Post guild breakups and drama from your chink mmos anons
Post guild breakups and drama from your chink mmos anons
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Asians really don't give a fuck about appealing to pedos, do they?
Not really no.
Would you rather them getting off to imaginary children or real children?
But that looks like me irl and I'm 35
fuck off skd
Not him.
I just fap to this character a lot.
If you are from that general, post logs.
>be guild
>girl joins
>i die
nobody expected that
Well they do have some of the lowest sexual assault rates in the world due to it.
Most of UK's rape problem comes from all the muslims and africans, I don't think pornography really makes a difference either way.
It does though.
But people throw fits over things they don't like even if it's objectively working towards a positive result.
You're appealing to all men and many women, so why not?
>lowest sexual assault
lowest REPORTED sexual assault
if some high school girl comes out as a rape victim she's basically committing herself to a life of solitude because nobody's gonna want to touch that
The amount of unreported assaults aren't higher in Japan despite what your anime tells you. It may be shocking but unreported cases are everywhere. If Japan really had such an issue with rape they wouldn't be having issues with their birth rates.
I don't trust Japanese crime statistics
Despite what your anime tells you, rape is extremely unlikely to result in pregnancy.
Not like they're more or less unreliable than any other country's crime statistics.
Neither? Fucking gateway drug. I don't want to be the thought police but denying people the ability to see what a naked little child could possibly look like is a good idea.
>I don't want to be the thought police
Then you shouldn't run your fucking mouth.
You must be one of those autists who can't pick out social cues properly to discern when someone slips in jokes. That being said, it's stupid to condemn anything when it provides outlets for people and protects actual children and not just drawings.
>I don't want to be the thought police
>Be a thought police
Can we go back to the point of the thread
>asians are skinny and short
>fictional characters tend to have chibi proportions
>make fictional characters that are skinny and short
Defend Loli and this shit. Go ahead. Do the gymnastics.
Who is being harmed from loli and why do lolis offend people more than pictures of actual people getting blown to bits or being tortured to death?
>join massive guild in Ragnarok Online back when it was popular
>right away try to be the right hand of the leader so he give me a better
>he never shuts up about his long distance gf that is also in our guild, so being older than him I give some advice
>after 3 or 4 months in the guild some members close where I live decide to have a offline meetup
>end up going cuz my close friends went too
>we meet close to a bar so me and some members go there to drink and talk
>having fun with this one cute girl, making her laugh and shit
>in my drunk state I ask if she wanna come over to my place
>we go
>only there I find out she is leader's gf
>whatever, we fuck
>spend next days waiting to get banned from guild for that
>nope, he still talks to me like normal
>a month later when she breaks up with him he finds out "someone" fucked her but she never said who
>keep playing like normal till one day he disbands the guild and disappears forever
I like Blade & Soul but goddamn the grinding got extremely annoying after a while.
Literally 10 enemies all close together would get aggroed and gang up on me.
Whats she gonna do?use her ninjutsu to kill all the sperm?
Any sexual intercourse has a low chance of causing pregnancy in humans and being under stress can further reduce that.
You make it sound as though seeing a drawing of a child naked will turn you into a pedophile. As though everyone is in constant danger of being converted by the mere sight of one, and that we must somehow protect them from even imagining such a thing. That really says a lot more about what you might be grappling with on a personal level than what it says about people that get off to imaginary children.
Also, calling shit a "gateway drug" is turning your argument into a slippery slope fallacy from the get-go.
>Joined end-game XIV FC shortly after game released
>Stuck around for a couple years
>Put up with getting switched around groups that needed this or that more
>Eventually made an officer
>Put in charge of merc runs and my own group
>Make people hella money in-game
>Group eventually needs a new whm
>Taking a long time to find one because there just isn't any good applicants at the time
>Given shit about it by FC leader
>We get in an argument in teamspeak
>Basically get told me role as an officer only extends to setting up mercs and running a group and that anything else I have to say doesn't matter
>Decide to take off on my own, didn't ask anyone to come with me since I wanted the group to stay together.
>Didn't make a big fuss about leaving
>Made sure a my most frequent merc run buyers don't buy from the FC anymore since I was joining a new one
>FC deteriorates
>FC eventually disbands, later to be reformed by the remnants
Power of money. Don't burn the bridge with the person who brings you bread, a cautionary tale.
So are you the chad
And then you wake up on wet bed.
