>post memes on the Assassins Creed Origins discussion pages on Steam
>get banned

Sup Forums completely and utterly btfo

Other urls found in this thread:


>too much of a basement dwelling sperg to know how to control your incessant spewing of Sup Forums memes on boards that aren't Sup Forums.
>still THIS assblasted about getting banned

The mod was wrong. The reason you were banned was for autism.

You deserved it


>OP is a faggot
surprise, surprise!


>Word don't have power
>Literally WE is all it takes to get some mods panties in a twist

>Sup Forums-meme
>youtube chat live literally filled 100% with we-posters
Yeah in case you didn't notice or anything but what starts on Sup Forums ends up across the internet a month or week later. The denial of Sup Forums's influence is hilarious (and I by no means say this proudly or in support of Sup Forums)

>hurf durf it's not a Sup Forums meme
>"The denial of Sup Forums's influence is hilarious"

>It's a "white people defend banning people for hurting feefees and applaud the death of free speech" episode
God, I fucking hate reruns.
Seriously though, why are whites on the internet so anti-free speech? I've been on so many servers with black admins that don't give two fucks about racism yet servers that don't even have any non-whites on them ban you for calling someone your nigga. Fuck off with that shit, you're only making things worse.

WE is an Sup Forums meme, kid

people who unironically use memes should be killed



>Getting mad enough at "WE" to ban someone
Jesus the left is sad


you just used a meme off to the gulag

because the hurt feelings brigade runs the internet and it's mainly white people who have never worked a day in their life or dealt with any semblance of an actual hardship.

WE posting was no longer a pol thing in forever user, you can't blame EVERYTHING on the boogeyman

That's pretty funny.

Dude he literally said the word "we".

I just wish they'd fuck off already, they're so fucking annoying and they won't fucking go away so I can enjoy my video games without being banned for being "problematic" for not being your typical sambo who sits around and agrees with whatever the white people are saying.

>moonman avatar

Who are you trying to lie to here?

>hate speech
there's that meme again

everything is racist, everything is problematic, everything is a goddamn issue with these people, I truly do not understand how they function when all they do is bitch and moan about inane shit fucking constantly, but then I remember that these scumbags don't actually work and live off of government handouts, but for some reason everybody and their mother would think that they are somehow everywhere and are a large enough market to well, market too. Yes I mad, because video games are directly affected by these people.

he got banned for a 64x64 jpeg of an anthropomorphic moon mcdonalds mascot from the 80s?

>we live in a world where the word WE in all caps in hate speech

>Flying Sup Forumsshit identifier
>pretending like he wasn't trying to incite Sup Forumsshit

Who are you trying to lie to here?

What the fuck is your point, youtube chat is unmoderated garbage and 100 times worse than twitch chat

That some jackoff on the internet hijacked in the 2010s to make racist songs with catchy beats, yes.


Like, look at these (, , ) people?
What do they get out of complaining about every meme, every racist joke, or every faggot on the internet?
Do they ACTUALLY think they're fighting injustice or anything?
Do they think they're HELPING non-whites, or is it all just for those good feelies so they can pretend that they're helping a cause.
Weekend warriors to the nth degree if you ask me.


>tfw Sup Forums got flooded with butthurt leftists thanks to gamergate

Who said anything about fighting injustice? OP is just an insufferable faggot that probably got banned for being a faggot outside of that one post. It wouldn't surprise me in the least, given how often this very same thread pops up.

There used to be a time when we would make fun of dumb faggots like this instead of coddle them. Neo-Sup Forums is cancer.

>mfw Sup Forumscucks think it's acceptable to spew Sup Forums memes outside of Sup Forums
>even worse, they do it IRL too
I honestly didn't think a board could get more cancerous than Project Chanology Sup Forums but here we are.

>so anti-free speech?

God the irony of your post but man.

RESPONSE is also speech speech that is protected under free speech.

You could in turn respond to the response and claim that its overblown or whatever the fuck, being it over blown or even appropriate. The irony of it all being that people like you want response not to be a thing. You can respond to the response as you are doing and i am doing to you but that is still protected speech in every single way which the government cant do jack shit about.

You are whining about private platforms that just happen to be open to the public responding to the shit people do on there. That does not in anyone go against free speech or censorship in any way. Different people have different opinions as to what is and what is not offensive and some of those people with differing opinions about shit can have power on private platforms to respond in whatever faggy way they damn well please.

