
>spins around in a blur
>kills anything within a ten mile radius instantly

>slams arms on ground hits
>his everything within a 15ft radius (even if your behind it)

this boss was poorly made

Worst thing in bloodborne

bloody wanker is overrated, he isn't that bad. Any enemy that can be stunned by basic attacks is not hard, if you are patient, with any weapon in the game you can just spam R1 until you run out of stamina, retreat and recover, and then repeat.

The version of this boss with chains on it's back is so fucking cool. The way it spins in the second phase is just awe inspiring.

Never bothered much with the dungeons, but I was under the impression that was where they just shoved all the broken/boring bosses.

Why does he have a giant cow udder for a hand?

>weak to fire

I wish when people wrote "weak" they would mean it.

>retreat and recover

What do you do when he shoots his pistol that has infinite ammo and does a quarter of your health?

you can poison him and then leave the area.
I refuse to fight this bullet spammer in a fair way

>get to FRC chalice boss
>remove chalice

>this faggot takes out a chunk of your health with each shot from his gun
>guns are nowhere near as strong when you use them
why is this allowed

Try a Bloodtinge build.

>he has no ammo limit
>throws out shots unpredictably so you can get stunned at any moment you are attacking or healing
fuck this guy

In my opinion this faggot was way harder then defiled watchdog or amygdala.

His moveset is extremely random and it's hard to counter a lot of what he does.

This guy slaps ur gf on the ass

IIRC beast cutter can counter him if you use the tricked version to flatten him over and over
Or maybe that was another enemy
I can't remember too well since I've avoided that fight ever since finishing Eileen's quest the first time

Step a few feet away and he will run after you. Every time he runs to you he will do a hugely telegraphed attack. Shoot him within the huge parry window and then visceral away. If you get the hang of it you can kill him every time

you cant spam R1 on him if he uses the nothing personnel bone. he will dodge out of the attack and will shoot+visceral attack you. believe me, i found out the hard way
also i hate every hunter NPC in the game because their guns are ridiculously OP and they have more health than 3 bosses combined. not to mention some of the annoying ones like the beast hunter in Hunters nightmare that is basically someone having a seizure on the dodge button

Why he became a horse?

is it just me or is the hit damage all over the place with this guy?
he literally OHK me with his foot attack at full health when i was facing him straight on but on a later fight he only took off like 3/4 health still facing him straight on

Best Cutter can do that, it's R2 can stop a lot of enemies smashing them against the floor.