What game am I looking for Sup Forums?

What game am I looking for Sup Forums?

>Available online coop or quick matchmaking
>Highly encourages group play, but isn't mandatory like team based FPS
>Loot grinding and gear upgrading elements
>Doesn't require the lifelong dedication of an MMO or at least not a hardcore one that I have to login daily to feel like im keeping pace
>Has a sense of advancement that is realistic but not something you'll max in a week
>Some semblance of character creation preferred

Bonus: Any kind of crafting, collectables, or side content that is relevant and useful.

Wait on Monster hunter worlds

Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Warframe if you spend money, Division, wait on Destiny 2

you are asking for a MMO and then say you dont want a MMO
you need to tell us what you already like because you are really giving a tall order here
how about borderlands 1 and 2?


Borderlands is good but its got like no matchmaking at all. You basically have to hunt down people who want to commit to entire playthroughs.

Elder Scrolls Online

Are there any mmos that dont take months/years to get caught up, dont require you to login daily and treat it like a second job to stay relevant and actually put thought into partying?

get the fuck out of my head

never night´s winter online or maybe the 1st game?
alien swarm: reactive drop offers great coop but teamwork is mandatory

im not big on MMO´s but i hear WOW is pretty fast to reach end game content in
all my weeb friends highly recommend black desert

>Recommending him BDO which you basically have to sell your wallet and soul in order to not get blown out by random pvpers

>implying you play it for PVP
look im onto you fags, looking at elf ass all day long, im calling /tg/

Monster Hunter friendo

I cant survive waiting like 4-5 more months. It wont feel the same going back to generations.

Stfu, Borderlands is shit. It has retarded game balance.

What you're asking for is Dark Souls.

Phantasy Star Online 2 perhaps?

>dork souls
go to bed kevin, you got school tomorrow

Literally monster hunter

Take your Fanservice Cel-shaded bullshit outta here.

1st was not fan service fest unlike second game which is inferior by a huge margin
but seriously pack your dork souls up pal, i have yet to know of a single fag playing without a guide

god eater

Toukiden 2

For the first part, Killing Floor 2.

>Bonus: Any kind of crafting, collectables, or side content that is relevant and useful.

Nevermind, play some generic survival shit like Rust or Arc.

Divinity checks every single box.

you might honestly like Destiny 2. Strikes are exactly the quick matchmaking online co-op you are looking for, and everything else about the game checks out with what you want.

Better than Strikes tho (which are like 30 minute co-op missions) is the Raids (which are more like 3-hour long 6 man co-op missions). They just have really good design. Patrol mode is also something you'd probably like, because it's basically you get to wander through a big environment taking small quests while you are randomly matchmade with other players; so you can make quick friends that way.

You don't need a guide to play Dark Souls, but it's useful for PvPers to decide their loadout.

>Available online coop or quick matchmaking
Available offline coop, couch coop, and online coop.
>Highly encourages group play, but isn't mandatory like team based FPS
You and one other human or AI play the main characters, there are NPCs that can be added to your group. Independent adventuring is totally possible.

>Loot grinding and gear upgrading elements
Got it.

>Doesn't require the lifelong dedication of an MMO or at least not a hardcore one that I have to login daily to feel like im keeping pace

>Has a sense of advancement that is realistic but not something you'll max in a week

>Some semblance of character creation preferred

>Bonus: Any kind of crafting, collectables, or side content that is relevant and useful.

We got that too. Divinity is exactly what you want.

I reckon the new monster hunter game coming out should tick these boxes I think.

I concur.

This. Toukiden 2 is amazing due to open world instead of instanced missions the first one had. Shame its online is dead

You need a time machine because that's vanilla World of Warcraft (no, private servers don't do it justice)

Maybe when VR takes off there will be another once-in-a-lifetime game released.



Was there more? Do you have questions?

Monster Hunter fits all your requirements pretty well.

Could wait for World or get MHX for the 3ds.

Other than that, Destiny 2 would also fit your criteria pretty well. So you could also wait for that.

Guild Wars 2 is also pretty good from what I remember and what I've heard. Less hardcore than most MMOS I'd say, you can level very fast and the progression is pretty good.

Black Desert Online was also good, I got it and probably got to softcap level in like 20 hours of play. Fair warning, it's a Korean mmo.

Destiny 2 starts tomorrow.

Is it amazing to anyone else that this H-game got so fucking popular that majority of people who know about the Fate series probably have no idea it was an H-game?

Shadow Warrior 2 meets all of your criteria.