Slornack? Chaga doo!"

>xcom 2
>dwarf fortress
Imagined a X-COM-like Dwarf fortress, with base building, and alien ambushes and such.

I want it

>players command their own squadrons of dickbutts in Tamriel, and fight eachother or monsters, with castle sieges and very, very large battles on open fields

>half life
>life is strange
Holy fuck that would be a mess

Battlefield 1 + Cities Skylines

I dont even know

>KOTOR2 and SWGalactic Battlegrounds
>Galactic Battlegrounds: The Sith Lords Edition
I like it.

>Mandalorian Wars campaign ending with Malachor V
mite b cool

>Dark Souls 3
>Soul Calibur 2
Dark Souls Calibur

Star Wars: Battlefront and Agents of Mayhem. So pretty much I have a pile of hot garbage in front of me.

Sonic Mania + Persona 5

Nobunaga's ambition and Saints row iV


>League of Legends
>Path of Exile

Potentially very fun

So a dark souls game with bearable pvp? I'm down

>L.A Noire
>League of Legends
Try to solve the mystery of why bot lane feeds so much

I see only plus sides, friend.

>dark souls 2
So... Dark Souls 3?

Fistful of Frags and Road Redemtion
Sounds awesome.

>Stardew Valley

I guess it'd be a less fucked up Darkwood or a really fucked up Stardew Valley.

TF2 + Skullgirls

>Opposing Force
a Black Mesa map sounds pretty awesome

>risk of rain
>hollow knight
There are so many different ways that could go and they all sound amazing.

It'd make no fucking sense

>SWTOR and Ghost Recon Wildlands
Open world tactical third person shooter in the Star Wars universe where you go around killing spice dealers as an elite Imperial squad? I'm sold.

>Unreal Tournament
uhhhh huh, yeah

Sonic Generations
Sounds kind of fun but it would be a nightmare to pull it off

How the fuck would fire emblem and gwent work

>bioshock infinite
>batman arkham asylum

Motherfucker I get plasmids and can CQC? I can even summon the songbird to kill joker?

You make the trading cards fug eachother.