Hurry up and pick one, user

Hurry up and pick one, user.

Other urls found in this thread:

can I kill not only Sup Forums posters but all fuckos who think a videogame board needs to talk about politics

No. 2

Just stop coming to Sup Forums, you fucking idiot.


Mistery button for me


Button #2, not even a contest.

Why is there no 'Kill all frogposters' option

What's the worst that can happen. I'm going with the mystery button.


Button 2 virtually gets rid of Phoneposters too, and 3 is a Sup Forums staple. I'll press 2.

Kill all nu-Sup Forums

mystery button, I like the thrill of the unknown.

Have you chosen wisely?

#2, obviously


That's included in #2.

Phoneposters and consolewarring faggots are absolute scum but at least they play games.


I never played the deep sea game or even know what the other 2 are, but this seems like a good thing.

#1 contains a great deal of 2 and 3 already, so 1.

And now I go back to Sup Forums

Fuck Sup Forums posters

>the "video games aren't political" meme again
Because developers don't make political statements in games right

and fuck white people


What exactly is wrong with accessing Sup Forums through a smartphone? What difference does it make to anyone? It isn't 2006 anymore, I'm not hunching over my desktop all day when my phone with Clover is much much better.

>deep sea threads

but really who the fuck doesn't have a phone?

>press to revive more "vee culture" non video game threads
Glad I fucking chose 2

shitting on phoneposters is a meme that I will never understand.

consolewar fags are easily the largest group of shitposters on this board, but at least they're technically talking about video games.

Sup Forumstards and all political shitposters talking about SJWs, Goobergaters, etc, bring absolutely nothing of value to this board, this website, or humanity in general. I would slam that button with no remorse or hesitation. I'd want to watch them die myself.

kids will pick 3
phoneposting nu-Sup Forums will pick 2
real niggas? 1 all the way

fuck off phoneposter

>flooding the boards with low-effort posts by underage kids at school is somehow not bad
I like the ability to discuss video games during slow days at work but phoneposting in general has done more harm than good

nigga I'm 28 if you think I'm gonna change my ways and post on a tiny-ass screen with none of my image macros then you're out of your fucking mind.

everyone was a newfag once, I'd rather get rid of all shitposters than all newfags. Without newfags, you end up with shitholes like /vg/.

I think 2 is the obvious choice. I'd love to hit 3, but the sooner dumb frogposters disappear, the better.

Sup Forumsposters because while there are shitty devs who shoehorn politics into their games, Sup Forumsposters are triggered every time a character has dark skin. I'm black too.

Kill me, Pete.

>implying the portion posting on phones are entirely different people from those posting on desktops

I've been shitposting from my desktop for ten years, but for the last two or so I've also been using my phone to do it when I'm away from my computer.

People who unironically push the meme are just angry that their monthly autism check doesn't cover the cost of a decent smartphone after their living expenses.

>posting frogs means you're from Sup Forums
fuck you, I just happen to like these images

>none of my image macros
>he doesn't keep his reaction images synced across multiple online backups for easy shitposting from anywhere, on any device, and to prevent data loss in case of hard drive failure

get a load of this guy

At least 80% of all phone posts are politics, e-celeb, and meme garbage; so, whoever chose the second button over the first is a complete retard.

>At least 80% of all phone posts are politics, e-celeb, and meme garbage
where are you getting these numbers from

>low-effort posts
Yeah I miss the days when Sup Forums was mostly high-quality, high-effort posting.

I bet you think summer Sup Forums actually exists too, don't you?

I was too late but I would've picked the mystery button anyways from those options. It would've been the right choice, too.

Number 3 so Sup Forums can stop existing

Obviously the second button because Sup Forums is attracting more underageb& and redditors to this site.

Sup Forums is the biggest cancer on this site by far and one of the more notable cancers on the internet in general. Fucking smash #2 like there's no tomorrow.

Doesn't make you any less of a dumb frogposter.

Sup Forums is an imaginary boogeyman so that

not vidya

If I asked you how long you've been visiting this site, would you answer honestly or would you lie

Gee then you should discuss how the message was handled in the game, and the videogame aspect of that message you fucking retard. Not the message's validity.

>hurr there's food in this game
>let's have a cooking thread Sup Forums!

kill all Sup Forums posters.

Phoneposters are much less annoying than Sup Forums and consolewar fags, so not them.

