Chooses flight

>Chooses flight
>Gets taken down by military
You're retarded if you chose flight. Invisibility gives you a lot of opportunities.

Can't get taken down by the military is you can fly faster and dodge.

You don't need a superpower to feel invisible.


Truthfully, the only thing you could do with invisibility involve being a rapist/pervert or a thief. Or all three really.

>Choose flight
>Go to gravitation research facility
>Sacrifice my body if needed so the human race can develop anti-gravity vehicles so we can escape this wretched piece of shit before overpopulation or war destroys us forever.




>tfw would pick invisibility over flight but would just kind of sit around at home and not do anything with it


I thought the degenerates were supposed to be on team flight

>Be invisible
>Do everything you can already do, but people can't see you I guess
Feels really super

I want to ink Marina's splat zone

I want Marina to grind her anus on my face

Your power isn't super speed, it's just flight. You probably fly at running speed.

Invisibility is fucking shit.
Only your body is invisible not your clothes. So in winter you either die because of the cold or your power becomes pointless because your clothes reveal you. In summer you get your balls fried by the sun.

I agree.

invisibility is shit cause you will go blind any time you are invisible since the light is not focused by the lense in your eyes


>not robbing banks naked

>"whoa, floating bags of money!"
How would the plan work?

They'd be so enthralled by the floating money they won't notice the floating gun when I blow their faces off

Have you ever been to a bank? That shit is under so much security that not even an employee can steal a coin without the entire company knowing.

Also, what the hell do you want money for? You're invisible. If you want something, go take it.

look at that DBZ power aura in the OP picture, you can't tell me they're going running speed with that

I can't take a fucking custom built mansion with every room having a gimmick you have to learn to leave it you idiot

How can Flightfags even compete?

Shut the fuck up, Onsokumaru.

Just because everyone is seeing what's on the other side of doesn't necessarily mean that light doesn't effect you.

>he thinks team invisibility can be memed into victory

You also can't buy one with cash.
And good luck taking 2 million dollars around the street.
And I doubt you can sign a contract if you are just a floating pen.

Thats what the blackface is for

No shit. Flight is a retarded without proper complimentary powers like superhuman durability or and superfast vision while in the air. Invisibility is like xray vision, the nature of the power is so complex it ought to just werk on it's own.


I'd be invisible just to eavesdrop. Easy promotions.

Flying is cooler but dangerous

i want to be invisible at work so people without business for me stop bothering me

Is Japan getting this splatfest too? Are all regions going to be the same in this game?

Serious question, if an invisible person was sucking your cock, and someone looked behind the head of the invisible person who was sucking your cock, what would they see?

flight fag here
>not becoming a ghost and spooking people by making them think theres someone under the sheets and then pulling it off revealing there isn't
>not wanting to spook people by driving behind them while you're invisible making them think there being haunted by a ghost car
>not wanting to be able to pull off other pranks
if you're reasoning that the only thing you can do with invisibility is illegal thinks your wrong

>That fucking octavio boss fight at the end
Single player was a slog but that fight alone was worth it. Best final boss since Armstrong.

How viable are umbrellas online? I always likes the shotgun type weapons but the ink coverage seems like garbage

looked behind the head? Like they were looking at the back of the invisible person's head? Then they would see your cock... how is that not obvious?

For invisibility, wouldn't you go blind while invisible?

Assuming its thing is basically it reflects all light on your entire body, including on your eyes, so you can't see shit.

But the cock would be inside the mouth, and logic would lead me to believe that anything that goes inside the invisible person's body becomes invisible, so if you looked behind the head I don't think you would see the tip

Depends on what kind of invisibility it is. If light completely passes through you, yeah you'd be blind, along with refracting light around you. But if you use some sort of special camouflage that just mimics the light around you, you'd be fine.




Why not sneak aboard an airplane to whatever country you want? Same thing as flight, just takes longer

I agree until you said summer. wouldn't the light particles not touch your balls because they're invisible?

the only good chargers are always on the enemy team in my experience

>stealthy superheroes don't exist because i can't think with my brain and only with my dick

>"In summer you get your balls fried by the sun."
>he doesn't regularly go to a nude beach to increase genital resistance to solar radiation

What is Ink Saver (Sub) best used in combination with?

