Is Ash the best girl in videogames?

Is Ash the best girl in videogames?

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best ass shit champ


She is rather lovely

Kill yourself, Indian viral marketer.

>that laugh

i want to get her all flustered and have her step on me

clearly it's Ying
the cumslut

Why are back muscles so hot?

Because you're a self-closeted homosexual who needs pseudomasculine features on your '''female''' object of affection.

No, I don't think that's it.

Check out this edgelord right here.

It certainly is, muscle women are disgusting and you're legitimately gay, or at least partly closeted if you're attracted to that kind of thing.

you'd have to be pretty closeted to type something like this

Imagine being this retarded

woah, look at this guy over here. Isn't he so cool

No no, I don't think that's right.

t. Triggered fatty roastie

>that projection

>I-I-I'm not g-gay! I just think about tall, hard muscular bodies and cum a lot for no reason!

You have a lot of self discovery to do, Sup Forums.

t. I was once you

sounds like someone who is insecure about their sexuality, something you wanna share user?

oh look at that I was accurate
really gets the ol cranium creaking

you'd have a point if OP posted Zarya, but Ash isn't even THAT muscular.

My thread

>those animations
is this made by the chinese

If you like musclegirls I'm sorry to tell you that an important part of your brain which is dedicated to sex hormone production has unfortunately been calcified by dietary fluoride doping in municipal tap water. As a result, your body is producing female hormones, making you crave cock.
>Calcification of the pineal gland is typical in young adults, and has been observed in children as young as two years of age.[30] The calcified gland is often seen in skull X-Rays.[30] Calcification rates vary widely by country and correlate with an increase in age, with calcification occurring in an estimated 40% of Americans by their 17th year.[30] Calcification of the pineal gland is largely associated with corpora arenacea, also known as "brain sand". "Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis"
>Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. "The effect of fluoride on the physiology of the pineal gland"

or maybe I just like fit girls, retard

it would look better if it was
case in point, Paladins Strike

This is what a real paladin looks like

yes yes user, we know that you feel insecure for once liking girls who are fit.
It's okay, even though we're not like you in that we can differentiate male and female we can sympathize with your problem.

>or maybe I just like fit girls, retard

Every thought you have ever formed is governed by circumstance. In this case it is probably hormonal circumstance, like most sex related thoughts.

Fuck off nigger.

this better be released next patch and her voice pack better be good


she's not being released until the fall event which is bringing back the original siege mode. She will be released in a month with the demon champion.

Spotted the lex/shalin main

source of this claim?

Anyone has any experience with hi-rez support? Are they incompetent like valve's or actually helpful?

what kind of problem are you having?

I love Reisen!

What do all the different borders mean? Just had a match with someone who had a gay looking purple one.

I played it before Ying release, but stopped. Wanted to come back but my old profile is lost (account is fine but ingame profile is fucked). Trying to get my old shit back.

>user points out how fucking gay it is to like masculine features on a woman
>h-ha-ha, s-someone is insecure!
Pretty sure you are the one being insecure, if getting called a faggot (which you most certainly are) triggers this chain of replies from you.

competitive rank
purple is Platinum

>n-no you

Does this mean I'll be platinum when I'm able to play competitive then?

Is she really that shit? No one can seem to to anything to me while i'm using her, i just slowly inch my way forward without turning back.

Would you fucks just get it over with and suck each others cocks already?

>it's gay to like women
fuck off

Homosexuality is the attraction to males, not back muscles on chicks. It's insulting that you think these meatheads are gay.

>see a rabbit
>hey, it's a rabbit!
The absolute state of latent homosexuals.

No, sweetie, it's gay to like women whose body has more in common with a man.


just chiming in for the first time.

only sticklets get upset out fit women. they get super embarrassed when their girl's thighs are bigger than their.

>insecure faggotrons calling other people gay
every time

I don't even care if your right at this point, you need to fuck off back to tumblr

>it's gay to like women

>>it's gay to like women
>no, it's gay to like women
jesus user. the pic related has breasts, thick thighs and a vagina. I don't see how this could possibly be gay

Blizzard should learn how to make attractive muscular woman

*puts head between her legs*
*sniff* *sniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifff*
ah, delectable.

ranked and casual elo is different but maybe you will

Ash is good, all of the tanks are good right now. Flanks, not so much.

