itt: games literally only you played
Itt: games literally only you played
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Thats a TV show
so is the simpsons retard
...Fuck, you got me this time.
Th...There was a That 70s Show video game?
What the fuck would you even do
Pure vidya kino
>Th...There was a That 70s Show video game?
It was meh
Thats a TV show
ACKSHYUALLY it's a series of direct to video films.
reminder that if you dont main Ross then you are a fucking scrub who probably plays as Phoebe
is friends the normiest tv show ever made?
i own this
it's bad
friends > seinfeld
My friends don't touch each other like that wtf
Shit game, don't play
>tfw no red giantess deep voice amazon gf
they would in a photograph where you're instructed to touch eachother like that
the ost was kicking ass tho
looks like you faggots either aren't real friends or are too uncomfortable with your sexual tensions to actually touch in a platonic way.
>not touching your friends like that
They're not your friends.
Wtf are you even implying?
The same old thing
We did last week
Try and take over the world.
RTS puzzle game. RTS mechanics, but puzzle levels. I think he was called Eggbert in the USA.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is the pinnacle of TV comedy though
I used to play this. The gasstation was the best map
Never post licensed tie in games on these threads. The point of these games is the familiarity to the source material so clueless parents will buy them.
Only Fools and Horses > Friends
Quite possibly the worst thing I've ever played.
Smuggler's Run.
That the other poster was a rice ball.
you're from reddit
Can you get rid of Ryan? he's not good for your channel James.
>no mention of Frasier
I almost forgot I was in the midst of the unwashed masses
>not maining Fez
Genuinely one of the worst games I have ever played. You literally (literally literally, not reddit "literally") cannot beat this game on your first try without encountering a permanent game-breaking at some point, as there are many and all parts of required actions. Using a guide is, in all practical terms, a necessity.
Sadly based on one of my absolute favorite series.
>Minnesota Cuck
permanent game-breaking bug*
For the longest time, Chrono Cross felt like this. But I see plenty of threads about it now, and it was even mention out of nowhere in a Jeremy Johns video of all places.
>not maining red ross
Pleb detected.
I remember picking this game up for $1 at a yard sale in 2003. Played the shit outta it.
I unironically really liked this game when I was younger, co-op was so much fun. Same devs as the Two Towers game.
Someone make the edit .
Fun gauntlet clone, supported four people on the same keyboard if I remember correctly.
Dog's dick is huge. Why didn't they censor it?
The combat was phenomenal but it was way too short.
It was too hot to censor.
>being so ashamed of a game you don't even put your publisher in the cover
I wanted to fuck that redhead until I found out those things don't have souls. I had creepy nightmares for weeks about her lifeless, souless body standing in my room at night watching me sleep and walking closer to me every hour that went by.
I remember a ferris wheel, lots of sarariman anxiety, and extreme difficulty. Never heard anyone talk about it.
Now I want a CatDog game where one analog stick controls Cat's end and the other side Dog's.
i miss the term CD Rom
i miss old cartoon games with the flat 2D characters that looked like MS Paint drawings on top of pre rendered 3D backgrounds
i miss being a kid
I had this, I was too retarded to know how to properly play it, but I still drove around
>haha south park lmao
It's a cult game, hell me and my brother own a copy ourselves.
>named hot donna
>isn't even hot
Reminder that the first version of the intro in Season 1 was a classic and nostalgic as all fuck while the 2nd version used for the rest of the season sucked major dick
the game grumps series of this was good
Fuck you. Redheads are qt.
Friends is shit
Curb is shit
Cheers >>>>>>>> Frasier
Frasier was only good for the first 4 seasons
Also no mention of Married With Children?
Fucking plebs
Al Bundy was GOAT
No, fuck you, you necronomicon worshiper.
married with children isnt funny
She's sometimes hot idk what changes that make her ugly as fuck though
so noby noby boy but with catdog? I'd play it.
there was a videogame about that show?
what are you?, a pussy?
>eating the random civvies who would run by while you were fighting
I remember fapping to one of the radio tracks from this one. Like some slutty chick talking about busting a nut.
I consider ordering a copy once every couple months
I keep thinking about watching That 70s Show on Netflix. I watched almost every episode when I was a kid (before the big cast change). I don't want to ruin my nostalgia. Is it worth going back to?
Took me a while to figure it out. You should try to 100% it. It's worth it.
What was it like?
What fucking year did you stumble in from
Seconding this.
If you have a legit set-up I'd say go for it. But if you're playing on a HDTV just don't, the lag will kill you in games like that or Parappa.
>And the coconut apes
The first game that made me so mad I punched something.
sadly don't have any of my gamecube stuff anymore or I'd consider it
absolutely, its definitely cheesy but still great
I've never played this game but for some reason this picture alone fills me with existential dread as though there is something evil lurking in this game.
Not only did I play that game, I had an official Roadkill license plate in my room up until a few months ago.