Chad is a literal Chad Edition
Friday the 13th: The Game
If this is the 80s, where is her bush?
this is just sad
That's fucking pathetic.
>Our game is dying
>Look! Porn!
Dead by Daylight is laughing.
It's part of a big costume pack and total revamp of the clothing system. They're also adding dedicated servers, new maps and new Jasons, though probably not in the same content update.
Please remember that when accounting for consoles too, Ft13 has several times the playerbase that DbD has.
>Please remember that when accounting for consoles too, Ft13 has several times the player base that DbD has.
That's so convenient that seemingly all the player base F13 has is on consoles where nobody can prove numbers. DBD is on consoles too you know.
Could we get some more Movie monsters in the game? I know rights can be an issue but instead of just Jason it'd be cool to have Leatherhead in.
me on the left
>There's new stuff coming guys!
>We promise!
Should have released it with the full game. Shit's a scam like every Kickstarter game. Just let it go and accept you got tricked.
When I saw the bikini Stacy I thought it was a joke made in SFM. This is real?
Body and face don't mach at all
Yes. The devs are that pathetic.
There are already official fully nude models ripped from the beta
but its okay when the japanese do it right?
At least P5 was a good game first.
Not at all
fuck off idiot i will eat you
>cartoon game about a bunch of fashionable teenagers stealing stuff and going on vacations
>dark and gritty game about murdering teenagers in extremely graphic ways
I mean, it will help with my ryona fetish, but there is no arguing that it doesn't fit in with the game at all.
>every single Ft13 thread is always derailed by salty Dead by Daylight fags upset that their dead game got beaten
If it triggers you so much that Ft13 gets all the threads, why not make a DbD one instead of coming here and bitching?
>expecting DbDfags NOT to be whiny little cunts
o im laffin
Where are my AI campers? That's all I care about, other than a physical release.
>Please remember that when accounting for consoles too, Ft13 has several times the playerbase that DbD has.
They sure as fuck aren't on Xbone since there's no fucking lobbies. Probably because people got tired of being last when it came to updates.
So that must mean Sonybros are single handily carrying this piece of shit game?
>tfw enjoy both DbD and F13 regularly
>Last Year beta coming in october
It truly is the time to be a fan of these sorts of games familam.
That's funny when F13 fags blame all of the game's downfalls and dying to community on "THOSE BLASTED DBD SHITTERS ARE KILLING MY GAME REEEE!"
Upset about what? F13 was a flop and DBD is getting content updates and has a lively playerbase unlike F13.
>every game has all the content available day one
>this coldn't have been modeled after release.
Can you expect anything less of Sonyfags?
But F13 isn't dying. It's been in the top ten downloaded games on PSN every single month since its release and frequently in first place. It had so many players that they had to expand their servers to let them all in.
Nice try though. ;^)
Who wears a hoodie to the beach?
>this is just chad
At least try to get it right, user
>3 maps
This is not fucking acceptable for a 2017 game.
Playstation All-Stars was in the top 10 PSN best sellers list for over a year.
I don't think PSN is a valid way to gauge a game's success.
Fourth map to be released soon and they're going to be releasing partial-sized maps of existing ones so you don't need a full game of 8 to play.
Because people can't find 8 players because there aren't even 8 people still playing?
>Smaller versions of existing maps as content
Fuck off. Such a cop-out.
There's a variety of reasons. Smaller maps mean shorter game times. Right now a lot of people gripe when they get killed in the beginning and have to wait 20 minutes for the match to end to get their XP. Quicker games removes that. Also, if you don't have a full 8 people to play and want to do a private match, this helps instead of dumping 3-4 people on a full sized giant map.
Not that you were actually asking why partial maps were being released, I realize you're just shilling for DbD and bitching about literally anything and everything.
hey bby ;)
>Not that you were actually asking why partial maps were being released, I realize you're just shilling for DbD and bitching about literally anything and everything.
This. Holy fuck the DbDfags are in rare form today.
