I just beat Final Fantasy 5, and it's by far my least favorite.
What's your's Sup Forums?
I just beat Final Fantasy 5, and it's by far my least favorite.
What's your's Sup Forums?
what the fuck are you talking about
FF4, I despise everything about it excluding the music.
6 is the best mainline, Curtain Call is the best spinoff.
My least favorite FF? Probably 12. 5 is great. You have horrible taste.
>Least favorite
II but that feels like cheating so I'll say XV.
Also V is amazing and should be top 3 for anyone.
>saying anyone has horrible taste after saying 12 is his least favorite
You stupid nigger
12 fucking sucks. Eat it you stupid cunt.
Least? Idk, I don't really dislike the ones I've played I think they're all fun. Pic related is my favorite though
Even if you didn't like the first two games, LR is objectively one of the best FF games to date
I want to hug Lumina.
This, 4 sucks dick, the story is anime garbage.
OP here, I know it's what i should come to expect but it was a grind fest. I didn't feel that way for 4, or any of the others for that reason. The jobs were cool and kept it interesting to a point but i found myself grinding and grinding and it sucked the fun out of it. Neo exdeath was awesome though, the splinter thing mid way in the game made me laugh out loud. 6/10.
Reduce your fucking fractions, shithead.
LR was awful. I liked 13 and 13-2 though.
Favorite is 6.
6. It's not the worst game in the series, 2, 8, and 13 are objectively lower quality, but it's the largest downward slide in quality from the previous game and isn't fun to play at all. Like FF2, it feels like they threw in everything without thinking about the consequences and didn't even try to have a balance pass, but unlike FF2, there were plenty of examples of why not to do that by that point. The end result was a game where random encounters are boring oneshottable speedbumps instead of something you need to pick apart to conserve resources like in FF4 and FF5, MP management doesn't matter, and most bosses are a joke if you have half a brain.
You know, when you're grinding in a game that doesn't need you to grind and then complain about it maybe the problem is you.
is this the equivalent of "get gud" or something? If you don't grind you will get your ass handed to you, have you played an rpg before?
>is this the equivalent of "get gud" or something? If you don't grind you will get your ass handed to you
When you phrase it like that, yes. Stop being a shitter. If you're not doing some sort of challenge run FF5 is very beatable without grinding.
I'd just like to interject into this conversation real quick. yes, you can beat 5 without grinding, but to get to fun skills and to mix and match abilities you really have to spend some time grinding
III or V
10 > 6 > 7 > 4 > 12 > 13-2 > 13-3 > 15 > 9 > 10-2 > 1 > 8 > 2 > 13 > 5 > 3
8, scaling is for faggots
1 is honestly not good
Unless you're defining fun skills as solely X-Fight+Spellblade+Dual Wield and Dualcast+Time Magic+Summons all mastered at the same time, you're wrong. Most jobs give you good skills long before you master them and at a much lower AP cost than any of those.
(here's you [you}) user WE ALL KNOW YOU'VE ONLY PLAYED 5
At least it's fun unlike 2, 3, and 5. You can just pick up and enjoy the first game. You can't with those three; they're just tedious and potentially frustrating versions of the first.
I like lots of parts in IV, but that was the mainline one I had the least amount of fun while playing.
>not fun
Least favorite of the somewhat still passable if barebones NES titles? 2.
Least favorite of the good titles? 4.
Least favorite of the golden age? 8.
Least favorite of the wobbly legged generation? 12.
Least favorite of the downfall timeline? 13.
Pretty atrocious taste OP, FFV is one of the best in the series. Worst are II, VIII, XIII and XV, not counting spinoffs.
I haven't got through all of them yet but have completed one through six on my toaster. The worst one is three. No nostalgia involved as I started playing them the first time last year. The objective rating is
five/four>two>six>one>power gap>three
five is better for gameplay and humor, four is better for characters and music
13, because it was the only one I had to force myself to beat. Never played the sequels, never will.
>I had to force myself to beat.
>As he posts a picture of VIII
I don't have any pictures saved of XIII. VIII had its faults, but it wasn't anywhere near as bad as XIII.
>Enemy scaling
That alone makes it the worst.
That mechanic made replying it fun because you could completely break the game and do 9999 damage while both you and enemies are level 5.
was the first FF i ever played back on an emulator
>tfw got stuck on the fireship boss
Me too. The game pretends that you can kill any boss with any class combination but you really don't get any freedom til the end
>Play cards for 20 minutes
>One hit everything up through disc 3
>that overworld music
>carwen music
>merged world music
Meanwhile someone beat the game with literally only Faris alive the entire game and as a white mage
I still dont know why 4 is so overrated, problably the worse gameplay and the story is nothing special
>Least favorite
Dirge of Cerberus
Game is mediocre and the only redeeming factor is Rosso the Crimson
>problably the worse gameplay
Let's not get hasty here, just because SaGa ironed it out doesn't retroactively make II anything other than garbage.
FFII is alright, at least more fun than FFIII.
FF13 is the worst FF
>Least favorite
shit taste detected.
Anyone who says anything other than XV is objectively wrong.
Don't grind, you fucking autist. I see you in every thread when someone mentions VIII and you always get completely btfo by random people when your only argument is 'b-b-b-but it's a JRPG how am I supposed to know I shouldn't grind bwaaaah'.
