are you playing the undisputed GOTY?
+completely unscripted
+intense, unique encounters
+able to be played any way the player wants
+story created through player via gameplay
+active community; quick games
+quick fixes from devs (servers down yesterday, but fixed within ten minutes)
+no handholding

-still pretty unoptimized
-people hate it because muh contrarianism
-price (i guess)
-could be cuter ;)
-stream shit
-devs favors somewhat favor streamers ("somewhat" because you have to try really hard to get banned by jumping in and out of games while looking for "target" streamer

the single "let's play" i have ever watched -- and it's not even 3D

Other urls found in this thread:

There should be a mod where you can rape your enemy from behind

Yea I want to play a shooter in which I have to scavenge cuck sheds for guns and not actually shoot anyone for half an hour.

Great game fag

>half hour
why are you dropping in unpopulated zones?

>weebs are missing out on teaming up with qt japanese girls on asian servers because muh contrarianism

>half hour
you must have at least 75 top 10s then

Garbage netcode.

I was obviously speaking in hyperbole you fucking retarts

Doesn't change the fact that the game takes forever for anything to happen

there's so much to do within those thirty minutes. besides, thirty minutes usually means top 10 like other user said

>are you playing the undisputed GOTY?
I am. Game is free. Thanks for the crates player meme.

no it doesn't. don't be a pussy and go rushing in. this is honestly a "you" problem


30 minutes in your hyperbole realizes to about 5 minutes. If you're avoiding people, sure you can go almost a whole match without ever seeing another player, easy. But if you actually want to loot people because they have good shit, you pick a good spot relatively close to the center of the circle, and as people come by, shoot them. Or head towards popular looting zones relative to the drop point/plane's position and circle location, and take out entire groups.

such an unnecessary word to describe an mp only game. there aren't that many story focused mp games

>just go rushing in

Oh so just lose instantly every game.. okay?

5 minutes in between firing my gun in a shooter

wow sounds exhilarating

10/10 gayme. gibs me the good crates to sell to asians

>it's the games fault you're a shitter





5 minutes from the start of a match you mongo, not between kills. If it's taking you that long, where the motherfuck are you dropping?

yes -- just like how you already lose almost every game like most people. you literally can't into being creative and having fun. a lot of those rushers and stalkers win games. just stop feeling sorry for yourself

georgie pol

cute girls

Even 5 minutes from the start is fucking retarted and boring.

And I have no idea where the fuck I was dropping I only played like 3 matches before that shit got DROPPED

>I feel sorry for myself over a shit game

Lmao'ing at you. You don't have to bend over backwards to defend this shit just because you like it.

We're allowed to have different opinions :)

>people can't just figure out their own strats that suit their play styles without getting frustrated

I feel like I recognize this art.
I wanna say this artist draws a lot of loli/furry shit.

>I dropped like a retard near no buildings!
you're retarded, game's better off without you.

cute things

There are twitch shooters and autismys shooter, and it sure seems redundant to come cry in a thread about one.

>I didn't drop near buildings.

You're a fucking moran

>cuck sheds


So you don't know where you dropped? Can you just not read the massive fucking text taking up your map/minimap, or are you just so dumb you didn't actually look at where you dropped in?


and sometimes, wins


>I remember the name of a location i dropped into from a game I haven't played in months

I'm not rain man you fucking weak stupid cumdumpster

It's those places with tiny windows where you can watch other people fuck each other while you jack off in secrecy

-gameplay is shit
-devs are braindead as fuck
-playerbase is braindead as fuck

Kill yourself

>he doesn't know about Sweden's greatest architectural feat

As of right now my GOTY is Quake.

So you haven't played in months and you're complaining about something that's changed wildly since even last month?
why are you even in this thread to shitpost if you haven't played in months?

If it puts all the dm lovers in one game, i'm a happy man who gets to play his objective.

isn't this pure kino? horn was honking whole time

Because of the retarded assertion that this lootcrate purchasing simulator is the undisputed GOTY

is it worth the money? quake live was not bad. i'm deciding to get either tekken 7, siege, or quake -- or two of them -- and i can't decide

It's not 1996 anymore user, unfortunately

I think you're all missing that user's point. The game greatly rewards people who do not participate in the match.
Playing 30min. of hide and seek (the most effective way to play the game) is not my idea of a good time.

Night, fags

>pubg thread up 24/7
Time to move to

You didn't dispute the OP though, you came in and shitposted "HURR IT TAKES A HALF HOUR TO SHOOT ANYONE" which would have been wrong even months ago, but is especially wrong right now. Your only assertion and argument against this game is that you have no attention span and have to be shooting something every 30 seconds because you can't stand thinking a minute ahead.

