Jesus christ, what the FUCK was this guy's problem?

Jesus christ, what the FUCK was this guy's problem?

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How does he make his eyes glow?
Everyone else with speedforce shite just gets a bit of lightning there occasionally.

The Reverse Flash is my favorite super villain just for the fact that his reason for being is simply to fuck with the Flash, and that's it.


Resentment is a hell of a drug. Unlike other supervillains whose grudges are vaguely reasonable (Lex is jealous of Superman, Sinestro thinks fearmongering makes the world work), Thawne is what happens when an obsessive fanboy gets really bitter

a thread about my guy sign me up

Because he can

Who's more petty, Black Manta or Reverse Flash?

Thawne has a reason Manta is just Manta.

Evil contact lenses

>How's the wife and kid?
Nobody tops Manta on the burn scale.

Black Manta is objectively the best capeshit villain

manta has gone as far as to pretend his justification was for making an underwater utopia for black people which was just a lie.
he then claimed to be autistic (also a lie) so aquaman would feel bad about beating him up.

the guy has such a hateboner for aquaman that he modified his helmet to make all his targets look like aquaman when he was working for the suicide squad.
too this day manta has never given an actual reason as to why he hates aquaman unlike reverse flash who hates the flash because he finds out he gets killed by him and being his nemesis after idolizing him for so long.

>No unique dialogue between him and Aquaman

Holy fucking shit kek

I know user. I know.

He just hates Flash

He's stuck in a time paradox.


Context? I know that dude played Reverse Flash in the tv show but what is going on in the original scene here?

But why does he resent him? Barry did nothing wrong.

It's his brother and i think their dad died
The text is real, he was calling from the hallway


Cause he's a spaz

How come Barry turned out to be a normalfag then?

aw shit nigga is that some motherfuckin bibleman?



>i think their dad died
Naw, that was when he showed up with the cake. The webm was when he was getting kicked out of their mom's house because she was marrying some new guy.


Is this what capeshit art actually looks like or just fanart?

More please, this is interesting.

So why didn't he steal his comic books and knock his drink over?

lol Eobard is such a fag

One of my best friends in school had Bibleman action figures. You're not a sheltered child until you've got Bibleman figures on your desk.

Damn, I knew a kid like that too. He had all the bibleman vhs tapes, and whenever I stayed the night that was like, the only fun thing he had that his parents let us watch. Shit was depressing dude.

Man, I remember being in Sunday School and having to watch this crap and write fucking essays about it. Jesus shit I hated it.
>Tfw remember bring a Batman comic to Sunday school once
>Bitch priest who was likely a pedo took it because"superpowers are satanic" even though Batman doesn't fucking have powers
>Point out the hypocrisy because we watched Bibleman
>He says that's okay because he's spreading the word of Jesus and God
I told my mom and dad and they never took me back and I just bought the same comic again. Don't think I have it anymore. Anyways, I just had to get that off my chest cause man Bibleman brings back bad memories.

Thawne is a Flash fanboy gone mad who may or may not be butthurt over being "destined" to be a Flash villain instead of the hero he thinks he's entitled to be

american comics can look like anything, really

came to this thread to say I miss Scrubs

With mine, he had a ps2 so at least we could play that, but I had to bring all the fun games. His mom was hardcore religious, while his dad didn't mind too much, but you know how it goes. He was also kind of "that" kid. His favorite series was Ratchet and Clank, while mine was Jak and Daxter. He wasn't able to get any of the games until he was nearly 16 and when he did he would always tell me how Ratchet could kill Jak and such. Good times.

>Laverne's death
>That episode where they lost patients to infected transplants and Cox broke
>That episode where Turk and JD spent time with an old man who was dying and admitted they were afraid of death

Literally wiped a kid from existence just to make Barry lonely.
>The absolute state of Eobard's sanity

sunday school was a trip man. I remember we had a buncha toys and shit, and one of them was some plastic pirate ship, but one of the staff had went out of their way to (very poorly) paint over all the skull and crossbones because they thought it was satanic imagery.

not to mention all the weird ass skits they'd put on for us. one time they brought a buncha side-show muscle-men who were apparently a travelling strength-based sideshow thing called the "power group." they'd rip phone books and bend iron bars and start talking about jesus giving them strength.

that dude is probably somewhere on some erp thread in /vg/ posting right this very second.

Reverse Flash, Black Manta and Green Goblin are probably my favorite villain just because of how much they dedicate themselves to fucking with their nemesis.

he is from hundreads of years later where people are living predetermined lives.

I honestly think Sunday School is why I'm atheist. I can't say we ever had those muscle men you described, but I'm almost positive the Priest at the church was a pedo. He loved being around kids and was somewhere in his mid-30s.