Response is also free speech fag boy so quit being a hypocritical cunt by actually advocating for a certain aspect of speech being censored. Its fine to think its dumb, over blown, or even unproductive sure but responding to others is not anti free speech and till this day in astounded as to just how many dumbasses actually believe that it actually fucking is.

>There used to be a time when we would make fun of dumb faggots like this instead of coddle them.
>Neo-Sup Forums is cancer.

But you're complaining about the dumbest fucking shit.
No one but you gives a fuck, no normal person fucking cares, all you do is make yourself and people like you look like idiotic reactionaries who get upset at literal memes like 12 year olds.

wii waz kings

I remember when Sup Forums used to hate people that spouted Sup Forums memes outside of here. Now I see posters actively encouraging and supporting that shit. What the fuck happened? Did normies finally win?


Fucking annihilated

>No one but you gives a fuck, no normal person fucking cares
Please continue making it more and more obvious that you're a fucking newfag bitch. Saying Sup Forums shit outside of Sup Forums has always been mocked. I guess all the newfags that flooded into the site through Sup Forums didn't get the memo not that I'm surprised since none of them understand they should lurk before posting and learn the culture of the site.

>smacks lips profusely
>gets jiggy wit it
>eats a skittle
>checks for nearest KFC
>collects welfare
>licks teeth then smacks lips
>does the crip walk
>opens up a 40 and pours some for his homies trayvon and michael brown
>tweets about dis and goes to check in with his parole officer
>dindu nuffins
>sucks air through teeth
>pulls up sagging pants
>instinctively looks around for the police
>faints and then gets up repeatedly
>scopes dem titties
>shouts at movie theater screen
>chucks spear
>sets down cotton bale
>strokes welfare check pensively
>throws up gang sign
>swings from basket ball hoop
>grabs dick and shuffles left and right
>participates in drive by shooting
>converts to islam
>repeated world star yelling in background
>sells crack
>evolves from primate

>not normalfag
I agree with your point but you're a fucking faggot too.

>posting anything even slightly to do with Sup Forums now gets the same reaction as MLP posting
Its just too easy at this point

>>No one but you gives a fuck
>OP posts a thread complaining about an off-site ban
>Bumps a thread off the index so he could make a blogpost
>There was probably at least porn in the thread that was archived as opposed to a chode chugging faggot OP complaining about his personal problems


>removing someones ability to respond is an expression of free speech
You came from gamerghazi didn't you?

How about this, stomping and banning people for making jokes or saying things you don't like is fucking stupid and something that should only be an issue for fucking children.
If you're so triggered by a joke, as far as I'm concerned, you shouldn't be allowed to moderate any platform where people post freely (or relatively freely), and when you ban people for making jokes or saying something stupid that you might disagree with all you do is lend credence to what they're saying (or worse, draw others to their side since they see you as someone who is too much of a faggot to deal with any kind of dissent).
I will always take issue with someone being banned for making a joke or expressing a controversial opinion because I don't want the internet to be a fucking echo chamber full of thin-skinned faggots.

>There used to be a time when we would make fun of dumb faggots like this instead of coddle them.
You mean like yourself?
difference is in countries that are not the USA they jail people for """""hate speech"""""
not to mention the countless amounts of people saying """"hate speech"""" isn't free speech, but you conveniently ignore when people spew that nonsense, granted it's their right to say such things, but they're still fucking idiots.
not that guy btw

>people are now posting WE in the discussions forum again because of this thread

Not him, but

The literal text of the first amendment =/= the concept of free speech. The US constitution didn't invent the concept nor does it define it.

It merely has a set of protections to try to protect the concept. It's easily possible for a private entity to erode the ability for an indivual or for a society to have free discourse where controversial opinions can be considered without fear of punishment, especially when companies like google and apple and facebook have more financial and socio-political power then most countries.

Private companies can and do violate your privacy and other civil liberties that way, why do you think they can't erode speech as well?

If you have an environment like with modern SJW's where anybody who speaks out or says the "wrong" thing gets swarmed on social media and their employer contacted in a huge PR shistorm and they get fired, and people are scared to speak out for fear of being accused of being a bigot too, and it just becomes a McCarthyist mess, then that's an eorsion of free speech

>"WE" is racism

Leftists are sick in the head or something. Literal thought policing.

Oh fuck off nigger, that shit went out the window a decade ago, don't pretend that Sup Forums as a whole didn't pretty much create modern internet culture (or counter-culture I guess).

>Private companies can and do violate your privacy and other civil liberties that way
truth, they constantly violate the 4th amendment and no one bats a fucking eyelid because morons put their info out for everyone to see.