>look her up
>she hides that delicious, perfect body under tons of huge armor

A crime

Ash is the best waifu.

Ying is made for lewds.

>masculine features on women

all women have muscles, so they are not a specifically masculine feature in the first place

if he was talking about chicks with dicks you might be on to something

so by your logic liking femboys is straight

I wouldn't want best girl getting hurt out there while she's carrying her useless team to victory.

gud girl shit gaem


>>women with muscles are gay
>therefore traps aren't gay
you're on to something user

>it's gay to like women
Sure, if you're a woman

>make male character, put woman face, give pink hair.
>call it a woman
What did Blizzard mean by this

I wasn't the one who said the image was attractive you delusional mong

christ lol, the "i-i'm not a faggot, y-you are!" in this thread is embarassing, I need to find another board to go to


rly need to know...

Ash is truly a miracle
I wonder whose Paladin she is, maybe Athena?

Is there a model for sfm???

Jesus christ that model is good.

>Bust chart
>Shows faces

Never change, Ashposter

>women shouldn't be allowed to work on their health and body and be stronger
I know you're baiting but anyone who thinks this unironically is the worst fucking retard.


what is this, 2012 sarcasm? I have no idea where you came from but you gotta go back

this nigga mad as he'll....fuck outta here

No pls I licke thicc women like all the cool kids on r/Sup Forums I want a thicc black girl to brap on my face XD

>that kind of body
>can't see it
what's the point

It's really interesting that posts like these are supposed to mimick a childish and retarded behavior, but they also make the guy posting them actually childish and retarded. Sad.


Working to build muscle isnt healthy for women, increased muscle results in higher testosterone. That and to get to where OPs post is would require frauding, which does hilarious things to a woman's face and genitals. Women just cant be naturally and healthily muscular.

Steroids aside can you prove lifting isbad for women so long as they stay natural?

This. But scrawny shut ins will believe otherwise because of fitness models getting implants and saying they're real.

I'm looking over the OP and I don't see anything that would require arbitrary strength training or supplement intake. her arms are toned, and as a matter of fact they're a little underdeveloped for the weapon she carries. she's got solid shoulder mass, probably from wearing solid steel armor 90% of the time. her thighs and lower torso indicate the same, just a lot of heavy lifting and squatting required to wield the gear that she does.
none of this is really out of the ordinary, unless your basis of comparison is victims of anorexia or some kinds of atrophy. this is a healthy body. if you're looking for a borderline unhealthy muscular build. Zarya is your best bet.

Search up the multitude of studies showing that lifting greatly raises testosterone. Secondly lifting naturally as a girl is a total waste of time, you will get nowhere and build no muscle - building an ass from squats is the most hilarious misinformation to have ever taken hold. I know some girls who are in the gym 6 days a week and really go for it, have been for nearly ten years but not one in their group can do a pull up.

t. gym manager

>seris will never be your dark edgy gf, being a bitch to everyone but you


It would, in a videogame it doesnt look out of place but her proportions and definition in real life would stand out, it could be within the limits of natty lifting for a girl but its after a hell of a lot of lifting.

>Search up the multitude of studies showing that lifting greatly raises testosterone
I already knew this
I asked: can you post a study or any proof that women lifting without roids is bad for their health due to the increased testosterone?

>gym manager shitposting on a pakistani riverbathing imageboard at 2 in the morning
I feel like it was designed to be an outstanding figure, because again, Ash is never seen without carrying fuck-huge armor and her cannon. all that weight and heavy lifting is gonna take its toll, and even then, her suggested build isn't all that out of place.

All immediately searchable too, it results in lower fertility, male behavioural attributes, balding, body hair, facial structure and vocal changes. Increased cardiovascular event risks.

>snek will never be your tsundere husbando either
Truly the worst dimension.

Its not 2 in the morning here but i am off from work ill. In a game it doesnt stand out much and is required for what she does, but in real life she would be shockingly muscular. Girls just cannot put on any real muscle, look at female olympic lifters - that is the absolute peak of genetically gifted and trained female form.

The only bodybuilding a girl should do is shoving her face full of soy and milk from a young age. Or bodybuilding a bridge over to china to CRISPR herself some 30G breasts.


Oh you mean something like this?