Do you have a separate Steam account for anime games?
Do you have a separate Steam account for anime games?
No I just play the video games
There's three layers to this
>buying pandery weeb games
>hiding your power level
>not just going offline
All of these are bad.
My wife Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell is so cute.
Why would I?
no i just pirate everything
Yes, but not for all anime games. I play Tales games and Danganronpas on my normal account, and Neptunia games and similar on my weeb account, that none of my real life friends have acess to.
I don't play anime games because I outgrew my hot topic phase
No, why I would?
And lewd.
Anyone who does this is a fucking idiot or has shitty friends they should stop talking to immediately.
No because I'm not a retard. Why should I care what online ""friends"" think of me?
No, that's fucking retarded. Are you autistic?
How insecure do you have to be to do something like that? Online, no less.
How do I make steam friends
acceptable tier: nier, danganronpa. stuff that has actual interesting story and/or gameplay.
unacceptable tier: nepshit, vns, and games that only have waifu appeal
I should make a second account for unacceptable tier, since I'll just never buy those games otherwise.
Anime games like what? Nep? I'm normalfag as fuck and I don't give a shit
>Feel embarasing by play some "Not common genres of games"
Kys faggot, you dont deserve stay here
Just play some multiplayer games, or you can just add people from here.
Add people you feel great playing with online, if you want to ERP, try your luck by posting your steam here
No, the most degenerate shit I play is Atelier and Neptunia.
>acceptable tier
>unacceptable tier
Fucking pirate them then
play single player only games
That somehow got me a friend request.
You should be more concerned about how to get real friends
Also today i saw a gay guy with a godly ass it had the perfect size and shape, also not too soft and not too hard just a perfect giggle
Would "hello you have a very beautiful ass" have been an acceptable pick up line?
I would value your opinion since you appear to be a big faggot
You know what I meant, there's a difference between danganronpa and pantsu dating sim.
Most of the ones I really want to play aren't on steam anyway so it's mostly fine.
Why should?
I don't buy western games anyway.
Is there a way to make Steam not pop up what game I'm playing to everyone without setting myself as offline?
I wanna play my games without people greentexting me every time I start up a game they don't like, but without having to completely avoid everyone.
>there's a difference between danganronpa and pantsu dating sim
DR is a pantsu dating sim, even if both aren't bad.
>add none Steam game to library
>run it first
>then run your degenerate game
>implying I give a fuck
Your own problem for adding randos and acquintances on an internet account. I play whatever I want
thanks for the advice babe
Eeehh depends if he thinks you looked good really. Put yourself in his shoes and try to think what your reaction would be if someone told you that
Nope. Why would I? The only games that'd be legit embarassing for other people to see would be dark souls, or maybe darksiders. Shit like that.
I'd be less embarassed to be seen with battleborn than a souls game.
I'll try that, I always thought starting up a second game would cancel the first but I've never checked it too closely.
They're not even degenerate games I just like to give shitty f2p games a chance since I have nothing to lose except my useless time.
Sure, whatever.
there are no sex scenes, no dating routes, and the story and game itself doesn't revolve around obtaining romance, so no. It's also more involving on the gameplay front than the vast majority of vns. you could conceivably be interested in the game for entirely non-waifu reasons.
I mean if you looom like chad mandigo then he wouldnt mind. Cringy pick up lines never work for average folk
Not him.
>Befriending people who greentext outside of Sup Forums
Seems to me you need new friends
The guy was walking in front of me and he kept turning his head back every few seconds, he was eyeing me for sure. I didn't said anything because i the only two gay guys i ever knew always told me about how much they hated to be "objectified" so i didn't knew what to do
A dude complementing my ass would be strange because i would think he wants to fuck it and i'm not interested in that but if someone complimented my face or something i would feel happy i guess
>anime games
>Japanese games at all
All the Japanese games worth playing never leave consoles. An added bonus is that if they are ever ported, you would have had access to them for years prior.
If you must play anime games, do so exclusively on console, use the PC for dudebro multiplats with anti-white commentary as subtle as a clown with his cock out.
A lot of the best VNS are only on PC sadly, but I buy all the good NA Vita releases.
And yet the Master Race has the audacity to call Uncharted a movie.
>master race is the same person
Besides I have all current consoles.
Well, I have no more options than pc to be honest.
I would like to import japanese games but I have a problem.
I get the feeling fellow HUEHUE, we'll always be fucked by our ALIQUOTAS. The only way is getting a friendly to bring them for you, if the gov doesn't retain it for you.
I have DLsite and DMM accounts
Just bought my first thing on ebay(ram that was suspiciously cheat but had guarantee so whatever) and I'm hoping it doesn't get taxed or I would have to pay 60% of the price of it in taxes
i have one steam account per game so that i can't be locked out of playing my games
I'm not a numale cuck so no I don't