>use flight become best basket ball player ever

Yeah but invisibility is lame. You still make sound when you; breathe, walk, sneeze, stomache growls. You still release body heat and can be seen with infrared.
Invisibility is useless.

The umbrella opening bit is cool but you turn really slowly while using it and can't attack without exposing yourself so the only real use I can think of is protecting a teammate's super jump landing point.

Sub power up, as well as a weapon with a good sub like burst bombs or splat bombs.

You're a damn fool if you don't think they are.

you obviously did not play splatoon 1, octavio Sp1 was best.

how does this fandom still exist? didn't the show end a while ago

it never ended user its even getting a movie
look it up

>Not being a cop and using invisibility to sneak around and covertly search for evidence of crimes

>no bird furries and just ponies
what went wrong?

Cancer never dies.

>good work, Detective
>how did you say you came by this evidence, again?

you are the cancer

>Implying you're keeping your powers a secret

Leave it to the tripfag to be such a buzzkill. Can you fucking kill yourself already

>get shot
>be invisible
>get shot
Why couldn't they have made one of the choices super strength or something

>Cancer deflecting by being a bigger cancer by enabling cancer.
Weak. Weak and pathetic.

>Have really big muscles
>Get shot and die

This sucks on ice

super strength wouldn't prevent you from getting shot.

invisibility would prevent you from being shot

And flying will make your lungs explode

fight fire with fire, fag

So you admit you're cancer and a faggot.

That isn't what being invisible is.
It literally means you can't be seen. If they shot at your direction you would get hit.

>implying "evidence gained by an invisible man" would ever be accepted in court

um why would they know which direction you're in since you're fucking invisible

If you had super strength you would probably have super speed and would be able to dodge bullets

>you would have to fly very high to avoid detection
>the height at which you can fly is limited by factors such as atmospheric pressure and temperature

flying only ever seems like a good superpower when people are too dumb to consider you can't breath really high up and you'd just be freezing your balls off anyways

shit power desu

You'd get shot by accident

do you want the tumblr fucks back? they were worse than we ever were

You wouldn't have sided with furfags if you didn't pick Mayo. Lament the fate that you brought upon yourself.

season 7 user
>the MLP craze happened 7 years ago

Trump was, I don't see how a superpower can't be

Or people assume that when you're given "the power to fly" you're being given the ability and the resistance to actually survive the power's use. You know, like if you were given the power of super speed, that would imply you're not going to break all the bones in your legs from running that fast.

Invisibility is still better though.

that has nothing to do with the tumblrtards shitting up the the game for over a week
I joined mayo for my own degenerative reasons, the furries were just a bonus

Your support of degeneracy is what brought Tumblr. You only have yourself to blame for the faggotry you enabled.

are you assuming they watch you go invisible, or are you assuming that people just go around shooting the air constantly

i agree, invisibility would suck if you were amereican

>this is a legitimate concern in America

Also your eyes cannot function unless light is reflected off the cornea. If light passes through it (as must be the case with invisibility) sight is no longer possible so you would be shooted and blind.

>the power to fly entails not only the power to levitate and propel yourself through the air
>it's also the power to not need oxygen, be impervious to temperature, and not be affected by pressure differences between the inside of your body and the outside world

just fucking no.
the power to fly is the power to fly
you want to use it, you're going to have to use it at the altitude and speeds you can survive at. Just because you can fly all the way into the thermosphere doesn't mean you need the power to survive it

>how did you say you came by this evidence, again?
>"Lets just say the bad guys never saw me coming"
>hearty laugh
>roll credits
>this will never be my life

It would be just like bird flight. Fly too high, and you die. Fly too long, and you get tired. Fly in bad conditions, and you can get injured.

I went with flight, because the furfags will again win the splatfest for me.

you sleep with the enemy

Shove the money up your arse?

to be invisible you have to not interfere with light passing through you which means either your eyes are visible or you're blind

you fags are complaining about the limitation of flight without resistance to low oxygen and ignoring the limitation of invisibility because you know flight is a better power even with its drawback

Why must you faggots shit up everything with your degenerative shit?

What... no shit, what the fuck else could you want?

Notice in the splatfest art that their clothes and eyes are still visible

>Most overpowered ability in basically every game, gets nerfed to shit in every shooter

Flight would work if everyone had it, then we'd have to have a society revolved around flight and all the nuances involved.