I survived Sunday School all the way through, and I still identify as a Catholic, but fuck if that wasn't a pain to deal with every week.

But can he beat captain bible?

>He loved being around kids and was somewhere in his mid-30s
>this somehow makes you a pedo
Unless he touched your dick or you know someone who's dick he touched fuck off faggot.

He is a horrible human being. There is no tragic backstory there.
He was a Flash fanboy who dreamed about becoming the Flash's best friend. He used future technology to create his own brand of speedpower by reverse enginnering Flash's, went back in time and found out that, in the future, he would become the Flash's nemesis.
So he got angry and out of pettiness, decided that he would make the Flash's life a living hell. He went back in time and started doing all manners of petty bullying to make the Flash miserable,
like opening his door so his dog would run out and get hit by a car.

Making the Flash's childhood friend disappear from the timeline

Tripping him when he is walking and carring a stack of papers.

Hiding his homework.

Pushing him off stairs.

He is just a petty bastard.

He's Reverse Flash. Nothing more but a Sonic recolor

>Nigga has a PDA Bible
>Has to re-download verses in enemy territory for some reason

I don't know if I owe my lack of religiousness to churches or sunday school, but it really did make me start doubting some of that shit pretty early on. Didn't help that my mom was a creationist.

You have to admit user, it's a LITTLE suspicious.
Congrats. I was never even really a religious kid truthfully.

His speedforce is difference from the other speedsters.

Normal speedsters draw power from the Speed Force, but he pulls his power from his own brand of speed source, the negative speedforce. It gives him a couple different powers.

In the current Flash issues, Flash 2016, Flash is stuck with the negative speedforce instead of his original powers, so he is getting used to the different powers and all the destruction they cause.

Check the last 2 issues.

>jesus action hero fighting game
>art direction by the artist of the action bible
>soundtrack by DC Talk

i'd play it

So Evil Flash is an asshole just because he can?

Yes. He would literally go back in time to secretly bully Flash in his childhood just for shits and giggles.

No master plan. No great design. Just to amuse himself. He can't kill the Flash without creating a paradox that would make him lose his powers, so he settles for tormenting him and killing his friends and family.

What's up with DC and the buthurt autist enemies like him and Black Manta?

Thawne's a guy from the future who was a Flash fanboy who studied him and was able to successfully replicate the accident that gave the Flash his abilities which he used to be a massive cunt to everyone and made some bitch retarded
At the Flash museum he realized that Flash's greatest archenemy, the Reverse Flash was none other than himself, this pissed him off as he realized that his destiny from that point on was to die to the Flash, and doing anything to prevent that would result in massive changes to the timestream that would prevent him existing in the first place
So instead he decides to go back and just be the biggest dick possible so that he could ruin Barry's life as much as he can without dicking the timestream too much until he's inevitably killed

I can't stop laughing

I mean, they are pretty much the only ones.

And while Manta is a bit irrational, Reverse Flash feels really human.
He is an petty asshole who got a super powers. So he became a super villain who is a petty asshole.

No grand schemes of world domination. He just takes pleasure in being a jerk. Frankly, one of the more realistic DC characters.


thats the most retarded fucking premise for any fictional work ever. makes anime and me3's writing look like fucking shakespeare

What's wrong with it?

Please leave your paternal neglect issues outside of Sup Forums.

>the Reverse Flash was none other than himself, this pissed him off as he realized that his destiny from that point on was to die to the Flash

What if he just stopped being a dick and never became a villain? Surely that wouldn't stop him from existing?

it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, I guess. He's literally incapable of not being a petty asshole

Why are you trying to reason with comic books? As far as character motivations go, that hardly seems like the worst of them.

That is the best part of the Reverse Flash.

Once he found out about his fate as a super villain, he could have simply decided to be a good guy. To prove "fate" wrong.
Instead, he got so upset that he said "Fine, I am gonna be a super villain then. And I am gonna be the meanest motherfucker of them all."

>and doing anything to prevent that would result in massive changes to the timestream that would prevent him existing in the first place

I wish comics would have to be censored like back in the day. Or, at least they could tone down the violence.

I mean, come on. Fucking stupid.

And funny.

But is there anyone who can defeat Jian Bing Man?


Which is fucking retarded because only 'him' that would stop existing is the 'him' that's Flash's archenemy.

He only exists to be an archenemy

Sean? Is that you?

It's a good show. I also found it very helpful when I started working after college. Made the stress feel more acceptable.

Hey, thanks for the link, user. You're a pretty cool dude.

Should I watch this show? Also, what is the appeal of the flash? I kind of like what I've seen but I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to super hero shit.

The ridiculous strength and capability of the Speed Force made him into an overpowered meme and people caught on to it

user, he couldn't have seen what he did in the first place if it never happened. Nothing after that point can just stop existing in isolation without taking everything else with it.