What is your favorite class?
Dragon Age
uninstall wizard
Wolf-school Witcher class.
This too.
warrior with that spirit-warrior specialization that you could get in awakening
Two-Wielding Warrior. It's fucking great, I don't know why.
this game had an okay story, but combat was less engaging and involving than wow and that is a fucking feat.
litterally singleplayer mmo
Everything is a singleplayer MMO to you people.
But wow combat if fucking great
Been so long since I played it that I honestly can't remember.
2-Handed weapon warrior, but only with awakening skills that made it fun as fuck.
Definitely Archer Rogue
>jumping around like an idea just face rolling progressions
You have low standards. Even for an MMO.
Dual weapon warrior with momentum and dual-strike. Who needs crits anyway
dual wielding warrior.
or of course the unbeatable Bloodmage/Arcane warrior combo.
Warrior with shield.
I loved that the first game didn't lock weapons to classes so I could actually use a crossbow as backup, or use that mage class where you fight with a sword.
Playing as a healer lets me get away with any party combination, and repeatedly nuking the battle field is a simple pleasure I couldn't get from watching auto-sword swinging.
That warrior class you can only get by desecrating that holy grail and pissing of Leliana
How do I make Sten useful?
Am I not building/equipping him right?
>I loved that the first game didn't lock weapons to classes
this so much
I'm ok with DAI and even some aspects of 2 but locking the equipment like the did just infuriates me
Sten's tough to optimize.
give him some light/medium armor and have him be support DPS. it's worth getting him the 'disengage' ability for him
Mage so I can just turn on Haste and remove the doldrum of how slow it is.
mages ruin this game, too powerful, if you had to absolutely use traps and explosive potions and whatever in the harder difficulties the combat woul've been more engaging, also blood magic is fucking broken
>mages ruin this game
Stay mad, warrfag.
Yeah it pissed me off how in subsequent games they basically decided
>No you will play the way we decided you should
Loved that in DAO you could do your own thing much moreso
Does becoming a Blood Mage have any bigger repercussions on the plot? Because I'm in a bit of a pickle:
>want to play Good to bang Alistair (female mage)
>the only good specs are Arcane Warrior (not interested), Spirit Healer and Blood Mage
not huge ones iirc
some people might dislike you but I think it's pretty minor
arcane warrior is p. cool though
Arcane Warrior looks like some sort of a fighter/mage thing and I don't know if I'm into it.
I started replaying DAO yesterday and it got pretty hard really fast, when you're going up the tower to light the beacon. I don't remember if I found it easy back when it came out, or if this is just an early difficulty spike, or if I am just terrible at vidya. Probably the last one. I guess I'm going to have to really think about the AI party tactics, or failing that, micromanage each party member. Both of which sound really boring, and I don't remember the game boring me first time round. I wouldn't be surprised if I've gotten a lot dumber and more impatient though.
fair enough
just checked the wiki and it says there's basically no negative consequences at all
I wonder if the writers planned to make it the ultimate evil crime like they did in later games
micromanaging the party is basically a must. baiting enemies into choke points or only attracting the attention of one or two at a time will help you a lot, at least until you level up and specialize to the point where you've essentially broken the game
yeah, there are a couple rooms in that tower that will push your shit in if you just charge forward
>there will never be another game like DA:O
It had the perfect blend of old school isometric crpgs and modern bioware style RPG's.
God what fucking happend to RPG's why don't people make them like this anymore
I'm the first-time-mage-playthrough guy and I had trouble with the tower on Hard, particularly with that big ogre boss or whatever; I picked the Delayed Necro Time Bomb and not much else for pew-pewing. Might have been a mistake.
You can just unlock Blood Mage and reload a "good" save
Is the healer any good?
>the Delayed Necro Time Bomb
I can't remember ever really making use of that
I'm no expert, but for the 1st tier spells I usually only used winter's grasp, heal, glyph of paralysis, mind blast, and the entropy ones
the companion, the overall role, or the specialization?
Role and the specialization
Worked well for my play-style anyhow. Thought it was great to have revival on hand during the more drawn out boss-fights.
pretty good but tended to eat through mana really fast iirc