What is your favourite Dragon Quest game?

What is your favourite Dragon Quest game?

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I've only beaten 1, 2, and 4. So 4.

Never played one, but I watched my dad play the fuck out of 8 when i was a kid.

It got remade on the 3ds right? Worth buying/emulating?

I can't choose among III, V, VII and VIII. I just finished VIII

I haven't played IX and XI yet.

5 is best.


5 because I'm fucking boring.

Only played 8 and 7 and 8 quickly became one of my favorite JRPGs of all time. Can't wait for the PC port.

>Worth buying/emulating?
Yes. Just pirate the uncensored version

>watched my dad play the fuck out of 8
>came out on 2005

I just realized I played 8 when I was 10 years old

>my dad played 8

good lord kid, you're not even trying. you gotta be 18 or older to be here god damn son

3 because I'm fucking boring.

user he could have been 6 years old at the time and he'd still be of age.

I was 9 when he played it, which was in 2005.

2. After that, I moved on. 3 was pretty interesting with it's unrestricted class changing mechanic, but even that wasn't enough to save the game from a mediocre plot. Then the series really took a nosedive with the SFC games.

The series' following is really only divided between autists and Japanese gamers who for some reason enjoy incredibly formulaic grindfests that refuse to undergo any form of innovation.

V for the overall story, VII for the self-contained stories, and IX for that post game.

I played the DS version of IV, really enjoyed it. I only played a little bit of 8 before getting bored, though.

Heroes 2

Haha nah it's VIII.

>Can't wait for the PC port
Nigga you best not be pulling my leg

8 followed by 5

3 7 10 11

Dragon Quest 7 is by far the best Dragon Quest game in the series.

I played it for the first time with the 3DS release and honestly consider it my least favorite. It has some high points but overall it had too many faults that dragged it down. But I respect your opinion user

I'd say III and IX have been my favorite so far, but I haven't played 6 or 8 yet

Dragon Quest 3 for me. I prefer the SFC version.

>I didn't play them but I know they're bad.

Fuck off m8, 7 is so different from 2 it may as well be a different series.

It's main fault is the slow pacing. Takes forever to get to the buildup. But honestly I enjoy it. It lingers on things to take everything in. While in most games you kind of watch something happen and quickly move on to forget about it.

1. Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
2. Dragon Quest VIII
3. Dragon Quest III

Honorable Mention: Dragon Quest V, Dragon Quest Monsters 2



For me, what brought it down was the job system. I didn't like that, long term, you were essentially just grinding out one of three endgame jobs and all other jobs in the game were just a mean to that end. Made the whole thing feel a bit frivolous. It also broke up the pacing because I maxed out Pirate as one of my first jobs, it was super good, but I immediately had to give it up for a base job that lacked all utility so I could continue to work on getting the Hero job. It's like, what was the point of Pirate at all then?

Also the ending was a massive disappointment for me. They built up this awesome twist and then, wait, no, it actually was the generic obvious villain all along, and then the final boss was just a complete redo of a boss you fought a few hours prior. Left a bad taste in my mouth

Dragon Quest always had pretty bland bosses. That's just how it always was and I'm guessing Dragon Quest 11 will be the same. As for the Job Class I would have prefer the PSX version. Since you actually kept all the abilities/spells you gain in each class. So you actually felt like you were always progressing. 3DS was just a quick way to get to the end classes which felt wrong. 3DS did a lot of nice improvements but felt they messed up the class system. From what's I've heard it was because for many the PSX Job System was too complicated and just toned it down so now it's just pure end class than doing multiple to master everything.

8 was fucking amazing.

Why the SFC version is gorgeous, there's just something about the GBC version that sticks out to me. It's mostly the faster pacing, everything is just super quick and snappy, just like the DQ1 port. Also I prefer the GBC chiptunes


The tempo seems faster and more intense

translation soon gbatemp.net/threads/wip-translation-dragon-quest-heroes-rocket-slime-3ds.445887/

It came out 13 years ago


>muh innovashun

Fuck off

Dragon Quest 3.

When they said DQ11 would be a return to the series roots I was really hoping they meant that it would feature exploration based gameplay and freedom in progression like the first three games but unfortunately they just meant "it'll just be another single player DQ". Watched videos of the game and it's just another point A to B JRPG again, just as on rails as DQ7. Not even as open as DQ8. All three versions look nice at least.

It's a shame though. I really liked the first three games, but it's obvious they're never going back to that style of gameplay again. Only thing I'm looking for out of this franchise now is a modern DQ3 remake in DQ11PS4 graphics.

I'm holding on for a V remake
I think Horii said it was his favorite... so maybe its possible.

But who am I kidding even if they did make it they probably wouldn't localize it

I've played 1-5 so far, but 6 for the ds is expensive. I like 4 the most so far. Still waiting for that buttstack request...

>paying for DS games


Does it matter which I pick since they are all literally the same.

gameplay wise not really
story wise yes

I like to have them tangibly on my shelf. I could easily emulate them, but it's not the same. Ya know what I mean?

Why does some think DQ7 is one of the best ? What are your reasons ? Isn't it just long and boring ? I love 5 and 8 myself.

6 and 8 for me

My favorite one is where Crono cuts Freeza in half.