What streamer was it?

Imagine that, wanting to have fun in a video game lol

no -- it is you who can't into creativity, improvisation, and simple fun. you've never thought you were the problem, huh?

>I have no idea what a general is

Flavor of the _________

yeah bro I can't wait for the new call of duty, fuck these nerds and their games where they don't respawn in half a second and have a map the size of 3 character models

>devs favors somewhat favor streamers

Literally why I haven't played it yet. Too many stories of people getting banned for doing nothing. Not worth the risk, IMO.


doesn't have cute girls so no buy

>if I don't link the previous thread it's not a general
This is where you are wrong. Also this thread is literally a bait thread for shitposting too

>buy crate and key
>unlock yellow track pants
>wait a week
>sell for $10



Nope, never thought that. There's no problem with not enjoying a video game.

>I've played a COD game in the last decade

it's me playing. i've never streamed nor watched a stream besides the kizuna PUBG -- which i don't even think is a stream because i'm not sure if she even does it live

>people talk about games on v

wew lad. stay mad

Can't really argue with a dollar for Quake, my dude.

i bet you don't even listen to IMPROVISATIONAL JAZZ to even post that gif




>last 20
>running into the safe zone
>*hurrdurr24 killed anon316*
>*hurrdurr24 died outside the playzone*

every time

>29.99 to run around in a field for twenty minutes

I've gotten to the point where I drop in the school or military base, get as many kills as possible, then quit. Trying to survive till the end is just boring to me now.


Kill yourself pubg nigger


tell me more

>hop in car early round
>people running around
>honk constantly while trying to kill them with car
>radio plays this
pure kino

Yeah I play Nioh fairly regularly. I don't think it's undisputed though.

u first. glad you care my dude

You pubg fuckboys cannot even tell what's good in it, you're just defending that pile of early access shit.

Only if you're not going for first place (winning the game). Doing nothing all game will make you end up higher, but greatly decreases your chance of coming first. You'll end up with more chess pieces if you aim to get the most pieces instead of checkmating your opponent, but that doesn't mean you're incentivized to.
If you bought PUBG, didn't aim to win, didn't win, then what did you honestly expect?

ever thought that maybe I don't care to tell you anything about it. you have access to the internet, form your own opinion. child.

why discuss something on a forum thats retarted lol ill just post douchebags with funny moustaches haha xd

Fuck off back to your circlejerk with the other degenerates then.

Kill yourself, tasteless faggotry

You're very bad at the game, please stop posting your trash webms every thread. You're seriously awful.

give me another you.

just got this last friday.

this is my first survival game and so far I think it's pretty interesting, while the gameplay is pretty calm since, most of the time you are looting stuff, the sheer pressure from moving around the map because you might drop dead at any moment is what makes these matches very interesting and addictive.

This game has taught me patience, look out the windows, plan out routes to move around, decide if I should take a vehicle but risk being heard or walk but risk being an easier... slower target.

It can get frustrating when you die in the first minutes a couple of games in a row, but a single game where you are in the top 20 or even better, gives me enough excitement to keep me going at it.

Now I only wish I had friends to play this with, I bet playing with friends and moving together must be way more loads of fun.

u mad. lol

why didn't they use this as the main image?

I love this game so much.

>third person camped someone who didn't even have a weapon out and barely managed to kill them

Somehow you thought this was good enough to make into a webm. Holy shit you're bad.

Oh wow the game that's only popular because underagers who love the hunger games are old enough to buy games now.

>u mad

Kill yourself pubg fuckboi

from now own you only get reaction images. plz continue to give yous and post in a bread, for a gayme you don't even like ;)

When its 25$ and out of Early Access i'll get it

Kill yourself :-DDDDDD



>after all these years they still can't make a game with this game mode that isn't a buggy pile of crap

I need a new graphics card first but miners keep stealing them

Pubgfags are the ponyfags of video games. You come here asking for this fucking websites approval like some younger sibling asking their oldest sibling and then get mad when people tell you to fuck off because they can see the game for what it is.

A shallow husk of skilless repetitiveness that does little to differentiate itself from the rest of the fucking garbage that DayZ mod spawned in its wake. with false "Hypemen" disguised as streamers. Your shit is no different then those stupid fucking fidget spinners.

The map size is the biggest issue. There's a bug with buildings loading in the game that can only occur if you don't have the game on an SSD. Loading a big map is pretty taxing on RAM and HDDs.

>i came here to talk about a game I don't like
you seem cool

i'm literally the best in the world, though ;)