Now that the dust has settled... can we all agree that this was the best 7th gen console, despite its slow start?

now that the dust has settled... can we all agree that this was the best 7th gen console, despite its slow start?

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It lost the race but it won the war in the end.

btw cech 2500 model PS3s are the best. the fats are way too power hungry and they cheaped out big time with the super slims.

>btw cech 2500 model PS3s are the best.
and Cech 2100

I wish I had one of those. I bought one but it had a busted BD drive. I fixed the drive but then it refused to read DVDs thanks to the shitty laser I bought.

Ended up selling it and my dad got a super slim for Christmas. Meh.

playing MGO2 right now

>tfw 2007 is 10 years ago

i guess but it's like getting first place in the special olympics

xbox 360 was a timebomb and when they finally remodeled it they stopped making exclusives and just kept collecting XBL dosh

the wii was memed to the moon and back and ninty raked in that cash.....and then realized that despite its massive install base its software sales werent as high as other consoles. at least 50% of its audience bought it as a flavor of the month toy. so it got some nintendo games and almost nothing else.

ps3 started out thinking it was god and then realized it had to play catch-up. while it sort of succeeded it ushered in a new age of "sony games". a far cry from what they once had.

i had the original slim for like a day, bought it second hand from some shop but it literally died on me after 20 hours of usage. exchanged it for a super slim and haven't had issues since.

I ended up paying a guy $50 to mod mine and got bored of it a couple months later.

Sold it for $350 later and I have no regrets, the 7th gen was a mistake.

>bought it second hand
just asking for a bricked console there.

reminds me of when my 360 died and I sold it to some pawn shop after doing the towel trick. whoever bought my 360 at that pawn shop got a dead console

DeS is enough to make it the best console of the gen, which is good because the only good exclusives it had were that, Disgaea, Valkyrie Chronicles, and Ni No Kuni. God, what a shit gen.

first 5 years of the 360 > literally anything the ps3 had to offer


>not buying the 360, playing all the mecha games and ace combat, selling it and getting a PS3
top pleb

x360 had mecha games?

yeah because ps3 had so many great exclusive titles like demon souls and uhhhh

I don't think so Tim.

As opposed to those great 360 exclusives like the RROD and uhhhh

All these years later and DeS is still all the ps3 has going for it really.

heh 360 won kid

like the YLOD and uhhhh

see I can do it too

fun games. nice job. :)

>fucking Kameo, SR1 and Infinite Undiscovery
this is embarrassing

>l-look guy, w-we have our own halo too...

Rented Viva Pinata LiP from the library last week and played about 6 hours in.
When does the fun start? It seemed like every mechanic was just tedium for the sake of tedium, there was no reward to anything.

You can do 50%+ failure rates alright. No one denies that.

and que the sony dickriders pretending these games are bad. anyone who thinks the ps3 WON anything last gen is just straight up fucking delusional

>50%+ failure rates
fake news, microsoft has never released the failure rate for the 360. next argument.

Dude, but what about Demon Souls and obscure jap shit no one played??

As a huge Nintendo and Sony drone, I've got to give it to Microsoft for the 7th gen. They had just about everything: Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey, Ninja Gaiden II, Halo 3, Ace Combat, Gears, Forza and Viva PiƱata are fucking GOAT.

No idea what happened to them this gen though.

All unmodded fat ps3s will eventually get YLOD


They never released their worse Xbone sales figures than PS4 too, but let's gloss over that.

owned both this and a 360, was a sony fanboy and i can say without bias it's not.

Launch ps3 are still the best, slims are easiest to downgrade/cfw super slims are ugly

even the ps4 is better than the ps3. at least with the ps4 you dont have wait 30 seconds for the icons to fucking load on the UI

>obscure jap shit nobody played is okay when it's on my system

Sounds like you have a fucked hardrive if anything m8.

Sony messed up the launch by making a big ugly console with no games that cost an assload for what you got.

When they rebranded the entire Playstation product line with the launch of the Slim (prettier redesigned console, ditching the Spiderman font on packaging for games, greater emphasis on value) things took off. Weird to think Microsoft would do the exact same thing with the Xbone that Sony did last gen.

>PS3 had a fuckton of cinematic experiences, and the PS4 is no different
>360/Xbone actually have their own multiplayer exclusive games to justify paying for their online service
I wish the Xbone didn't flop out the door, Sony needs neck and neck competition, having them in the lead insures that no one wins. At least Xbone performing poorly got Microsoft to give us backwards compatibility.

>fat ps3 best
>poorly made air flow, overheating ylod

>Launch PS3s are the best
I disagree. They were large, used a lot more power, and were unreliable in the long-run. Backwards compatibility was nice, but not having the CFW of the Slim or the compactness of the Super Slim wasn't worth the trade off

PS3 won with a single game desu.

Pc > Wii > 360 > ps3 that gen desu.

Ps3 had almost nothing to play. Meanwhile 360 had Gears, Gaylo, Left 4 Dead, the superior GTA IV experience, Dead Rising, Bomberman Act Zero, Lost Odyssey, Condemned, Earth Defense Force, etc...

people from everywhere but the us are like..what slow start?

>Launch ps3 are still the best
Yeah, they're so great that my launch ps3 overheated and died within a year, and had a fuckton of graphical errors and bugs to boot. Not to mention that it basically told me to fuck off because I didn't have HDMI or internet hooked up to it.

