Why was it popular to hate this game?

Why was it popular to hate this game?

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Still the most fun I've had in a multiplayer game. Everybody and their grandma played this for a year or two after it came out

Around that time an era started within gaming culture to hate on everything. A sequal to a game was not a sequal anymore, but instead was just developers being lazy and not changing it up enough.

It's not. Not anymore.

This game opened the floodgates for normies into Vidya and terrible business practices like $15 dlc map packs along with incomplete AAA games

MW2 was when the faze-clan MLG XxX-BONGR1P-XxX shit was at it's highest and it was annoying as fuck.
After that people hated CoD because it was popular and it was rehash fucking central.

Funny how people wanted it to try something new, shat on it it when it did and then shat on it again when it returned to it's roots like the fans asked.

It made the run-and-gun game style really popular for shooting games which is super annoying. Basically you run around the map until you find someone, if you get the jump on them you win, if they get the jump on you they win; die and reset again.

This shit killed the FPS genre as a whole

I remember a lot of hate were for the removal of server browsers.

fucking idiot

it had a fuck ton of gamebreaking multiplayer bugs that took the devs forever to fix

Hero shooters definitely. Not because of the mechanics but because all of these hero shooter games are going for competetive viability instead of being fun. Modern shooters knew they were dumb arcadey fun.

my girlfriends dad's funeral was the day it came out, I told her I had to work just so I could stay home and play MW2.

Because CoD 4 is better

>implying the gamebreaking bugs didn't make the game fun

One man army noob tube was the best unintented gameplay style.

It was pretty good desu
Way better than the hero shooter garbage we get today

the whole carepackage garbage made the game unplayable

I wasn't a kid in 2009 so I can explain:
-Gimped PC version
-To elaborate, no dedicated servers, hackers ran amok, etc.
-Added a shitload of stupid kill streak rewards
-No skill shit like the care package
-Zero recoil guns
-Shit maps
-Overpriced DLC, even for PC where CoD4 and WaW's map packs were free
-Shotgun, SMG & launchers as secondaries
-Game ending "tactical" nuke
-Worst spawns yet
-Certain perks not working properly, like SitRep Pro not cancelling out Ninja Pro
-Misaligned red dot sites (fucking LOL) on certain guns
-Misaligned iron sites (most notably the Desert Eagle)
-Suppressor broken on the USP & MG4
-Boosters galore
-Faggot shit like the heartbeat sensor

Game sucked, only kids who were literally 12 at the time look back at the game fondly.

>Oh no! You can optionally pay a predefined amount of money for very explicit extra content!
I understand the hate for on-disc DLC, but regular DLC, developed after the game released, makes no sense to hate on.

I didn't buy DLC for most COD games because most of them will just be killed by bad updates and hackers.
At least it's not like today where they will take content from the game and resell it to your in the form of microtransactions.
Like how they added new guns and reticles to Modern Warfare Remastered, and told you to go gamble for them if you want them. Thanks activision. I definitely wanted microtransactions objectively making the remaster worse compared to the game I played a decade ago without them.

And COD didn't start it. I think Halo 3 made it popular.

>-Shit maps

when you start being this critical about an artform you used to love as a kid you've just grown out of it desu

Because it's bad.

He's right. You'd agree if you weren't 12 when it came out.

Pretty much this. Still is. Bought the xboxone to play the remaster.

>Art form

Scrubs inability to gitgud

You forgot to mention it stopped feeling like a COD game from then on.

Yeah they did. That one map with the house on the top of the hill comes to mind, as does that gigantic snow one. They pretty much all sucked though.

Unfortunately that was the last game in the series where the maps weren't specifically designed to eliminate any style f play or strategy in order to boil possible gameplay down to running forward and shooting everyone who pops up in front of you until you get shot in the back.

Two of the best sniping maps in vidya. You sound like a shitter who would prefer the new nonsensical maps desu

idk I was too busy playing shit flash games on PC to really care about console stuff cause I never bothered asking for a game console back then. My friends in highschool at the time were obssesed with it, but I didnt really care for FPS games back then. I eventually got into FPS games with the first black ops didnt really like it and got into battlefield on console, liked them but eh.

