Tell me about the game you hate most, Sup Forums. I want to hear your reasons for hating those games, from "this specific game started the downfall of my favorite series" to shit you just hate about what the game stands for in its design philosophy
Tell me about the game you hate most, Sup Forums. I want to hear your reasons for hating those games...
I severely hate Overwatch. The game creators ruined it, but the playerbase ruined it more. Blizzard could have made Overwatch decent, but they made the gameplay not fun and the cosmetics not fun either. Half the characters are only in the game for diversity points and to not get yelled at by SJWs, and even the ones that are interesting at first become more and more bland and cookie-cutter. It also doesn't help that the game is unbalanced as fuck, no matter what they do. Competitive is a shitshow of "how good can you be before we tell you to go fuck yourself and kick you off your skyscraper of SR" and toxic cunts, so that doesn't help either. The fanbase is full of screechy dickwads who will defend the game at all costs, but will gladly bash any games similar to it that are actually fun. People who upload videos of it on YouTube are rarely funny or interesting in what they do in the video, and it usually just consists of repetitive gameplay with the occasional "le funny meme/joke" constantly shoehorned in.
tl;dr the game is a perfect example of what happens when a company that makes MOBAs tries to make a competitive FPS
You can all hate me now.
I hated literally everything about it, and I do mean everything.
>Resident Evil 6
What if I told you damn near every problem you have with overwatch is solved by finding a team to play with?
What if that is completely acceptable because it's a TEAM-shooter?
People bitch so much about Overwatch
>Other people are annoying.
>I hate relying on my team.
Literally every problem is fixed by playing the TEAM game in a TEAM. No shit,
I disagree with your argument because it's essentially the "it's fun with friends" argument, which is complete horseshit. The game shouldn't have to rely on you having friends to be fun because guess what? Doing ANYTHING with a group of friends is more fun. The biggest issue with blizzard's matchmaking is that they'll put like 3-4 stacks vs a team of complete strangers regularly. And your argument certainly doesn't address the other issues he has with the game, such as the not fun gameplay or blizzard's complete inability to actually balance the game
No game will ever be perfectly balanced. Blizzard at least updates and patches the game regularly, and tries to balance it. I also think a lot of heros are misplayed.
It is fun even if playing by yourself if you play Quickplay and Arcade modes.
Competitive mode is designed to be played in a competitive 6-stack. People just ignore this, and try to carry in a game that is as team reliant as possible.
The game works as intended, but it's intended to be played in teams. The people frustrated by it are people who actually don't like to be team players, and expect to carry.
I wouldn't hate it so much if it was just it's own thing. But they way it completely ripped off the playable races and most of the enemy designs from FFXI, effectively supplanting the fandom of that game while being far worse in nearly every aspect, makes me mad.
I fucking hate league of legends. My core vidya friends all love it but I see it as severely pay2win. All the characters cost $10 or 10 hours of grinding and the best meta picks sometimes cost more, so you're grinding at wages equvilllent to sweatshop workers.
Even if you do manage to grind your characters, you also need to grind another 100 hours to buy all your runes (and without runes your character is severely dissadvantaged/unplayable). And on top of THAT, you have to grind rune pages to have your runes available to you before a game starts (youre not allowed to mix and match your runes during character select). So youre looking at hundreds of hours of grinding with sub optimal champions or you can drop $200 and have everything now.
It unleashes my autism to think a game revolving around drafting and counterpicking has 3 paywall systems (buy champs, buy runes, buy pages) to gimp f2p players from making the best strategic choice and yet everyone disagrees there's any monetary incentive at all.
The common argument I hear against this is the weekly free champs are all you need to play, but theyre not! Wothout investment youre forced to use 2-3 general rune pages for all characters, putting you at a noticeable disadvantage to the guy with all runes farmed/bought. Watch any streamer and they have literally dozens of rune pages for every champ they play. It's a trash game and I hate it.
I agree with you that it's p2w but they are removing skins
Didn't they take out rune pages recently? I haven't touched League in like years.
Dark Souls. Holy fucking shit do I hate Dark Souls.