>exclusive games
>implying Gears didn't help jumpstart the "cinematic TPS" genre along with Uncharted

Is the remastered ver on PS4 good?

Literally same game in 60fps, so take that as you will.

The interface and XMB solution are better with PS4. Also, youtube and Netflix work faster. Still, I love my ps3. I still have games that I need to play on PS3

Thank Gears of War for reigniting interest in crappy wave-based co-op

the 360 and PS3 were practically the same console desu.

Xbox One has a top 5 exclusive this gen though.

yeah expect the 360 was better in every possible way

What the fuck are you smoking, they're nothing alike

>Not liking Horde mode

Paid online sure is """"better"""".

This, but not that one.

It didn't have Halo, so no.

yeah i would rather get my credit card info stolen

Apparently the PS3 was instrumental in Netflix's streaming success due to the fact that it was double-paywalled on the 360 for a few years (had to have both Gold and the actual Netflix sub) and because Chromecast and Roku hadn't taken off yet

You would since you get robbed $60 a year.

Definitely. The 360 typically had better performance and slightly better visuals in most multiplat games but the PS3 had way more worthwhile exclusives than the 360, not to mention online play is completely free and not even close to as "bad" as people made it out to be, the connections are always just as good as the 360's, the only minor complaint would be the UI for messaging and friends.

Xbox Live is actually a good service though, unlike the shitshow that is PS+

It was also a blu ray player, and those were expensive as shit at the time too.

>but the PS3 had way more worthwhile exclusives than the 360
Start naming them and you better not be counting absolute garbage like MGS4.

yeah, no i got my moneys worth with xbox live

>The PS3 outlived the Wii, Xbox 360, and Wii U
Yeah i'd say it won in the end despite the bad start

>won the war in the end.
Console Wars have always won based on most units sold, not whatever arbitrary mental gymnastic nu/v/ does.

If this is true then it was a shit gen.

>the PS3 had way more worthwhile exclusives than the 360
yeah like demon souls and uhhhhhh

>not whatever arbitrary mental gymnastic nu/v/ does.

You're right. Paying to be called a faggot by 8 year olds is totally worth it.

What puts the wii before all other 7th gen?
PC irrelevant in gen 7 discussion

i'm getting sick of this console twins meme.
i miss when each console in a gen had mostly unique libraries.

>Not being in a party


yeah meanwhile third world huefags are shitting up psn online. fucking shit tier network DIDNT EVEN HAVE PARTY CHAT KEK

>Can change your gamertag for a fee

>Stuck with the same gamertag for fucking ever, and if you did so happen to get it changed, it would wipe all your trophies, as well as your purchases I believe

Don't forget all the bots PSN has now.

Fine, a party of fellow 8 year olds then.

-NMH: Heroes Paradise
-Guilty Gear Xrd
-Chrono phantasma
-Central Fiction
-Dragon's Crown
-Decent Z.O.E. HD
-Last of Us
the list goes on

>sony fanboy doesnt know how party chat works
how am i not surprised?

>fucking shit tier network DIDNT EVEN HAVE PARTY CHAT KEK
Finally someone remembers. I remember Sony making a big deal about their official Playstation bluetooth mic. Sure is great talking to friends while everyone else is listening in

Maybe but mostly thanks to the HD collections of gen 6 games, if it wasn't for that I'd give it to the Wii.

Still playing Persona 5. I have a huge backlog of gsmes after it. PS3 is a good work horse console.

Stopped reading there.

>Asks for exclusives
>Gives him multiplats

Oh please, mine has been working for almost 11 years, just put in some new thermal paste and a new HDD

They dont use alot of power though, even if the slims use a fraction, also all fats can have cfw the same as slims

Thats what happens when you leave a console on 24/7, just like the 360

also you know you could use composite with it right?

Still not the most units sold, thus not thw winner, unlike the PS4 which is the clear winner.

is this a jojo reference?

>Thats what happens when you leave a console on 24/7
Oh shut the fuck up, I always made sure to turn off my PS3 when I wasn't using it. Eventually it wouldn't even play PS3 games, only PS2 games. Fuck you.

Does anyone else love Resistance 3 as much as I do? The weapons are so goddamn fun.


i remember the game freezing on me after the boat level. from what i played it is easily the best one.


Even last year it had multiple GOTYs. It only started dying this year.

:^) MGS4 :^), MGS Legacy collection, Disgaea D2, Folklore, God of War collection, Killzone trilogy, Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, Yakuza 5, Yakuza dead souls, Demons Souls, R&CF: A crack in time, Ni no Kuni, MotorStorm, Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection, Tales of Xillia 1&2, Tokyo Jungle, etc.

Stopped reading there.

The PS3 would have been better if Sony hadn't shat out sequel after sequel after sequel all in one generation. I mean fuck, Both Resistance and Uncharted got three games in the span of like, what, seven years? Not to mention Little Big Planet, among others.

Yeah both early 360 and ps3 had a batch of faliures.

I just simply won the $599 us dollar lottery.

Still sucks because fat ps3 and fat 360 best asthetics.

>inb4 shit games, the inferior non-PS3 port of Idolmaster is much better

>cinematic games and remasters

>Cinematic games
Not an argument.