This scene.
Like, damn. It just goes to show how great this game was. The music, the atmosphere, everything.
And of course, Konami cancelled it.
This scene.
Like, damn. It just goes to show how great this game was. The music, the atmosphere, everything.
And of course, Konami cancelled it.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm surprised you're not bitching about the cinematics like so many of the assblasted pretentious faggots on this board.
Still the best Silent Hill game to date.
Kids skipping it because "bad graphix" or something have no idea what they're missing.
First time on a SH thread?
>SH thread
Great! Let's repost the SH PC Guide + DL links :
SH2 torrent:
SH3 torrent:
Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
The "sh2proxy" is a all-in-one fix, that works as a no-cd crack as well. It is included in the pack.
If you use the NEW fix mentioned in the guide, you can use the sh2proxy's EXE as the no-cd crack!
In case you experience issues saving the game / not being able to edit the disp.ini, make sure the files aren't set to "Read Only", and run the game as Administrator.
If SH2 gets stuck in a black screen upon launch, close it and re-start it again.
If SH3 runs like shit even on a strong PC, check and lower the Rendering Resolution setting.
SH2-4 do not support Xinput gamepads. Either use Xpadder, a DirectInput pad, or just play with KB+M.
You can now see some decent emulator settings for SH1 as well in the guide. If the image of the game does NOT fill your entire screen in fullscreen mode, check your plugin AND GPU control panel's image scaling settings!
Also give the new PGXP emulator a shot for a lot less wobbly PS1 graphics.
-Play in the release order.
-Never play below Normal difficulty.
-Replaying them all is recommended.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting,
-Don't try to kill everything that moves, especially outdoors.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help.
SH1 is pretty good, fantastic.
But I love SH2, that ending.
I love this game too, but tell me how this game isn't a running simulator. So many horror games now are retarded lyrics called walking Sims, tell me, is SH1 excluded from this?
im playing the first on my psp and jesus christ what a game. just got the axe and was wondering if it is better than the hammer
It has combat and puzzles, you can't just run from point A to point B without risking a fight
>So many horror games now are retarded lyrics called walking Sims, tell me, is SH1 excluded from this?
Walking sims = gameplay consists ONLY of walking and occasionally maybe pressing USE to activate a new cutscene.
SH1 = literally a RE-clone, a pinnacle of the oldschool survival horror. Puzzles, enemies, bossfights, save spots, multiple endings. Only thing it kinda "lacks" is limited inventory.
It's not.
Kinda surprised you found it though, as many people tend to miss it on their first time.
Then again, some people also missed the Firehammer.
Puzzles don't make a survival horror game though. Also, SH isn't the only horror game that has combat yet many others are called sims. I'm just really interested in the hypocrisy. Inb4 SH, hater. 3 & 2 are my favorites. 3 my fave game of all time.
SH1 has a lot of secrets & endings.
I don't think they cancelled Silent Hill, it came out eighteen years ago user.
Many other horror games don't have any combat
It's funny that games like RE7 and AI are called walking sims here despite having combat and puzzles. AI doesn't have puzzles but leaves would with tasks that you don't want to complete(compliment not negative).
Also, what does multiple endings have to do with anything? A lot if games have multiple endings. That doesn't make it kino horror. Also another annoying ass complaint is the use of cuts cutscene cinematics. Especially considering SH1 used them and likely would have used them if its system could handle it.
welp alright. i finished the hospital with the hammer alone.
other subject now, is the gas station and the police office important? or is just save points
That just means it's a good story. That doesn't make it not a walking sim. I just wanna make one thing clear. I'm not salty in the slightest because I'd take an elementary school child's opinion on a video game before I ever take Sup Forums's contrarian advice. Just really interested in the thought process.
Inb4 Reddit
Konami canceled silent hill 1?
People call RE7 a walking sim because you do spend a lot of time just walking around the house with no enemies or its bosses present, where as in previous games there were always zombies shambling around most of the areas.
Should I play SH or SH2 first as a newbie? Also, which ones should I actually play? Heard 4+ was garbage, heard 3 is garbage but also amazing depending on who I've asked.
