Can we talk about this for a second

Can we talk about this for a second.

I know you fags like to pretend you have more important things to deal with, but I can't keep ignoring this any longer.

>Quake is now "Champions" where you pay full price for a shitty wannabe e-sports circlejerk

>TF2 barely updated throughout 2016-2017

>MGS is now a fucking joke that's even sadder than how CoD:IW went down

>Unreal? What's that?

>HL3 is now fucking dead because there's no money for Valve to pursue in that direction anymore.

Meanwhile I'm supposed to pretend I'm excited about some worthless character with zero actual subplot for her (let alone her entire franchise) was gay in a 3 page comic, or I get blocked by more cunts on Fagbook.

What the fuck happened to you, Sup Forums? You never used to ignore this bullshit. You actually managed to make or break these kinds of titles and their reputations. Are we really comfortable watching more and more of our favorite games die a horrible and shameful death simply because we refuse to connect the dots? How far should these liberal fantasy shitstains that consider themselves "games" be allowed to progress before we finally admit we fucked up when we lowered our standards for these lazy devs?

tl;dr when did we decide it was okay to pay more for less? When they bullshitted us with "it's more expensive to give you stories and campaigns" excuses?

When does it end? Do we need a market crash? Are we actually experiencing it?

I'll bite.

Do you have proof?

check my 5

OP what makes you think we don't know this?

Well, do you see anyone else talking about it?

The fact you always forget when you're reminded.

Overshit worked because they knew there was enough rabid tumblrs to help them out if they partially delivered. The only thing you got right was the SJW armies forcing it to succeed at any cost.

>let's blame everything on the losers

The Overwatch hate is overhyped.

>SJW Pandering
A cowboy in this game can literally through a noose around a black guys head. This has never been patched out.

Explain how SFV was taken down then. Going by this logic we should be sucking Capcom's dick by now.

You forget fast, user.

>Quake is now "Champions" where you pay full price for a shitty wannabe e-sports circlejerk
Tell me how Champions is really that different from Live. It's just Quake with modern graphics and the character abilities add a little variety.

Forget what? YOu can still do it lol.


oh god not this again

Actually it would be interesting to document their reactions. After all, Blizzard doesn't really care about solidifying their designs, and that's how we got a remade Mei that convinces anybody watching her latest trailer she's either a landwhale they can relate to or a skinny they can relate to.

Never forget, it was a "glitch", not a terrified bending over to the rabid fat sjws.

How the hell has Internet Historian not picked up on this? We're talking a literal lolcow farm here.

>When did we decide it was okay to pay more for less?
Speak for yourself you fucking baby, if a series goes to shit you don't buy it and play something else. Your personal standards have no impact on what sells to the lowest common denominator, it has always been that way and the only reason you're noticing it more is because that denominator is getting dumber, louder and more lucrative by the year. Instead of trying to rally online support for developers to cater to your interest (where the fuck have I heard that before) just stop buying shit you know is only gonna piss you off.

That day was glorious.

Perhaps Sup Forums spared them for amusement.

If Sup Forums was constantly and vocally pushing against these games it would only make things easier for the 'cunts on Fagbook' to bully you.

>just stop buying shit you know is only gonna piss you off.

Gee, I wonder where that got us. Oh, I know...

Fucking here, you faggot. Ignoring cancer doesn't end cancer you literal cocksucker. What do you think the topic here is trying to address?

Nah, that happened by default when they were emboldened by the pandering. I never really spoke my mind out once I noticed how dangerous it is to do so. It was in 2016 nevertheless, saying anything that year triggered tens of people on your ass.

haha good times


Live wanted a subscription fee at first to unlock the most basic of shit.

AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY FOR JACKSHIT WITH CHAMPIONS! You can use Ranger for free he's tied with BJ as the strongest character.

Are you finished?

I paid nothing for Live. If they asked for a subscription then at that point it was pretty much their base flipping them off, right before they shut down the servers.

>26 replies
>5 posters

I apparently missed something, but ya'll can be cryptic faggots if you want, or you can tell me what the fuck went down.

Well there was several stages of Quake Live. It's all hazy but it sucked. At one point it was F2P with caveat that you lacked a severe number of features unless you paid an annual membership. Then it went totally F2P and finally they just started charging $10 on Steam.

Champions is going to be Free To Play, they're just charging now for Beta gameplay.


TL;DR Overwatch's got the Warcraft community, which is as cancerous as cancer gets.

>They got mad that got a Police Costume because BLACK LIVES MATTER
>They got mad because Mei wasn't a fat chink


I didn't read your post.

Remember, (not) Game of the Year, my friends.

Bahahahahaha glorious.

Who the fuck takes these seriously anyway? GOTY is purchased now, not earned.

It doesn't end there.

>they got mad because Tracer has an ass (most likely Blizzard started a fight with itself just to grab SJWs' attention using this)

>they got mad because Widowmaker wasn't gay