How do I get the destiny dlc for free?

How do I get the destiny dlc for free?

It's $60 in the psn store. It's fucking ridiculous. I just picked this game up, really like it and can't afford the dlc. Can anyone help a brother out?

You should have bought this, it's $40 and comes with everything

Also, the sequel comes out in two weeks at which point nobody will be playing D1 for a while

A friend bought two hard copies of the standard edition for $10 and he gave one to me. We don't care all that much about destiny 2. We just want to have fun with this one for now.

Is there anyway I can find a redeemable code for dirt cheap or even free? Thanks for your advice though.


Get a job

Sent ;)

no Activision are Jews

Begging and looking for a cheap code are two different things.

How the fuck would I even receive it if I were begging? I left no information.

Is game sharing a thing on PlayStation? You and your friend could put money together for the DLC AND share it across accounts.

Yeah you're not gonna be able to do much on vanilla Destiny, OP.

Game's pretty much gonna die in a week and a half anyway. It's fine if you don't care about Destiny 2, but bear in mind nobody else really cares about Destiny 1 anymore. You'll be able to play the campaigns and stuff like strikes, but PvP is gonna be very empty soon and you won't be able to find enough people for Raids, either.

If you just wanna dink around for cheap or free, it's not gonna happen. It's DLC, it doesn't depreciate in value. Either buy Destiny: The Collection, buy Destiny 2, or just deal with what content you have right now.

You haven't said anything about actually paying for it, and said to "help a brother out"

Logically this is a shitty beggar post.

is this b8? nigga just buy destiny 2... anything you do doesn't matter anymore

I'm not sure how the hell "getting DLC dirt cheap or free" is supposed to work, anyway. What does he think, we have access to some DLC black market?

Don't think that e-beggars don't exist. Even if they won't get shit they're still gonna do it

I know you don't want to, but the collectors edition is the way to go.

D1 is actually a pretty great experience with all the DLC, it's worth it

Age of Triumph really brought everything together. It was a really fun couple of months.

It'd be nice if D2 doesn't take three years to get to that point.

God I fucking hope.

Like, even if they have to recycle content, they NEED that feeling of overwhelming amounts of content in D2.

Speaking of this, do you think they'll bring back the raids?

I kind of hope so. I wanna do VoG with all my PC friends who never did it.

You bought a dead game

I dunno, man. With the structural differences in how D2 works (different supers, snipers and shotguns moved to a different slot, for example), I think they'd have to change quite a bit about how the raids work to bring them forward. And if they had to change a bunch of stuff, I dunno that it'd rate very high on Bungie's to-do list.

You need like 6 people to experience everything it has to offer.

As long as 6 people are playing, you're fine.

Yeah but the raids don't have matchmaking, how would the six of them find each other.

>Got the Taken King edition for $2 on clearance
>None of the DLC is on the disc, it's just the base game + codes for the expansions
>PS+ trial code was already expired because it was printed to only last 1 year
>The codes for the DLC were due to expire only a few months after I bought it
Why are Activision such kikes? Is it really that hard to burn the DLC to a disc and sell it?

Well why did you think it was 2 bucks, m8.

I have friends.

Eh, mainly because the store in question barely sold videogames and the new DLC (which costs like $40) was already out for months at that point. I'm not mad because I got it for so cheap, but the same bargain bin also had Tropico 5 complete and Lords of the Fallen GOTY edition among other games. Destiny: Taken King was the only game to pull this stunt and I don't get why no one was salty about it. If I paid $60 for a console game I'd be livid if the only way to play it was to sabotage its resale value