>new skins? LOL the game must be dying
>bikini skin!? THAT'S PORN! OMG
>new maps? DEAD GAME
>partial maps!? must be because the GAME IS DYING LOLOLOLOLOL
I mean goddamn. I've never seen such saltiness in trying to flip everything into a negative.
It's been four months and this game is still an exploitable and buggy piece of shit. DBD doesn't have this problem. If it did I wouldn't be shilling it but it's the standard for this genre.
F13 can't compete against the only other fucking game in this genre. It's pathetic. It can unfuck itself but people won't care, just like Evolve when it went F2P. It's too little too late.
>Quicker games removes that
You know what else would fix that? Getting rid of the 20 minute wait requirement.
I grew up fapping to this game. Great nut.
I really like Dead by Daylight, I got it in the latest humble bundle and have played nothing but that game for four days now. I'm absolutely in love with the formula.
Friday the 13th has gotten my attention as well. I like the idea of multiple ways to escape, other than fixing X amount of generators and then running through a gate. I've given a lot of consideration to buying it, however steam reviews and word of mouth mentioning a lack of bug fixes and the game being abandoned have me worried about it.
Can a few of my fellow anons fill me in and give me their opinions on this game?
at first sight, I tought this was about a Barbie and Ken videogame
what point does the friendly fire have besides just being used to trollol your team mates
80s, not 70s
I can see why this game isn't too popular on the chan, but I know a fuckload of normies who play it on ps4. A couple work friends, my cousin, even my sister and her friends play it, and they don't play much vidya at all.
Have you never seen vintage or 80s R rated films? Bush still applies.
Reminder, these are the same fags that shitpost against censoring in western games
It's a video game version of a slasher flick, how does teenagers running around in swimsuits while at a lake not fit in?
Well if you're not being an asshole by purposefully hurting your team, then it adds to the tension by having to make sure you don't accidentally shoot/stab your teammates.
It's fun when it works, which is a decent amount of the time. There are occasional bugs that can get annoying.
Which would be fine, if the friendly fire wasn't buggy when you try to save someone getting grabbed. I try shooting Jason in the head to stun him when he grabs a guy, suddenly he's stunned, the guy is dead, and I'm getting bitched out in Russian for trying to be a team player.
Glorious Nippon
Can you give me a few examples of these bugs, my dear user?
>tfw love Friday a lot, it might end on my top 10 favourites of the year
>I really shouldn't, the game is basically Early Acess-tier at this point with how much basic shit it's missing and how much it's broken
>but I have a lot of fucking fun with it, I even like the rando shitters, the chaos when someone starts team-killing or helping Jason, the shitty autists that roleplay, the genuinely funny people, the Jason players that have no idea what they're doing, all of it.
>Game is dying on PC, don't wanna pay for it again on PS4 +Gold subscription
>Dead By Daylight is where everyone's at
>get it
>find it boring as fuck
Honestly just kill me
You idiots realize that Friday the 13th movies have had a ton of tits and ass since the beginning, right?
Of course you don't, because you're all underaged faggots.
Aj where
Landing strip.
You realize that the game has been out for months with no real content updates, right?
Of course you don't, because you're an underaged faggot.
June was four months ago?
Struck a nerve I guess.
I can't speak for Xbox or PC, but on the PS I haven't seen a bug or glitch in the last eight hundred or so games I've played. I'm pretty sure they've got it completely cleaned up.
>i shot a man grappling with another man with a widespread shotgun and they both got hit
Well fucking obviously.
I've got 96 hours on the PC version and about 50 on the Xbone version.
