What does your Sup Forums look like?

what does your Sup Forums look like?

like this



>hiding the banner

>Those bookmarks
I see your man of patrcian taste as well, I'm excited for the new Stellaris DLC desu

i want the to cut the fucking fore play and just release more map overlays

I get 4 overlays for the galaxy and 2 of them show the same thing. What the goddamn shit is this.

Robits look cool tho

obligatory waifu in the corner

These get old after all these years.

I mean, where the fuck is the economy overlay? What about Races? What about ideology?

Instead we get 2 political overlays, a country overlay and an attitude overlay. Fantastic.
Granted those maps are useful but what the fuck, just four?



This theme was actually made for my desktop, but I'm currently vacations with only my laptop.

Dark themes are the only way to go for me. Your greenish grey is alright too I suppose.

I dunno user, my life is dark enough already, I don't need the place where I spend so much of my time to be dark as well.

Is appchanX still my only option if i want to make my own theme?

>his waifu doesn't browse Sup Forums with him

No you can just use oneechan

Mine do, I just disabled them when taking the screenshot.

this is a christian board polygamists can get lost


Why the fuck are there people browsing this website with non-dark themes? Do you ENJOY having your eyes bleed?

I still use yotsuba B and 4chanX.
I hate change.

explain user

i like the red

wow are u a hacker?

Like this.

Same as this guy Also, video games.

I tried it.
Any reason to use it over appchan? I would have to remake all my settings and themes, and I can't see anything worth changing for.
I'm From what I remember when I was making that theme years ago, Youmu didn't look as dreamy with a dark background, so my eyes be damned, I wanted Youmu to look good in the theme.

Plain ol' Yotsuba B. Never changed it, don't plan to.

I like half-ghost dorks as much as you do, but I don't think she would appreciate you hurting your eyesight for her.

>there are people
>in this website
>in this very board
>in the current thread
>browsing Sup Forums like cavemen

Do you guys have to spam F5 to refresh the threads, too?

If you're worried about remaking themes then maybe not but you can see from that it would be easy to recreate your theme and the theme menu is makes customization stuff easy

It actually looks decent on my desktop. It does hurt on my laptop though.
When I first started out with the whole customising theme thing I had a picture of her that was almost all green.
I suffered to read greetexts for months.
I'm gonna fiddle with it when I get back on my desktop and judge if it's worth switching over, this laptop is hard to work with and I dont have all my images I could use for themes.
Thanks for bringing my attention to it though.

Speaking of extensions, are there any versions of the Sup Forums Media Player that still work? I use Appchan X and I really liked the old media players that we used to have back when Sound Threads were allowed.

>tfw my Sup Forums bookmark still says "AMERICA FUCK YEA"
>even after ive reinstalled windows twice


I'm assuming you don't mind moving stuff to the side you can just use a default theme and set her up in the mascot menu, like I've done with mio, then you could use multiple pics, I have mine set to change to a different one of mio each time I change the page

I still use Burichan desu.

I just use Yotsuba B, I like the colour blue.

Fat, depressed and with giant bags under my eyes
At least I regularly shave, cut my hair and bathe so I got that going I guess

Like this.


Seconding this, It was great for music threads or threads with a lot of yt links

So when you're browsing the thread you can only see the tip of her ears and slowly scrolling down?

thats a big awoo

It's static.


Good taste in waifu.

Extensions and catalogs are for Redditors, if you don't browse Sup Forums by manually reading through each individual page then you're a degenerate.

I loathe using the catalogue unless I am looking for a specific thread, but there's nothing wrong with Extensions.

I've been here since 2003 and I use catalog.

it used to be more pink

It'll always be The Vidya to me

I have astigmatism, and white/bright text on black/dark backgrounds makes my eyes have a ghosting effect
it sucks a dick
I also have to have the light on in my room at all times.


and my nsfw board theme

l used to have a really nice darkasmysoul red theme. It was like Tomorrow, but red. Unfortunately making the rest of my desktop harmonize with it was effort, especially when distrohopping, so I just went back to plain old Tomorrow.

No need to.
Just press F11 and ignore the windows theme.

>not using the catalog
It's not 00's anymore very few threads are worth looking at and you need some way to sort through the shit

Can I make it the Halloween theme? It always makes me so happy.

yoko deserves better

Same, I actually rice my desktop but don't care to do the same with Sup Forums. I've been used to Yotsuba B for years now.

It's random

Did the latest Firefox update kill 4chanx for anyone else?

I'm on 55.0.3 and 4chanX is "working"
If you mean the whole image is corrupt, it's been doing that for a while even on FF54 which I used before updating today.

t. redditors

Well I do use reddit, but I started doing that in 2010 I think, so I was here 7 years before that, and probably 13 years before you.


Mind sharing that cloud background? I like it.

>bump order

Tomorrow theme
7-14 pinned or highlighted threads.
Stock of extra threads is in my hidden section.
Extra threads are just backup in case one of my stock dies.
I venture into the catalog occasionally to pick up new threads.





There was no catalog back then.


Actual redditor.

kinda like this

Dumb Phoneposter, get out.


i like the font

make me :^)
no, seriously, i want out of this shithole

Then do it, faggot.