Deciding between Sup Forums and consolewarriors is hard, though. Both are aggravating, seemingly everywhere, and instantly derail threads. I think Sup Forums is worse, though. At least console wars are related to video games.

Kill Sup Forums, please.

This image is wrong, antifa and self hating whites also hate America


but the Sup Forums userbase is the originators of the classic Sup Forums you always reminisce about

>consolewar fag

always mystery box

>this image about how donuts are bad for you is wrong, bread is bad for you too

>food analogy

But I don't reminisce about classic Sup Forums. I just want Sup Forums gone.

I'm on my phone right now.

The problem with me is that I'm on my phone. If I was on my desktop I'd be acceptable.

Nice meme Sup Forums

>enables retards to shitpost even when away from the desktop
>shitposting goes up and overall quality of posting goes down
>somehow that's not a problem
Fuck off.

Pick one, Sup Forums.

A) It is now impossible for a white woman's womb to be fertilized by ejaculate which has any African genetic component.

B) AAA games go back to having

Kill Sup Forums posting, but then keep the shitting on pandering

> It's Sup Forums and Sup Forums falseflagging
You do realize that not every dumb thing said is Sup Forums's fault right?
"falseflagging" is a argument used by faggots who think that people they don't like are 100% wrong and unjustified
Sup Forums is a boogeyman used by whiny babies who don't like that some people aren't sjws like them

Sup Forums only hates Sup Forums because 90% of Sup Forums's population would've been subject to eugenic cleansing. You're all genetic duds.

Where's the option to kill nu/v/ redditors, neofags, and Tumblrinas?

>Wrong side, unck. You're looking for the guys in black burning US flags and killing free speech and grabbing guns
>Shit lol my bad, thanks nephew
The fascists know as antifa are so delusional.

Yes, because Sup Forums is the shining example of humanity.

Phone posters can change ip in litterally 2 seconds. So ban avoiding and samefagging is rampant. 'Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?'
>Both within human populations (e.g., siblings), and between populations (e.g., races, nations, states), studies find that darker pigmented people average higher levels of aggression and sexual activity (and also lower IQ).

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Very poor Whites are comparably intelligent to very wealthy blacks.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The average African IQ is estimated at 79.

The average African-American IQ is 85, compared to the average White IQ of 100.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

IQ scores are the best predictor of success in Western society.

IQ is 75% heritable among Whites.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

What exactly do 5 normal looking guys have to do with pol

I mean, youre going to find uggos anywhere you look and they definitely seem drawn to the left and their acceptance of freakshows.

>Muh Iq's
go away Sup Forums

Sup Forums argument doctrine is facts, data, peer-reviewed science. See: Leftist argument doctrine is "If you disagree with the masters you are ugly."


What was the name of that fake deep sea game that we had threads about? Pressure?

Make the mystery button "Kill all east vs. west posters."
So that I can press it again and again.



If you ever wanna see this taken to its logical extreme with minimal modding, check out /asp/. The place is a complete cesspit because of an extremely small handful of people.

1, posting from my phone

kill all phoneposters because phoneposters are Sup Forums posters and probably most consolewar fags



Always the mystery box

Most certainly not the response of a guy who's gotten to.


As someone who was here for both the phone poster spikes, absolutely untrue. It's the complete opposite. It's when newfags started screaming Sup Forums at anything they don't like, which happens to overlap exactly with the kind of stuff that trigger the neolib circle jerk known as reddit.
Do you really think normie liberals from Reddit are more likely to use a desktop than the guys who probably think phones are the "electric Jew" or something?
Get a grip, revisionist.

>implying nu-Sup Forums isn't Sup Forumsacks

The stupidest fucking meme. I bet less than 1% of that board was here even before 2010.

>Wow, you're posting facts and science, you must be angry.

I've been here since like 2008 (god dammit) and that is extremely not true. This is absolutely something that came about within, like, the last three years, five tops.

fuck off Sup Forums posters

>it's all revisionism

yeah okay buddy

2007 here, haven't been on Sup Forums other than the occasional look. Anyone on Sup Forums would classify me as a 'Sup Forums poster' though.

Some might be, but most are folks like yourself screaming Sup Forums at shadows and oldfags. Been here ten years. Nu v would get so triggered if they had been here before 2015 and saw that it wasn't their revisionist fantasy.

>uses normie instead of normalfag
Fucking worthless newfag. Kill yourself.