Playing as Jason is boring. His gameplay depth is way too shallow. The various Jasons offer no real change up in gameplay as the only differences you'll get is a + or - on abilities or stats. The meta is brain dead. You use sense, you warp to the nearest hot spot, and you kill the counselor by hitting him until he limps with your melee or knives. The counselor can't fight back at all despite the game having a ton of mechanics for them to do so, but none of them really functioning in any significant way, not even in the form of a simple struggle to imply Jason is overpowering them. They just don't plain work, are poorly implemented, or Jason outright ignores them with invincibility frames or priority over their actions. Escaping or hiding from Jason is pointless as you can teleport right on top of them with shift and go for a grab or swipe attack. If you manage to lose them for a second, you'll be right on top of them in no time with sense and your shift ability cooldown coming back up in seconds. Hiding in beds or closets is pointless as you can hear where counselors are hiding easily. The radio distraction gimmick is worthless as they only spawn set buildings all the time so that's not going to fool anyone. Cornering a survivor is pretty much a death sentence unless they have a pocket knife and a fire cracker or they get lucky with a swing, but that will rarely be an issue if you know what you're doing (block and approach). Counselors can set up bear traps in cabins to stop you from coming in... in theory. As soon as you get shift, you can negate it by just teleporting into the cabin, and if you properly trapped and broken all the windows, the counselors will have no choice but to walk through their own traps. I don't know if it's been patched yet, but you can also just hold block and walk over them.
I find Counselors to be more fun, but they have their share of problems too.
As someone who played in the beta and bought the game on release, do not buy it. It is not fun, it is frustrating. Animations are stiff and horrible, nothing looks fluid in motion. Melee combat is fucking horrendous because of this and might as well be non-viable. Balance is so fucked and the devs refuse to do anything about it because "Jason's meant to be OP!!!!" even though if you have half a brain-cell you can easily kill all 8 counselors 100% of the time.
It is the multi-player equivalent of gimping yourself because a game is too easy normally, however in this case you constantly get yelled at by retards on mic as you chase them down, killing any kind of atmosphere. There's no region lock on PC so expect to get dumb Russians and chinks.
It's seriously like the devs expected everyone to play the game up to their standards and level of skill. Waste your 40 dollars on literally anything else.
>3 months already had two updates
>this very thread discussing another update planned for month 4
To kill the slimy fuckers that joined a game via party and rat out your position to their friend who was chosen to be Jason that round.
Now they're planning to remove team kills so you can't even kill those fuckers. There's no in-game vote to kick so if you end up in that situation, you're pretty much fucked.
I'm genuinely surprised there's a number of people complaining about swimsuits in a Friday the 13th game.
Probably because they're working on shitty emotes and crappy DLC instead of fixing bugs that have been in the game since beta.
I've been hit with the bat off the map 3 times already, ending my Jason games. And I barely get to play as him.
>the various Jasons offer no real change in gameplay as the only differences you'll get is a + or - on abilities or stats
Not including the Jasons that can't run, the Jasons that start with knives, and the range/damage differences in weaponry.
>the counselor can't fight back at all
He says even though there are weapons that stun Jason instantly, melee can stun him in one to three hits depending on your stats, pocket knives (which are very common) can break a hold and stun him, and a group of two or three players can exploit all of these to reduce indestructible Jason to a pissed off old man with a leg cramp chasing teenagers impotently.
Both Jason and the counselors can walk around the traps both he and they can set.
>teleporting into the cabin
Which can only be done if a door is open/broken, and would be impractical if you play a Jason with a nerfed shift.
>forced to walk through their own traps
Or dive through a broken window to get away quick at the cost of low damage.
The "shitty emotes" are a big quality of life upgrade. Too many poorfags without microphones and no way to communicate. I'm awful sick of playing guessing games.
>do you have the keys? flicker your flashlight once for yes and twice for no
>He says even though there are weapons that stun Jason instantly
What kind of a terrible Jason player are you that you don't approach counselors with weapons with block activated? You can get around the pocket knives by wounding the survivor to limping status, or just avoid it all together by just going for a melee kill. The only way a survivor is going to break out of a stun is if they're Tommy or another character with high composure.
A team of 3 people can't do shit against a Jason who knows that blocking is the key to everything. Block, bait an attack, swing, resume block. Follow this simple flow and they're all going to be dead.
>Not going with a honk system
>block, bait an attack, swi-
>get hit by the other two counselors
>everyone stops to teabag you
>they run off without being touched while you lie on the ground like a bitch
If you can't read a situation and realize when to spot a good opportunity then I've got nothing to say to you.
Women still shaved any hair that would be outside the bathing suit in the 80's you retard.
What if there was a battle royalle where there's one enemy player that's a monster?