I only found the pipe I've played through twice and the first time didn't find Hoffman wtf is wrong with me
Beat it on hard though
Anybody who calls actual video games like RE7 and Alien Isolation "walking simuators" are trolls or talking out their ass. Don't even bother getting bent out of shape when talking to mouth breathing retards of that caliber.
>other subject now, is the gas station and the police office important?
Nah, but worth exploring.
>I only found the pipe I've played through twice and the first time didn't find Hoffman wtf is wrong with me
You can ask that again.
Don't tell me you played with pistol only too?
RE7 was trash though.
SH1 has you running around nonstop. Killing enemies in a new hallway gets repetitive as hell?
RE7 on your first playthrough has you tense as fuck. As did SH back in the day. However, SH just feels like walking around through countless empty space solving a puzzle that has little to do with the story until you trigger the next cutscene and learn a little more. The biggest thing I've noticed here is how people romanticize the fuck out of the past and shit on everything that comes out now. Makes you wonder why they don't just sell their current systems and go back to the old gen and stay in the past.
My theory is that you lot just get off being different, no different than Sup Forums or /vp/
SH2 was good on its own but SH and SH3 had better atmosphere, the unsettling surroundings and the cult being mentioned really gives everything a fear sensation. And of course the western developers made everything so edgy because they wanted Saw the movie with SH2 elements
It's like I said, I'd take an elementary school child's opinion over 99% of the posters here. I just wanna see them called out on their hypocrisy.
>RE7 was trash though.
Doesn't make it a walking simulator. You can't change the definition of terms to include anything you don't like. You can choose not to like it, but it has puzzles, combat, atmosphere, crafting, and so on. It is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a fucking walking simulator. If you call it a walking sim, you are braindead. That is all.
RE7 was fantastic. Hell, I replayed it in VR on the hardest mode that shuffles shit and it was the best experience I've had in a game since OoT on N64 I think. Like that literal feeling of a masterpiece of its time. Shame you couldn't experience that, and instead just have to be an edgy shitlord troll; I feel bad for ya
No, it's a youtube bait oh so spoopy jumspacre simulator
This is your own fucking opinion and means absolutely nothing, quit being an ass blasted redditer and think for yourself instead of getting mad and throwing a tantrum
>The biggest thing I've noticed here is how people romanticize the fuck out of the past and shit on everything that comes out now.
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
New games are different then old games, and are better in some ways and worse then others. People on Sup Forums get really angry about silent hills, even though I'd bet money that if it actually came out everyone would be complaining about it was a modern shitty "walking simulator". But since it didn't, we can all pretend it was something we wanted and hate konami for cancelling it. Oh well.
Nice to know that there are actual sane posters here that don't just say shit to be edgy or different.
What if by being sane and disagreeing with Sup Forums's opinions we're actually being the edgiest of all; the counter-counter contrarians?
Sup Forums is not one person, lurk here a little longer and maybe you too can realize that
>neo-Sup Forums ruins silent hill threads too
How does YT bait stop it from being a good game? This is exactly what I was talking about, shitting on shit just because it's popular. Newsflash retard, every AAA horror game that come from now will have LPers playing it with fake ass reactions, if that's how you judge your games then you're a fucking idiot and horror is forever dead.
I agree with you on this.
I skipped silent hill because Im scared
>putting RE7 and OoT in a same sentence
I feel physically sick now.
The only even remotely good and RE-like section was the Ship, which RE7 fangirls seem to consider the worst. Everything else was like a smashup of all the worst modern ""horror game"" tropes and ideas.
>RE7 on your first playthrough has you tense as fuck.
I was literally bored. It was predictable, generic and even stereotypical as fuck.
>The biggest thing I've noticed here is how people romanticize the fuck out of the past and shit on everything that comes out now.
for a good reason though, as 99% of EVERYTHING released these days are literally designed for the widest audience, with minimal effort. Which makes actual games like BotW so rare and refreshing for a change.
Should I play SH or SH2 first as a newbie? Also, which ones should I actually play? Heard 4+ was garbage, heard 3 is garbage but also amazing depending on who I've asked.
I never get this scene
I never played SH1 when I was younger though and I just played it a few weeks ago after playing 2 and 3, and I have to say, it is probably my favorite Silent Hill game.
3 is the best in the series. Play them in order. Or you can play 1 and then 3 followed by two which is nearly as good as 3.