Now the only FPS multiplayer I really play is insurgency for its slower pace and focus on logical movement and careful shooting, good for us olderfags with slower reflexes...that I play with randoms cause no friends...
>fuck getting older isnt fun

they were from missions in the single player though, you sound mad

Well I haven't touched CoD since Black Ops, so you got me there. Snipers are the niggers of FPS, btw.

How does that make them suck any less? Nice argument, buckaroo.

No niggers have low IQ

>-Faggot shit like the heartbeat sensor

Stacking Killstreaks lead to extremely camp-heavily play, and some perks were overpowered as fuck.

This dude got it right. Thank god for AlterIW even if they got canned.

Pretty sure that Sup Forums never talk about CoD games after it considering that most people here are PC gamers. And people who talk about CoD games these days are console kiddies who finally grown up, just like Halo.

cause its just your dumbass opinion

Next to Halo 3 and Counter-Strike this was the most memorable multiplayer experience i've had in vidya.

3rd person cage match boosting was 10/10

well what I mean is that when you were 13 and you played the game for the first time after not being able to play m games it was life changing. And all your friends would play after school it was top tier comfy. I'm sure you oldfags had shitty games that you thought were great just because you were young back in the day.



>when you agree with a guy completely on a palestinian breeding imageboards that you get accused for samefagging

>And people who talk about CoD games these days are console kiddies who finally grown up, just like Halo.
Exactly. The only reason Halo and CoD are unironically discussed now is because the literal kids who were playing those games are in college now. Contrary to popular belief, the median age of a Sup Forums poster is more like 19-21.

estate was and always will be the shittiest map in mw2. that snow map tho? prime time imo


Well I was 19 and at the time was a huge fun of CoD, having racked up about 30 days played on both CoD4 and WaW. I barely broke 3 days played on MW2.

>I'm sure you oldfags had shitty games that you thought were great just because you were young back in the day.
So you're admitting that the only reason people look back at MW2 fondly is because they were little snot nosed kids at the time?

It says a lot when one can easily win a game with just the default 3 killstreak. Care package was OP regardless of what you get, and Predator was a free UAV and kill, albeit for 2-3 seconds.

huge fan*

Is there any community for MW, WaW, nd MW2 on steam that isn't just modded lobbies?

Damn, you mained flash games into the '10s?
Either you discovered them late as fuck and you're probably an underage or you're a turbo autist hold-out.

Neither are necessarily bad, it's just interesting to me that both of these types of people exist.

I'm saying you appreciated games more as a kid. Id rather be a snot nosed 13 year old enjoying the game instead of being a 20 year old typing out paragraphs about weapon balance and glitches. I personally enjoyed games when it was a privilege to play them like after I finished homework or only on weekends, the more free time you have the faster you complete games and you see them for what they are. Plus your spending your own money on them now so you criticize a lot harder

mw2 was great man. i played this shit for a couple years exclusively.

Long story short, it went full normie pandering and you know how much Sup Forums hates normies.

Because it was popular and its popularity flood market with similar titles.

So you'd rather be naive & oblivious than to see a game for what it is? Being a kid shouldn't be an excuse for shit taste.

>control+f "dedicated"
>one match
how easily Sup Forums forgets. that was the catalyst on this site

Bro, 2010 was 7 years ago. 13 Year olds are now 20.

yes, id rather be a kid with no cares in the world playing vidya after school w my best friends. Shit taste and all.

Assuming you're 18+ now, you should at least be able to look back at MW2 objectively and see why my points are irrefutable.

Different user, flash games were still fine back then. It was only until indie games really started kicking off, then it slowly withered. Why make something for free when you can Kickstart, Greenlight, or Patreon your way through. That's how I see it, in any case. Good ones still pop up every now and then, but it's a far cry from "the old days".

Remember when MW2 came out and this glitch wasnt patched until a month after launch?


>Um nigga...
good job you found the one match

I remember when you could hold the care package smoke thingy and run at sanic speeds.

I agree with most of them, but 1. I dont think the maps were shit, and 2. I think it was fun because it was unbalanced. Every weapon was viable and you could have crazy builds like akimbo silenced uzis. No game had done that before at least to my knowledge.