FUCK YOU, I was just about to go to sleep.
There is nothing a team of counselor can do against a patient Jason. You're describing hypothetical situation. A situation that can easily be countered by holding down one button. There is no argument to be had because the game's mechanics allows it to happen very easily.
Please be patient he has autism
what's that?
>Jason holds block, waiting for the opportune moment
>everyone just jogs away
>Jason starts jogging
>gets nailed by a flare gun
>everyone escapes
You're just awful at being a counselor. Two competent players can keep Jason near perma-locked down. 3+ and they don't even have to know what they're doing.
>You're just awful at being a counselor.
What the fuck are you on about? I'm talking strictly from the perspective of a Jason player. None of that shit is going to work on me. It hasn't before and it never will. If they start pulling that shit off, I can teleport off to a side and pick them off with knives since it ignores thick skin. 2 hits and they're limping and they won't be able to save their buddies or run off.
You're once again going on with scenarios that simply do not play out in the counselor's favors at all.
isnt this free tho?
Any counselor worth their salt is going to dodge those knives.
Best Friday the 13th girl.
Literal underage.
>throwing knives
How awful are the people you play with that they get hit by those?
i dont think you know what porn is
not joking, in all my playtime i have been hit by knives 3, maybe 4 times tops even at close range
they're literally braindead levels of easy to dodge
heck, half of the time you don't even need to try to dodge it- jason will just toss it over your shoulder
dont get me wrong ff13 is fun; i just seem to prefer dbd
speaking of, did they fully remove aim assist yet on killers? i havent really played since doctor came out
>Thread on the verge of 404ing
>Feel the need to same fag just to get the last word in
You can toss a throwing knife before the animation even comes up just like you can fire a shotgun or a flare gun to catch them by surprise.
It's nice that you completely ignored the part where I said I teleport off to the side and pick them off with it where they wouldn't see it coming because they're expecting a shift grab.
Wiping the whole team out as Jason is easy as fuck. Just because you're matched with retards you can bully doesn't mean he isn't powerful. I do my own share of Jason bullying. It's through these experiences that I know what to do against a team of little shits.
I don't even know why you're bringing DBD up here. But I also enjoy DBD far more.
>wasting a shift grab to try and snipe with the shittiest slowest flying projectile any game has ever conceived of
Jesus. And here you were trying to convince people you could play worth a damn.
This. He would've impressed me if he did a shift+grab+asphyxiate to instantly pick a group member off. Or even shift+attack to try and take them out without blocks or dodges. But shift+knife? lol, what the actual fuck?
you do looking for group right? theres like 5 new posts a second
>Shift grab into a group of people armed with weapons
Are you even listening to your fucking self? Why would anyone do that? You shift into them and perform a grab, that immediately puts you into an animation that you can be knocked out of by someone else. Since you're shift grabbing into them, you're not able to block at all. A shift attack would still put you into a vulnerable animation, and since everyone is running a variation of thick skin, it would take more than a couple of hits to put them into a limp animation. Knives on the other hand completely ignore thick skin. 1 or 2 is enough to put a majority of counselors into a limping state. You get one of them into a limp state and you can then pick them off with an attack or see if some other loser goes in for the heal, which at that point you knife too. Now you got two fuckers limping around that you can take out with one swipe.
Considering how this game treats shift cool downs, you aren't even wasting shit if you do small hops. That shit will be recharged in an instant. The point is to disorient them. Combined with the warping effec, they'll be swinging their camera around or expecting a shift grab, all you do is "hip fire" a little knife at them. Once you got them all limping, no amount of pocket knives or bat swinging will save them because they can't run for shit.
It's the quickest and most effective way I've found to take care of groups that stick together. The alternative is to shift into them and hold block and wait for their weapons to break, but at that point you're just allowing any lone wolves to get their objectives done because you're not applying any pressure to the larger group.
Because the grab animation to asphyxiate is immediate you stupid cuck.
I'll come back to this shitfest when they finally fix the wrong voice acting for Adam, Buggzy and Eric. I got to level 80+, but that shit got on my nerves so much I just couldn't excuse the game being so lazily done any longer