Want to show Sup Forums a kickstarter sequel game that I thought the previous entry was genuinely fun

>want to show Sup Forums a kickstarter sequel game that I thought the previous entry was genuinely fun
>will get labeled a shill
>want to talk about a little known game
>will get labeled a shill

how do you introduce others to games you like Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


you do it even while being called a shill

You call the game shit and somehow the thread evolves into actual discussion.
Maybe samefag a bit to spice things up.

Why do you want to "show "Sup Forums"" anything? This place is stupid. The internet is stupid.

>tfw no creepy obsessive gf

solid advice

You are giving Sup Forums retards too much credit, they calling you a shill is a knee jerk reaction.

Just look at the constant barrage of shit threads, post whatever the fuck recommendation you want, user,

Post the kickstarter already

Just show them to your friends...
You do have friends don't you?


Another kickstarter? Didn't they say that there was gonna be a trilogy that comes in bundle along with the first one or something? The first one was meh anyway.

Just come to accept that you will never get to talk about video games you want to talk about on Sup Forums

The real struggle is when it's a game you worked on

but I thought the first game was good. Decent pacing, interesting characters, beautiful art/environment (almost looks like watercolor painting), combat systems with meaningful sidegrades.

They say the trilogy will come in a bundle if you bought the tier that promised it. These guys seem to be working hard and giving out content in a timely manner. Plus their dlc was almost as long as the base game at 30% the cost.

I just want devs that are fueled by passion again.

>When you post an obscure ass indie game with a handful of people working on it for free
You people are beyond hope, desu. I could understand if it was some Ubisoft game with the same thread being posted over and over and over but come on with this shit.

I like how they cited Saga Frontier and Legend of Mana as some of their major inspirations in the art department but made no attempt to emulate the background work in those games.

The background work they're showing is more in line with shit you would see in an RPG production. Very stiff backgrounds made with recyclable tiling in mind. If they were really going after the old school method of making backgrounds, they would ditch the tile look.

what game faggot?

I dunno, I like it. It adds a distinct style that makes it seem you're looking at an old painting

Nah, it's was too short, crappy enemy scaling, cliffhanger ending, 6 characters to play are hardly distinctive, the combat is hardly innovative, the environment looks like custom tiles for RPG maker games. They should've made it one single game instead of mediocre trilogy.

What old painting looks like it was drawn with a grid in mind?

There's nothing nice about that image you posted either. There's no interesting textures, brush strokes, detailed grass or rocks or (Nice Water). The only thing that looks like it had any amount of work done is the bridge and it stands out like fuck compared to all the sloppy work in the grass area.

SD3 has a limited color palette, resolution, and memory space to pull off and those guys managed to pull off some impressive detailed backgrounds that hide the tile grid.

1. true, it's short
2. scaling isn't bad. ff had it worse
3. ending is good for closing act 1
4. really? I found the party members distinctive.aria: healing paladin, isaac: sneaky assassin and 1v1 king, yliaane: support and crowd control range, reynard: high risk high reward berserker, Lucienne: all around tank, camille: status inflicting all rounder

I guess we have different perspectives on art, but I find these hand drawn brushstrokes pretty refreshing while your pic looks like a typical rpg setting

>while your pic looks like a typical rpg setting

>This fucking delusion

There are no RPG that matches SD3's backgrounds outside of its direct follow ups. They were masters of their craft.

Bullshit, FF doesn't throw you hordes of fucking OP enemies at you right at the end of the game and what I meant by "not distinctive" is that the storyline for each characters' campaign are 90% same but in differently poignant point of view. I'm skeptic about the sequel especially after the first one, there are more promising kikestarter games out there ffs.

Retards will call discussion of any game they don't like/have any interest in shilling, fucking Darkwood (a game where the devs put it up on TPB) has this. There is no way to avoid it, you ignore it.

Um, don't fucking reply to me sweetie

Just ignore what Sup Forums says

>Anonymous (15)

If you want to discuss a game just start it with "I just bought this game, what am I in for."
Everybody else does.