>REVII fags ruin Silent Hill threads
Sorry you're edgy and couldn't enjoy it, only your loss. Like I said, I thought it was the best gaming experience I've had since OoT. I don't get the ship hate either though, I thought it was the best section of the game too.
play the arcade version first
if you don't mind playstation graphics and tank controls play the first one first
what do you mean by this
Hammer is a bit overpowered weapon in that game, use it basically in every interior where theres no flying monsters or ceiling monsters.
>SH isn't the only horror game that has combat yet many others are called sims. I'm just really interested in the hypocrisy.
Calling most horror games walking sims is retarded to begin with.
>Oh noes! The game has me exploring the creepy areas I'm in and taking in the atmosphere! This game sucks!
>likes RE7
>calls me edgy
You should seriously play more games.
>horror is forever dead
horror has been dead for a while now, where have you been?
How is not getting scared from RE7 edgy you stupid fuck? I think the better explanation is you're just a pussy.
I know, le doge is so fucking CUTE!
Gives a good overview of the story
>However, SH just feels like walking around through countless empty space solving a puzzle that has little to do with the story until you trigger the next cutscene and learn a little more.
The innovations of the game for that era were the lighting, cinematic moving camera angles and more psychological storytelling where you had to put the pieces together yourself. Nowadays those are all common traits in many games but back then Silent Hill was pretty much the first one to have those things.
Things Silent Hill does better than all of its sequels:
1) Exploration. Its not a pure sandbox but large areas of the town are completely optional, yet you can explore them for supplies or stuff like completely optional interiors. This also goes for interiors where there was less broken locks and more "useless rooms". But having "useless rooms" is a good thing because it strengthens the exploration aspect of the game. Not every single room in a large complex needs to have something meaningful in there, its still a better option than most doors having broken locks.
2) Outdoor Otherworld. Full town turned evil was only really used again briefly in Origins.
3) Falling snow. Where the hell did that disappear in 2 and 3? That was part of the feeling of why things felt unnatural and mysterious in the town.
Are there any modern games with the same semi-open survival horro nature as SH?
>Should I play SH or SH2 first as a newbie?
Both. In release order.
see : Only non-TeamSilent game I really liked was Shattered Memories, but even with that you gotta realize you're not exactly playing a "survival horror game" any more.
>and tank controls
They all control literally the same.
Anyone complaining about the graphics will soon realize how big of a moron they've been when they hear that legendary sound world.
>"This rollercoaster ride sucked, I closed my eyes and put hands in my ears the whole time and it was not exciting at all. You're just a pussy for getting a dose of adrenaline in it."
You're missing the point of horror games.
>3) Falling snow. Where the hell did that disappear in 2 and 3?
Not part of the themes and styles.
It could've been implemented briefly in 3 for obvious reasons, but it's not that big of a deal.
Silent Hill 1. This should be a no-brainer.
It's a story and character-driven SERIES, and SH1 is a important introduction chapter in it. And if you ask me, still the best game too.
Even if some of the games are less directly connected with it (they still are), finishing SH1 for real before the sequels gives you much more "context" to the events. More things to look forward to and anticipate in them. Even some needed answers to typical rookie questions.
SH1 also plays its good cards very early on into the game, so you will know what kind of a ride you're up for. Meanwhile, SH2's kinda slow and meh start has been shown to turn off many beginners in the past, especially if it is their very first SH game.
Fuck that, I cried when the cg stopped and she started banging the door, she seemed like the only character which really should have been protected, also her diary is pretty sad.
Maybe it was for the best, I wouldn't trust Kojima with the series.
>4 Anonymous
>08/28/17(Mon)00:14:15 No.388490284
i get the sentiment, while playing the game i stayed up until the sun came up coincedentilly and then i found out i couldnt sleep at night when i tried to. Also my family was away on holiday at the time and my fears from the game merged into real life for me, i was actually scared during that holiday.
trying to start SH1 on ePSXe but when I try to load the bin it crashes. How do I use the cue file?
it definitely should not crash. Did you configure the emulator and its plugins right? What version of the emu are you using?
>how do I use cue file
double click on it.
At the very least I think it would've been better than most previous attempts of the last decade aside from maybe Shattered Memories.