Now the game itself isn't that bad, I can see the appeal. I grew bored of it fairly quickly since the combat isn't mechanically varied enough for how big a part of the game it is - bosses are fine and all, but roll and strike just didn't cut it for me. I feel like the game could have used special moves and directional attacks like, say, Severance had. I did like the exploration and atmosphere, but it wasn't enough to carry the game for me. Didn't like it too much overall, but if someone is satisfied with it, I wouldn't hold it against him.
But what the fanbase turned into. Jesus fucking Christ. It's the first game with any semblance of difficulty the next gen casuals have ever gotten their hands on. And now they all masturbate to the "YOU DIED" screen and go around proclaiming it the messiah of video game design and the hardest vidya known to man in an endless self-congratulatory circlejerk. Its popularity has infected the whole industry and now you can't get away from idiotic Dark Souls comparisons, even though the game was nothing revolutionary by itself. I've literally had a guy I've just met call himself "a hardcore gamer because he beat Dark Souls". That's almost a verbatim quote. The series is an unbelievable ego-stroking faggot magnet.
LoL has drafting and counterpicking?
When I quit it was a game of "5v5, both teams running the same metagolems".
I like the Dark Souls games, but they are not hard to anyone over 20.
You can straight up break Demons Souls, from the start.
Dark Souls is just easy, it's flat out easy.
DaS2 wasn't good enough to hold my attention, and soured me on playing DaS3.
Yes they're going to be taking out the old rune system in a few months and basically turning masteries into a CoD-style perk system, including such benefits as
>when flash is on cooldown, being able to use flash with a 2.5 second delay on a 20 second cooldown
>switching out summoner spells in the shop mid-match
>option to go into debt when buying items from the shop
I came here to pretty much post this verbatim.
I can't say the game is strong enough at any one thing or interesting overall to get me to finish it. I had the same problem with DeS. It's like, the essence of the kind of game I drop after a few hours because it's just not doing it for me.
Elite:Dangerous could have been a great spaceship game, but the devs are idiots and people can just bail on any situation they don't like. It absolutely ruins any serious player interaction and the whole idea of being a pirate, which the devs spouted as one of the available paths, is completely worthless.
They went P2P for their network and people rave about how it's perfectly fine because there's no monthly charge, and then immediately circlejerk about purchasing ship skins on a game that already costs like $40 without the expansion.
I'm sure I don't have to explain
Divinity: Original Sin. The standard or the enhanced version, it doesn't matter. The two most mechanically viable party members are the worst in personality, which is an odd thing to say because every character is zero dimensional. The voice acting is shit, there's virtually no information given about the setting, there's nothing clever about the plot, the game tries to be funny and fails so hard it actually aggravated me, and there's a general feeling of everything being unfinished in a massive way. The combat is good but because of the aforementioned problems I just couldn't care about it. It was like playing chess against a computer. And the mechanics had no flavor.
Shit taste user
"It was too hard and I couldn't beat it so I just say I got bored of it"
And why is that?
Currently my most hated game is XCOM: Enemy Unknown. The bullshit RNG pissed me off and made me uninstall the game again.
>big ayy lmao enemy at point blank
>70 % hit chance
Killing Floor 2. They did what Valve did to L4D, make the second one goofier and a lot less threatening. However they forgot the most important thing that Valve did right, made the game more fun. Also cosmetics. Seriously, I don't need to see some "look at me im wearing gold armor and an elite mega death snaketooth crown arent i cool other players??????? XDDD" attention whores in every match I get.
Because you have an opinion which differs from mine,so you are a bad person
Mass Effect 3 because I believed in it.
Bioshock Infinite is a failure on basically every level and had no excuse for being so terrible.
You hate Leon, Chris and Sherry?
No, because I'm not a child who gets mad and yells about video games I don't like
Devil May Cry 2. The areas are so lifeless. The enemies and bosses suck. (Seriously fucking demon tanks and helicopters?) They fucked up the combat when compared to the first one. Its more effective to use the shitty guns than it is to get the shitty swords. You don't get different melee weapons, just sword reskins with barely any differences. Dante is so boring in this game. The story adds nothing to the franchise. Overall 0/10