>Not "I just beat this game, what did I think?"

You got something to say, say it to my face

Literally how new are you?
Sup Forums hates every game you like. Deal with it.

Shut your fucking mouth

>if you don't agree with me you're delusional

calm your tits you mongoloid, the giants weren't even that OP. the storyline is overlapping so 2-3 playthrough is max what you need to get all dialogue. I hope your autistic self didn't actually play the game 6 times

You absolutely are. Not even up to debate nigger. On a technical scale, Seiken Dentsu 3's backgrounds are far superior in talent and technique. The shit you posted is amateur work. Bob Ross' 30 minutes paintings have more impressive and detailed brush work than that shit.

Whoa you seem to be pissed off, it's just a fucking game not something. You can't even take a criticism and you wonder why Sup Forums disagrees with you, you just another self ignorant cancer that's infecting this broad. Grow the fuck up, retard.

>*not something that you made by yourself

kys troglodyte. simple =/= bad

I talk to them IRL

>everything you say is wrong
>everything I saw is criticism

I'll take Sup Forums was wrong again for 200. Sup Forums's criticism did literally nothing to PUBG's popularity

>expected a White Day thread
>get a shitposting thread
I should have read OP's post

What's the point are you going to make there smartass? You want discussion? Oh fucking wow you've ruined the whole shit by being this assblasted.

>be assblasted
>y-you're b-being a-a-assblasted! stop!!
it's time to stop projecting

subtly unsettling is one of the best kinds of scary

The OP pic is from White Day so I'll ask here:
About how long is the remake? It seems there are multiple endings and I might be interested in doing several playthroughs if it's not too long.

around as long as the original. they added a few new ghosts that was in the original's prototype but you have to be on hard difficulty to see them all

the same way we introduce every other game on here
call it shit

>let me show him my smug anime pics and retort him with strawman argumen
>that'll teach him
It's clear that you don't want discussion nor criticism for your game from this point on. Good luck with your game anyway. Even if it's fully funded I still don't have high hopes on the sequel if it's going to repeat same mistakes as the first ones.

>it's fucking shit!

pick one

You're stupid!

>it's fucking shit!
Okay I'll humor you for a bit more, at which point did I say your game was shit? And since when did the word "meh" was synonymous with "shit"? Do you even familiar with English?

I'm shitposting you nigger. we were just supposed to call each other faggots and walk away

Have you ever considered the fact that, maybe, you won't be considered a shill if, GASP, the game you're shilling had substance and wasnt derivative or bland garbage???


What's this? Moving goal post? Backpedaling? Pretending to be retarded? Unironically being retarded? This is how you want to talk about little known games in Sup Forums? If you're going to literally shill you have to make a thread about it at least twice a day.

You do it, but this time you try not being a shill.

>literally says I was shitposting
>proceeds to become assblasted even more

>user, please go make a racket elsewhere

If your game is actually good and you can see how it could appeal to others and (this is especially important) you do not act like the game is literally perfect (point out flaws) you may just get a real discussion from Sup Forums


whyd you call him a faggot for literally no reason?

because i can faggot

you go somewhere other than Sup Forums

like nigga even if you say a game is shit Sup Forums will call you a shill, its how this wojak filled septic tank works

I find the uploading interesting webMs is a way to get people interested



That face is really creeping me out

>think by posting ocne talking about a new game is considered shilling it
have you seen the number of PUBG threads?
yep, those are shill threads

source of pic?

Literally what the fuck are you talking about. Nothing in the photo you linked to looks like it's grid based, the textures are fine and so is the grass and rocks, and the bridge is literally the opposite of what you said and is the only grid-like object on that entire thing.

I'm not even interested in this kickstarter or Saga Frontier to begin with, but I just had to call you out on this lunacy.

Goddamn what an uncanny valley face

That's a horror game, right?

White day.

Its just kinda what we do here now, probably because we know we can get away with it here and not many other places