Actually what I liked about the first three "reboot" CoDs, Modern Warfare, World at War, and Modern Warfare 2, was that the maps all had a "schedule" to them. Each map could place myself off of the spawn in a certain place and based on the time of the game and the score there was a flow of where players would be at certain times, who was going to have he dominant position in what area based on the score, etc. It felt like playing Hitman almost where I was running against NPCs that were actually people. I remember that big snow map in MW2 where there was the train in the middle, and if I started on the side with the train station I could sprint off the spawn to a tree-circle in the giant snowfield to my right and arrive to a prone position under a tree just in time to tag anyone coming from the other end of the map through the little houses with a clear line of sight. If I was on the town side I'd instead run into the forest to my right and crouch all theway across the map edge to the position above the frozen river and be able to snipe straight into the opposing team's sides as they were seting up into the middle house or train station.

With BlOps they started designing the maps to eliminate sniping, stealth play, mid range, transitional play from close to mid to long, and instead started making maps just a collection of hallways, alleyways, and rooms. Then by the time MW3 came around it felt as if a child had dumped LEGO on the floor and I was playing between the pieces. There was no rhyme or reason and instead just interconnecting circular pathways were someone could always pop up behind you since no matter what path you were on you were a sitting duck out in the open with three other branching lanes that connected to yours. I didn't even reach the first max level in MW3 it was so boring and unengaging to play because the only approach to gameplay was just walk forward and shoot until you're gunned down from behind.

the only things on that list that were problems, and not just bad opinions, were the bugs, and they patched the worse ones anyway

This. Entirely this. Too bad Sup Forums is now made up of those faggots who were playing this game when they were 12.


fuck nu-Sup Forums

Because it was popular.

>overwatch era
>worse than CoD era
Either Sup Forums is too young or just fucking forgot how shit fps went after CoD took over. Wet brown and grey unreal 3 textures and map packs galore. Not to mention every shooter-esque game either needing a slapped together co-op mode of shitty mulitplayer that would be dead in a month.

As bad a hero shooters are now they are defiantly more refined. An emphasis on pc rather than console controls(no longer have to aim down sights everytime) and cosmetic loot boxes are a lot better than paid map packs.

The only real major caveat I can think of with hero shooters is that many of them walk the fine line between either being a shooter with rpg/moba elements or a moba with shooter elements.

>Either Sup Forums is too young or just fucking forgot how shit fps went after CoD took over

This. Either that or just have shit memory.

fuck you for being wrong as shit

It's popular to hate on everything that's popular.

military shooter era at least had games. not counting things like survival shooters (different genre entirely), fps has been pretty much dead aside from ancient games like counter-strike and the only hero shooter to actually make an impact, overwatch

>join game
>team is losing 1200-5000
>instantly killed by predator missle

>join game
>team is losing 1200-5000
>instantly run off to one of my many hidden and peaceful thinking spots on every map and just quietly kill people by myself for a while to rack up personal points while the team loses and go 7-0 or something

Sup Forums is full of normalfags

that was my favorite glitch

>a voluntary online sample of 52 votes

You absolutely cannot get any worse than this. Please be trolling

>ump silencer
>what ever for secondary
>SoH pro
>cold blooded bro
>steady aim pro
the amount of hate mail

>spike in 2011 with baneposting
>spike in 2014 with GamerGate
>spike in 2016 with election

>holo sight makes FAL 2 shot and M16 better accuracy

>spike in 2016 with election
How do you know it wasn't sneedposting?

You and me would have been great friends

>end up going 40-20 or something
>everyone else on team:
>call them out
>they all mad at me

At the time Battlefield was good

I quit CoD when this game was announced. One reason: Game not Balanced for Lean. Haven't bought or played a CoD since. No lean, no buy.

>Not farming hatemail with the knife

>always goes after you with them


> SMG as secondary

This is one that I think a lot of people overlook. The use and prevalence of SMGs is part of the broader decline of shooters, because it turns most of the gameplay into this repetitive feedback loop.

Why isn't this backwards compatible yet?

>akimbo G18s

fuck off if you used them



You know how in some games you can press Q and E to lean left and right? MW2 removed it along with dedicated servers. I had a big hangup with CoD2 for having regenerating health when that came out, but barring that gameplay was still relatively the same. They just kept cutting shit out progressively with each release and them removing the ability to lean left and right was the straw that broke the camel's back after having to endure CoD4's grindfest to unlock shit. Not that it was actually a problem for me, I always used the M16 with ironsights, but showing off with a red-tiger striped STG44 was always fun.

cyka blyat give dubs

too bad more people dont use IW4X