Black mantis reveal trailer
Never heard of this guy
He's who Man Ray from Spongebob is a parody of.
He legit looks fun af
>That time that Black Manta pretended to be autistic so that he could make Aquaman feel bad about fighting him and sucker punch him
>That time that Black Manta tried to move a bunch of black people into Atlantis to lower the property value and make Aquaman look racist
Is his lore good? Never read the aquaman comic.
Hey Aquaman how's your wife and kids?
he's a literal autist
Looks really fun, but I'll wait until the season pass is on sale, probably by early next year.
He actually has no backstory or motivation for what he does outside of an irrational hatred for Aquaman
Every time they've tried to explain it, it turned out to be a lie told so that he could get a cheap shot in
He's one of the better DC villains.
>no special intro where he asks Aquaman how his wife and kid are doing
missed opportunity
Jesus fucking christ
Then he got cured by Aquaman until it turns out he didn't need to be literally autistic to hate Aquaman for no reason
He hates Aquaman for no reason for the most part.
He comes up with various excuses to justify his hatred (new 52 gave him the avenging my dad excuse which is legit) but deep down he simply hates Aquaman.
The fun comes from how ludicrous he can get with being an unrepentant dick.
He's killed Aquaman's infant, blew up his grave, make fun of Aquaman over said death, destroyed Atlantis' embassy, etc
In Rebirth he took over a secret organization close to world domination and changed their focus to framing Atlantis for waging war on the surface
Here's the thing, Aquaman pre-New 52 is weird as fuck and usually not good
Post-New 52 is pretty good.
But the one constant amazing factor is Black Manta.
He's literally autistic, an absolute psychopath, and his only goal is to make Aquaman suffer.
Imagine removing all of the subtlety out of someone like the Joker or Lex Luthor.
He hates Aquaman to the point where when he thought someone else killed Aquaman, he massacred them all.
He seems pretty BASED
so black manta is just DC's version of reverse flash then?
>that victory animation
he's hilarious
I mean, reverse flash is dc's version of reverse flash. They're pretty similar though
Reverse Flash is DC.
But he's Reverse Flash but far, far more brutal. And with far less reason for his action.
Remember how Thonn once let barrys dog loose? Now, imagine that, but he also throws in a "I killed your kid" while doing it.
he literally joined the Suicide Squad just so that they would modify his helmet to see all targets as Aquaman so he can have the pleasure of seeing him die over and over again
Does he have powers or is it just muh suit?
>DC version of Reverse Flash
Every fucking time
Reverse Flash has some justification due to time being fucked up.
Black Manta is a perfectly sane Joker with unlimited resources. Put it another way, he's like if L from Death Note wanted to become Kira. He's literally autistically fixated on Aquaman.
It's the suit+a shit ton of pure concentrated hatred
>DC's version of Reverse Flash
Would Black Manta be on the same tier of being a dick like Reverse Flash/Zoom?
>How is the wife and kid
God dammit every time
Wasn't there a time where he teamed up with a some dudes to fight a bunch of people who weren't aquaman so he messed with his helmet to make all of his enemies look like Aquaman?
What's his trait?
My favorite part about Black manta is the guy being perfectly capable of becoming a functional human being if Aquaman is dead, but the moment Aquaman shows up Manta goes full REEEEEEE
Sure, except instead of being petty with minor grievances, he burns down the flashes house after impaling his mother on a spike.
Twayne is more like a psychotic stalker girlfriend, he wants Flash senpai to notice him and is always trying to get his attention, getting rid of anyone in between them
He actually murdered Aquaman's wife and child, and brings it up to his face to make him despair
God damn
Absolutely but they both have differences
Zoom's petty because he's predestined due to time fuckery (he used to be Barry's biggest fan) and just rolled with it.
He can't change much so he just fucks Barry over shit like making him fall down the stairs, letting his dog get run over, wiping his first childhood friend from history, etc.