>checks for nearest KFC

Only white people eat KFC.

>in the 2010s
Ya blew it

Church's, Popeye's, and local chicken joints are all superior.

>post racist meme and get upset when banned for being racist

>Church's is superior
They have superior everything EXCEPT their slimy, disgusting chicken. I'm a slut for their okra tho

Someone explain this WE meme please
Why is it considered racist / a pol meme?

i guess more than just furries use the willful ignorance card these days
shame shame Sup Forums, using the same tactics as furshitters


It isn't, this is literally just abuse of power and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

How fucking new are you?


>being banned for shitposting is an attack on free speech


It's basically mocking black people that insist they have egyptian heritage/pharoh heritage. Most normalfags now take this as equal to complete racism.


You have to be 18 or older to post here


>This is what Americans do with their lives.

> game company isn't pushing We Wuz
> consumers aren't pushing We Wuz
> Sup Forums is pushing We Wuz down everyone's throats
ar-are we the bad guys?

>punishing speech
>not an attack on free speech

You didn't even fucking link to the one where he raps.

>Implying Euros aren't worse when it comes to banning people for wrongthink
>Implying Ubishit isn't a European company

Bunch of retards not understanding how free speech works. It's their private property and their rules.

If I create a forum I have the discretion to ban whomever I want for whatever reason I want. And you have the right to either leave, find your own board or bitch and moan. This is not violating your rights unless you think being a massive bitch is something you're entitled to. In which case I'd like to redirect you to tumblr or reddit.

Well, that and land on the moon.

Ah fuck, I completely glossed over it being a comment on AC Origins discussion.
All the "it's racist" stuff made me assume it had to do with Trump tweeting out "We" one time since everything racist these days has to do with him apparently.

Actually retarded or just pretending?

Tell me fags, then why does Sup Forums have rules? Why have boards where people can be banned for posting shit that's off-topic?

Why don't you guys just post epic Sup Forums memes on every board and make the separation of boards pointless, since being banned is an attack on your freedom of speech.

>This is not violating your rights unless you think being a massive bitch is something you're entitled to
It's not about violating rights you stupid fuck, it's about being a faggot who gets triggered by a joke on behalf of an entire race.
I'm fucking TIRED of privileged white people acting offended on my behalf, I have never ONCE seen a black person IRL or played games with a black person who was offended by the "We wuz kangs" shit, because plenty of us know an afrocentric person IRL who spouts that same crap.
All I'm saying is that I want you and your kind to fuck off, because YOU are making the internet a worse place.
Not Sup Forums, YOU.

>french/canadians are such mega faggot babies they can't handle two letters next to eachother

The French problem is being taken care of as we speak but how many nukes will it take to wipe off that faggot shithole Canada?


>be an idiot
>get punished
>pretend to laugh

When mods ban someone on Sup Forums for making jokes I call them faggots too.
Are you going to sit here and pretend that most of Sup Forums's mods AREN'T complete faggots?

>fellow countrymen are being raped and killed by waves of muslim/african migrants every day
>jerk off on a steam forum banning people for saying a single word

These pieces of shit deserve everything they get.

>Sup Forums created Internet culture


I'm still human enough to not show it.

Do white people honestly believe ancient egyptians were white now? How is that not hypocritical as fuck? We know they weren't black or white so why does it offend people that they are using modern egyptians as a stand in?

>useful idiots hating on pol
>not realizing that all these shit threads are from the same posters who does consolewar and other abhorrent threads designed to give him (You)

You opinion of pol does not matter, all your muh pol shit is just fueling jks addiction as much as the actual pol spouting retards

Fucking idiots

Congrats user, you're a massive bitch and I don't give a single fuck about you being triggered over some random dumb faggot getting banned and hurting your fee-fees.

If you want to whine about it, go make your own board. Better yet, stop being a triggered little bitch and posting retarded nonsense on Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums pretending to be black to support their side

Holy shit, get that woman to a doctor her leg is broken and shaking like jello!

>Modern "ironic" internet culture
If you think that wasn't pushed mainly because of Sup Forums (ESPECIALLY the ironic weebs), then you're retarded.

>Two letters causing this much drama
We've come a long way

community forums are such garbage
I miss steampowered forums, where actual discussions took place

instead we get a bunch of faggots in Sup Forums steam groups spamming shitty memes over and over and over thinking they're the coolest kid in their high school year

it was a meme long before ac origins
i think i first heard it in like early 2016 or so