And it had Guillermo Del Toro and Junji Ito on it, just makes me wonder what could've been. I'm relatively over it at this point, but it as well as Legends 3 are real bummers.
I'm surprised this post would come up in a survival horror thread
>Legends 3
Same thing, considering who was involved.
As Silent Hill is, we got 4 amazing games out of it. We don't need anymore, or to see it getting milked by western devs who don't get what made it work in the first place. I'd rather have good memories of the series than unfinished garbage like MGS V.
idk man that all seems complicated
ngl i just want it to work
I tried to fix those settings, half were different, and I just deleted it. I'll just go find my old PSOne somewhere and try to grab a copy from the Exchange or eBay or something
I was using ePSXe btw
>I wouldn't trust Kojima with the series
I would.
Don't get all lazy GenZ kiddo on me now.
I figured all this shit on my own at the age of 15.
You literally just run the set-up wizard, set working plugins for everything, and then throw in the shown settings in earlier pic. Here's what I've used for something like a full decade now.
Failing that, look up some super barebones PS1 emulator, like the PSX or PSXfin, which don't use plugins or anything. You just pracitcally drag&drop the ISOs on them, and bam - silky smooth 240p, unfiltered PS1 games.
If you're still feeling lazy, just buy it from PSN store for your PSP / PS3, assuming you even have one.
Cinematics in this game are excellent.
I've never had to do stuff like that to make games work on epsxe. Downloading and then loading PSX bios is pretty much the only initial requirement you need to do to get things working.
>tfw they were all done by a one guy, who had to literally live in the studio for few months and wait for everyone else to leave after the days work, so he could use all the studio's computers as a render-farm.
>I would.
Good thing it's not up to you, then.
Old game devs were such heroes
Reminds me of my 3D graduation project, rendering that shit took fucking ages and of course you couldn't use the school computers on it during the day.
>Was close with original TS since very beginning
>did some light co-operation with them in early 00s
>took many of ex-TS members into KojiProd when Konami broke them down
>admitted that he's quite a chicken and thus would merely work as a good test subject for horror games
>buds with Junji Ito and Del Toro
>buds with Akira Yamaoka and Masahiro Ito
>all those mindfuck and grotesque scenes in MGS, Snatcher and Policenauts
Kojima would've saved the series.
I'm 32 user. I've hacked 3DSs as recently as last week; this just seems like guess work. It keeps going black screen when I try to open either the bin or cue file in ePSXe and I adjusted the settings that I could to what the pic shows; the rest look different (Downloaded it from main website) and I'm not really interested in playing with settings for hours instead of just paying ten bucks for a disc.
>for hours
this shit should take 5 minutes, tops. And it's not guesswork either; I've literally carried the one and the same emulator folder with me on USB sticks, from PC to another, for years, and not had to adjust anything again at any point.
You still didn't tell what version of the emu and what plugins you're using.
Or your specs. If you're on W10... welp, you're fucked.
Not to mention there's tons of other emus to play around with, like the PCSX-R that's a literal fork of ePSXe,
and the simple as fuck "native res" emus mentioned earlier
>ten bucks for a disc
that'd be a great bargain. Especially if it's in mint condition.
in otherwords: don't underestimate the costs of SH games.
>Would have been riddled by delays and eventually rushed out of the door
>TV celebrities and other pointless shit
>would be mechanically sound, but the narrative and dialogue would be broken due to incompetence
I'll keep my memories of SH 1-4, thanks.
I'm on 8.1, it's already taken an hour, and I alread told you I grabbed it from the main website. I download the correct bios from another website that it recommended and it still didn't work. So I've lost interested. I might grab a native res one.
You're in possession of a Tardis or something? I'd love to go back to 90s and grab some cool shit I ignored as a kid.
So you did not assign or edit plugins at all?
>I've lost interested
and much more than that I see.
I did the entire set up at the beginning.literally have all of the things you post settings for. Othwerwise, I guess not?
Don't want to spoil anything but you can replay those games right now if you want.
Totally different thing from grabbing a sealed and mint-condition SNES classics with all their extras for a tenner from a now-closed local game store
None of these games were on the SNES you nutjob.
Play SH1, then 2, then 3, then 4
Not that hard user
Have people ever called you a little thick and slow when talking to them? Because you're clearly unable to follow implications.