Which one was the best entry?

Which one was the best entry?

Game 1 was solid, but Game 2 improved on a lot of aspects. Game 3 was a shameless cash grab and should never have been made.

Game is the best one out of all three. The rest might as well as not exist.

Game was all gameplay with no gimmicks. It prioritized on being a good game instead of a melodramatic hollywood shit like Game 2 was, or a shameless casual cash grab like the Game 3 is.

I liked the spin off

Eat me



Game 1 was good, innovative
Game 2 campaign was a little more confusing, but had a better gameplay
game 3 had best graphics, the campaign didn't make sense. Multiplayer was fun!

game 2 was a shitty attempt at captivating the edgy 13 year old audience with its boring art style and unnecessary gritt, multiplayer was a nice edition but the mechanics felt watered down compared to the first, game 3 certainly felt like a return to the series' roots despite its short campaign.

>forced to include token black guy to appease SJW's
Go back to tumblr

Game 1 is shit and only faggots with nostalgia goggles think it was any good

>game takes place in brazil
>wahh sjws why are there black ppl :(
never change Sup Forums

>Talking shit about Blacker

Piss off fucker. Game Over came out before the tumblerina craze started poisoning video game development. Blacker was a bro since Mission 2

Mission 25: Born with a Hammer in his Hands

Clash of Game is a pretty good mobile game


Fucking this Game 3 fucking ruined Protagonist's character progression. Even the box art shows it.

>Game 1: Surprised, shocked at the horror of war, wielding a gun because he thinks he can shoot his problems away. Helmet on his head because he's a soldier at heart
>Game 2: Protagonist realizes the true enemy is invisible, the pain of war is more than physical. Subtitle "You ready 2 die?" because he is in fact prepared to die now. Helmet off to signify he's "hanging up his hat", the ending was supposed to tie up his narrative
>Game 3: Silly bullshit hahaha OMG look he's running from an explosion, kool guys don't look at xplosions xDDD he's smiling see war is fun! I make big boom haha xD pls give us money

FUCK Publisher for reviving this series only to parade its corpse around. Let Protagonist fucking rest in peace.

It sucks how Game 2 was attempting something different, but because it was too confusing for the console chads Game 3 went back to rehashing the original formula.

Both are fun but Game Sequel was a little too weird

>COMPANY will never make GAME 4

>tfw INC bought out COMPANY to get rid of competiton and now they're stuck in eternal purgatory and haven't made anything in years

>there are underages on this board who grew up with Nu-Protag and don't know any better

>An amazing story and game, even with the limited budget
Game 2
> A better version of Game, a new story with better graphics and play style with a much larger budget and staff to work with
Game 3
>Devolved into memes and cringy joke for children

Game 2 is always my choice

Do you guys like Mobile Game? I've only spent less than 200 bucks on gachas and I've already gotten 3 super rares. The terrible artwork and english voice acting is also quite good!

good post

PS3 has no GAME

Naw. I just played the Taxman remake of GAME CD

>Gamebox babbies

Playman 4 is where it's at plebians.

Is there ever a time where Game 2 isn't the best of a trilogy?

People who say they prefer Game 1 are just shitty hipsters. It's basically unplayable compared to 2 and 3, unless you mod it so heavily it barely resembles itself.


Doesn't matter, they've killed the series with G4ME.

That shit is going to flop so hard.

Game 1 was clearly the best
Game 2 was too dark and edgy and then Game 3 was too lighthearted and silly when devs overreacted to people complained about 2

3 was a fucking joke
>Complex protagonist turned into wise-cracking generic badass

Will the HD remake of Game 1 save us bros?

DMC never had a 2.

F-fallout is that you?

Game 2 was edgy 2deep4u writing at least game 3 knew the original game had some humor in it.

>never had a second

Resistance 2 is easily the worst of the trilogy. But it's uncommon.

game 3 is essentially
>dude badass lmao

They skippped 2 and went straight to 3. Where have you been?

G4ME announcement when?

Game and Game 2 had total modibility where as 3 is a closed source piece of shit

Game 2's multiplayer was literally pay to win, how can anyone defend that trash?

Why is your art so recognizable?

I'm not sure what you mean

Many people hate Game II because of its differences in terms of scope and tone with the rest of the series but for me it's the only Game that really resonated with me. The other two felt too formulaic.

Multiplayer felt forced and shoehorned. If they didn't waste resources on it and allocated everything to singleplayer Game 3 could have easily been the best Game.

Its a very simple drawing and yet I could tell right away who the artist was. Kinda impressive in its own way.

>what is lost planet

Don't worry, I heard some GAME fanboys are working on GAME 4 using assets from GAME 3.

The story of GAME is a sad one. GAME 1 was amazing even tough its low funding and it sold well. GAME 2 had the potential to be better with the huge amount of cash they could've used but it came out bland and boring. Many thought it was the end of the series until GAME 3 came out, with none of the original team from 1 or 2, even lower budget than the first one and being a quick cash in from COMPANY™ it was a pure shitshow.

Heres hoping for GAME:chronicles though

>people unironically liked 2 and think 3 "missed the point"
>when Dir Ector only worked on 1 and 3 while 2 was made by a different team
B-teamfags are nothing but contrarians.

I'm curious user

Who is it?

Its [Spoiler]Dr.Bug[/Spoiler]

HD collection when?

I liked game 3

>Could be the porn artist
>Could also be referring to something else entirely which would still be accurate

Now I don't know if you're fucking with me or not

>Waah Game 3 is bad because its different!
I remember you faggots saying the same shit about Game 2 but now since Game 3 came out, everyone wants to act like its a underrated gem. Fucking contrarians!

isn't this the ms paint artist who did that comic where the son fucks his mom vacuuming in front of the tv

Doubt it, they don't look that similar


No. That's Player One.

Anyone tried GAME: ONLINE ?

An MMO seems like a weird genre to take the series.

Dark Souls

every FUCKING day you make this fucking thread
I don't even understand why people tolerate this
what a fucking waste of time, we could be discussing REAL VIDEO GAMES
the game series was complete shit! play a real game like Game Over instead

>Game Over

My man

Why would I play any game in that shit series when VIDEO GAME is vastly superior to it in every way?

Had a lot of fun with friends playing it in high school. Too bad the servers are dead now, but I heard they are making a Card GAME now, that is inspired by CARDS but with GAME characters in it.

>they made CARD GAME and not GAME 2 EPISODE 3

Game 1 Remastered

Actually, the Card GAME is based off the third expansion pack to GAME ONLINE.


It came out only for the Game Sphere though, so it was unknown. Kind of stupid since everyone played GAME ONLINE on Game Box

Who remembers getting this when they were a kid?

Search your feelings and know it to be true.


Dude just NRG glitch and you'll be rolling in Ubers for free

I will find you and i will defend this fucking game so hard that your brains will rot away

GAME 2: A POCKET FULL OF COINS was better in every way.

>implying any entry was good