There's also piracy

I love the job system, story, episodic style of progression, and the cast. It's genuinely my favorite DQ with DQIII close behind.

DQVIII is legit the only one worth playing.

Probably the MMO too, but unless you can read/write moonrunes, you're fucked.

You legit have fucking awful taste. I get you're a VIII baby who thinks their opinion matters but it doesn't.


>6 is expensive

I remember when V was the expensive one and VI was dirt cheap. Glad I managed to get all of them before pricess massively inflated

I love episodic stories that builds a larger story in the background.

VII > VIII > III > V > IV > VI > IX > I > II

You are supposed to start with all the base classes you want and only after move to intermediate.
The intermediate classes are a mean to an end, yes, but they still carry you for a portion of the game.
Overall it's not an amazing system but it's still better than the bloated abilities menus, characters that are alla the same and lack of strategy of the PSX version.

haven't played viii

I've played them all. IX is my favourite. I loved dressing up my characters. XI is pretty good so far.

I-III just got new remakes... You better hope for IV if you want one in the XI engine.

Those aren't new, those are like ten years old

the ps4/3ds ones are new

They're just the mobile remakes from years ago with 'uprezzed sprites'

And fuck do they look awful

No, they're not. they're ports of ports. Those versions originally released on dumbphones in Japan. They were later ported to smartphones, and due to 1 and 2 just being stretched up to higher resolutions with no regard to aspect ratio they look like shit.
Just recently they were ported again to PS4 and 3DS.
And through all of this, 3 isn't even a remake. It's actually a port of the SFC version of the game, but with content removed from it.

IV is the one that needs a remake the most so that would be perfect.
Fuck both the DS and mobile version and their localization.


Why does everyone hate the IV localization? It was my first dragon quest and I loved it. Gave each town a unique theme in a way. Plus I have a thing for doing accents, so reading everything out loud was a blast

About to start DQIII

We can argue the definition of remake, but they're more than simple ports.
If they bothered updating the visuals I doubt they'll make other versions in a couple of years. Even a IX remake is more likely.

>palette swap of link, but with a cape instead of a hat
nice oc

Make everyone a jester.

the japanese version was the censored version for 3ds

It's shit. The accents are excessive and tasteless. Alena is eternally doomed to be a russian caricature, even in fucking Heroes.

I've only gotten into Dragon Quest in the past few months, so baka couldn't catch the deals.

V and VII

DQIV female hero >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DQIII female hero.

8 is a port. 7 was the remake.

They're both remakes, it's just that 8 actually looks worse than the original

8 is a remaster.

DQV remake when?

the lastest one, 11, on ps4

It's already got two you mong. I know it's the best DQ but still I'm pretty happy with what we got

>it had every odd of becoming a souless cashgrab you know, those that SE loves so much

>ended up being GOTY material



I've sunk my teeth into 3, 5 and 8.

5 (DS) > 8 (3DS) >>>> 3 (SNES) >>> 8 (PS2)


I've beaten 1-6, got 7 ready to go on 3DS and 8 on PS2.

>I can tell you have a very sexy personality!
....thanks, waterfall.

Loved it, can't wait for 2!

I would like a big remake that could bring the game to the mainstream, its really underrated.

I'm digging 11 at the moment but I wish I got it for 3DS. I just don't have time to sit in front of the TV for hours any more.

What is the best way to play 3?

I bought it for both Vita and PS4, as soon 2 comes out I'll be doing hte same with the PS4 and Switch's version

>berates me for abandoning some fag in the desert
Get fucked, waterfall.

I like the porn for 3 best...but I don't much care for any of the games...if I tell everyone to attack one enemy and that enemy dies with party member turns left, those fuckers better hit something else...DQ just throws away turns, though so fuck that.

It's not the waterfall talking to you, it's the Dragon Queen.

I've only played DQ1, two years ago, so that one. What's the best way to get into the series? I did enjoy the first game despite how archaic/simple it was, but I haven't invested any more time into the series. What games/which versions are recommended?

3, 4, 5 and 8 are generally considered to be the best ones

3 is the most like 1
4 and 5 are similar (5 is better in my opinion but they're both good)
8 is a lot larger than the others being it was on the PS2.

Most play very similar anyway so it doesn't matter

I've played a V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX and the only one I've beaten is IX. I enjoyed V the most.

Is DQ one of those series where if you play the later games, you'll have trouble going back to older games (e.g., Tales)? I assume not, since you say they play similarly, but I wanna make sure I won't make the experience worse by playing 8 first.

Also: How are the 3DS ports?

you should play the 2d ones first before getting into the 3d one
it makes the experience much better

I wouldn't say so. The originals are probably a bit tougher but the gameplay hasn't really changed all the much between entries. There are few differences between games (some have job/classes while others just have party members) but for the most part the core mechanics are the same.

The 3DS port of 7 is good. I haven't played the 3DS port of 8 but I haven't heard anything bad about it. It has 2 playable characters that aren't in the PS2 version.

The 3DS remakes are good. The only thing they might ruin for you are random encounters when going back to the older games

Thanks for the advice, homies. Much appreciated!

>playing VII
>have everyone on autopilot
>they somehow always attack the weakest enemy instead of the one that can do serious damage
>guest character blows every other turn thinking about the expansion of the universe

This. Also 3 is the best dq, good taste