Anyone who says XV is objectively wrong.
Oh it's SBK91, fuck off.
Full fucking autism.
FFXIII is trash.
Tactics, V, VII
Least Favorite
>playing like a retard on purpose
Trying too hard.
Anything with fucking Lightning in it.
Shit characters, shit final fantasy games, and they would not stop fucking shilling them.
>The combat is bad on purpose
My least favourite is probably 10.
9 is probably the best. 5 is up there though.
>Playing like a retard on purpose
>Ignoring that shields, warpstrikes, airslip, impervious, magic etc exist
Fuck off SBK91.
Are you dumb?
No it isn't.
lmao yeah, I'm looking for dumbshits like you to validate my opinion.
Please stop posting the same webms. At least get new ones. Jesus christ I'm so sick of these same webms with the same file names over and over. Soon you post the one that I've told you is reactable several times and then you compare it to the bed of chaos.
You're trying way too hard friend.
No, you're just bad.
Nice autism.
It's the same faggot each time.
>nice autism
That's rich, coming from he who shall not be named.
Shut the fuck up already.
FF4 is how I first got into the series, and it turned out to be my least favorite. Not that I hate it, but every other game in the series just turned out to be a better experience.
I just wish there was a crossover/multiverse game, just so I can use Rydia outside of FF4. She's like the only character I really liked in that game.
Interesting. I like most of the cast of 4 and I like all of the final party. The ds version is especially good with the retranslation and putting original script stuff into the speech bubbles.
3, i love class system shit
>least favorite
out of the ones i've played (1-9), 9
3 was the least engaging for me. Worse job system than V and the story is nothing special.
I hope I don't get too much hate for this,but my least favourite FF is XIII.
Crazy, I know.
Least Favorites? The gamecube ones,and the Android remakes.
Favorite: Tactics, 6, and 7.
It gets an unfair amount of hate. People wrote off the battle system without giving it a chance.
I beat the game, the battle system is alright, the music is pretty good, everything else can go suck a fart.
Final Fantasy XV will always be shit no matter how much your addled brain tells you otherwise. You have singlehandedly made an already shitty community that much worse, and I genuinely hope you kill yourself for making it impossible to have any critical discussion about the game.
I don't think (most) of the characters are as bad as people say either to be honest. I like the cast of 13 more than 10 personally.
Fuck off you piece of fucking trash, FFXV will always be great no matter how much you try to samefag and deny that. You have single handlely tried to shit up any and all potential means of discussing XV with your fucking shitpost meme images, lies and constant dicksucking of Nomura or anything not in XV. You are the absolute biggest fucking scum to the FF community and Sup Forums as a whole.
V is my favorite. You have an absolute shit taste, OP.
>I like the cast of 13 more than 10 personally.
I'll honest, I got used to Lightning, Hope and Snow faster than I did Tidus.
It took him manning up during the Al Bhed Home attack before I started being ok with him.
Favorite FF is 5. Least favorite FF is 12.
Haven't bothered playing anything after 12 and it seems like I've avoided massive shitheaps.
>the battle system is alright, the music is pretty good
Perfect description of XIII, it would be a lot better if they opened up the entire battle system to you much, much earlier though. I really don't know why they waited until chapter 9 to do such because once you actually get access to it and do some high level hunts it's a ton of fun but it takes way too long for that to happen.
Rikku just felt like a yuffie retread, Yuna was boring demure chick, Lulu had potential but barely spoke, I found Wakka annoying, Auron didn't speak enough, neither did Kimahri.
I might have liked them if it was an ensemble cast thing, but instead it's "Tidus' story" except he's really annoying.
>FFXV will always be great
6 felt way too overrated to me for the praise it got from friends. Maybe it's more a product of friend expectation vs reality.
You can never trust someone when they discuss their first FF. I personally really overrate FF1. I know I'm doing it but I can't stop.
I don't like my first FF.
Loli Rydia best Rydia.
You're the exception rather than the norm I think.
6 is honestly my least favorite, i have no idea what people see in it. only cool parts are Narshe
I understand not liking it but I refuse to believe it's your absolute least favorite from the 15 mainline installments.
lets see,
1, 2, 3, dont really count
I like 4 more than 6
I like 5 more than 6
I like 7, 8, 9, X, and XII more than 6
Overall, I probably like more things about XIII than I like 6, same for XIV and XV.
never played XI
to me, 6 is a C across the board. Something like XIII might be a D+ in some areas but has a B+ elsewhere.
6 also has the worst battle system, no materia, no job system, no junction, no nothing.
>only cool parts are Narshe
What about climbing up the cultist tower and having Relm slap some sense into Strago? Or re-obtaining Locke in the cave full of empty chests, and finding out he's the one who opened them? Or how about obtaining the Falcon, so that the optimistically emotional BGM plays after having walked to the depressing music of the World of Ruin?
There are so many cool parts in FF6. It's okay to dislike the game, but Narshe being the only cool part? I don't buy that.
I think you just sucked at it.
See what I mean? You just prove it time and time again, even now you post a fucking prerelease webm of ep Prompto which I'm not even fucking sure you know what it's trying to prove.