Manta's more limited but compensates by making Aquaman suffer personally (but he can't kill him because making Arthur suffer is his new life's passion)
this can't be real
Do you think Black Manta and Zoom would get along
Not gonna lie
This thread has made a character that I didn't even know existed before Injustice 2 silhouettes into probably my favorite DC character
this shit is hilarious
>add Black Manta
>still no Green Lantern
Fucking DC
There is a lizard in this picture that some people miss, I point it out every time I see it. Your filename won't stop me.
Not his wife.
Mera lived but after the death of her son, she was driven mad and never wanted to see Arthur ever again
Holy shit.
I figured Green Lantern was kind of a 'given'. Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, Green Lantern, Flash
>you will never be as autistic as Black Manta
It's both relieving and disappointing, somehow
same. I don't give a shit about dc or any capeshit comics though.
Suicide Squad yes
>Aquaman died
>The only thing stopping Black Manta from commiting suicide was because he figured that Aquaman would come back to life eventually.
>Black Manta once took over a secret organization that was on the verge of controlling the world and then proceeded to dedicate all their resources to fucking with Aquaman
And it doesn't look like he's getting in at all desu
Green Lantern was already in the game.
You're doing gods work, user.
>Black Manta, join our group and we have plans for this world!
>is it to fuck with aquaman?
> I am the captain now. Abandon all plans and kill the sea!
I think you mean Booster Gold?
I want him in too
Mentioning that reminds me of how the advertising of the movie was basically JARED LETO JARED LETO JOKER JOKER JARED LETO JOKER JARED LETO
but then the joker actually had like fucking nothing to do with the movie at all and it was more of a Will Smith movie who I didn't even know was in the movie until I actually watched it.
Thanks user, I dare not check the archive to see how long I've been doing this.
This has to be an edit.
>cured the autism
God damn DC
When's hellboy's trailer
Jesus fuck that's even worse than death
It's not
Nope. Manta pretended to be autistic to fuck with Aquaman. He also revealed he was black at a civil rights rally, prompting the crowd to suspect aquaman.
>you'll never dedicate yourself to something as much as Black Manta dedicated himself to fucking with Aquaman
Next month
>I was only pretending to be retarded
It's not that bad.
They got back together and remarried.
As of Rebirth (New 52) though, they can't marry due to some bullshit prophecy.
That said, I haven't caught up on Aquaman after Warhead
What issues were these
After Raiden's
>black character
Tell me again how this game isn't SJW shit.
>that time when Manta's son revealed he was gay to his father and Manta told him to fuck off he don't give a shit
They're not speaking english, but it's translated for convenience's sake.
Holy shit if this is true
True fucking evil
Capeshit is retarded but if they embrace it like this comes back to awesome
I think they're trying to whisper
His race was added about decade after his debut (seriously he was never seen out of the helmet).
And even then it was just to have him pretend to be a black nationalist when in reality he just needed henchmen at the time
Fuck, I forgot this was a real thing
>Manta has a son
This seems like a waste of crucial investments that could be going towards fucking with Aquaman.
>Never heard of this guy
You never watched Super Friends?
Nice bait
Someone edit this to read "And I'm autistic. We're all just meat"
Manta's different from other old villains who were kept in modern times.
He was only made to be Aquaman's arch enemy because he was the villain used the most.
Unlike other villains his age, his character never evolved passed the simple "hate protagonist" mentality.
And that's why people love him so much
It's cancelled and years old
I like how black characters in comics need to be named after how black they are
Maybe he raped an atlantean woman wearing a paper bag with aquaman's face on it
Atlanteans are openly xenophobic and racist tho
Again Manta's race came after the character debuted 10 years prior
>kill Aquaman's son
>have your own awesome son
>continue to constantly taunt Aquaman about his dead son
how is that not the ultimate fuck you
The thing with Ice Man is the more recent SJW Marvel thing, right?