>Playing in WoW guild in vanilla
>Full of laid back people who are also good at raiding
>new druid healer joins
>they get on Team Speak
>it's a grill
>everything is fine for a while
>start noticing the GM and grill spending more time alone in TS
>one day GM promotes grill to healing officer
>this pisses off the healers because we've been doing our own thing and haven't had any issues
>there was also one priest that handled it already
>grill druid starts trying to set up strategies that are just retarded
>raid progression starts to slow down
>Priest tells the GM that the Druid sucks at their job and shouldn't be an officer
>they argue for a while in the middle of a Naxx raid
>GM gkicks priest
>most of the healers gquit
>we reform a new guild
>the old guild can't raid anymore because they don't have the numbers
>they continue to hemorrhage people
>a lot of them just end up joining our new guild
>eventually old GM stops logging on
>see the druid guildless in IF
>occasionally guilds would whisper people in our guild asking about druid because they applied
>tell them that they were bad
>they never join a new guild
>never see them around again
and that's why you don't give special treatment to your internet GF/BF
I didn't even think about this
Don't watch porn, it will:
>a) make you blind
>b) make you want to rape women
Don't watch GAY porn, it will::
>a) make you gay
>b) make you a pedo
Don't play vidya, it will:
>a) make you want to shoot up public places
>b) send you to hell
Retarded argument that Religiousfag, feminist, and communities that don't like fags use.
Can I have some sources on this?
You probably murder thousands of "living beings" in video games and I really doubt that has made you murder anyone in real life.
It depends on the woman's ovulation period and shit. But there would still be some women that got pregnant from the rape, because all the women of Japan aren't on the same cycle.
Reminder: "That guy" thinks you should go to jail for 20 years for having this pic on your PC.
Jesus Christ user, I'm going to get vanned for this.
I don't know what side you're posting for or if you're just trying to be informal but again because I'm curious to.
Canada(and I think others but fail to remember) have these laws where it's illegal to even THINK about an underage or underage looking fictional character. It's a morality law, put in place by the self-righteous rather than backed up by factual statistics of people turning into pedos from fictional content. Like others have stated, it's like accusing someone committing a crime because they saw in a video game. I see it as a way of putting the blame on something, instead of looking deeper or letting people take responsibility for the actions of people and the other more critical influences in their life such as trauma or mental illness.
>MegaTen Imagine
>Got with a pretty chill guild things were going alright
>Guild leader eventually throws huge bitchfit because the low members are constantly grinding out gold runs and shit trying to catch up with the other members so that they can actually play the game with the rest of the guild
>Has an autistic fit about how that's not how they're supposed to play and they should slowly make their way up instead
>Gets into a huge guild chat argument with one of the other "higher up" members about it
>Bitchfit gets out of hand and the nigga completely disbands the guild
>Everyone just kind of fades from the game after
>at my friends house watching hockey
>notice he's on the character select screen on WoW
>ask if I can try playing some bgs on his female belf hunter named naomi
>he says yes and sits on the couch to watch the game
>log in and instantly receive a shit ton of whispers
>"hey there cutie you haven't been on in a while"
>I look at him
>he looks back at me
>queue for arathi and act like nothing happened
what kind of logs
I mean it's pretty basic period facts. The girl starts her period, between then and the rest of the month she's not it, there is a period of ovulation. That's why doctors tell them to track their periods, so when/if they want to get pregnant, they can fuck during their ovulation period. If you want a more detailed explanation, then you could google "ovulation".
The girl joining is just the catalyst, SOME of the time theyre just innocent people who want to make friends and play games. It's the beta orbitter and the autist who is to blame.
Are you one of CNN's experts they never source?
You know that's why semen "sticks" right? To increase hitting the ovulation window.
I can only tell by experience, but while living there in Tokyo I hardly even noticed any crime at all.
They have women designated cars on the trains and they have signs encouraging you to report sexual assault.
>only 40 to 120-ish players on at any given time
>everyone has to be nice/decent to each other because being a dick in such a small community screws you over fast
>basically no drama
Other games are more "active" but PSO seems to attract the best players.
Is a bad person someone who thinks about bad things but hasn't done anything bad in his life?
>send you to hell
say what nigga?
Hahahahah ok. Ive seen kids below age of 12 offering sex in populated familiy areas in asia. Also it was even legal to own cp in japan some time ago. Guess how many legal gray areas there were. Not to mention that they never share anything to the public. If asia is good at anything its child sex and rape
>fictional characters tend to have chibi proportions
Do you mean exaggerated? You sound retarded either way.
this is my favorite lyn
>Ive seen kids below age of 12 offering sex in populated familiy areas in asia
ya and it was probably in thailand or some other shitty SEA country
Yeah. Dont forget age of consent is 13 in japan. Thats literally child age. So much for child sex when it doesnt count because its legal.
This isn't really true. Highest Rape nations in the World are the USA, Sweden and South Africa.
>Sweden up there
every fucking time
is india counting the rape bus sessions with 30 dudes and one boy as a single rape instance or something?
Honestly I don't agree with that guy but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some people that got memed into liking loli due to long term exposure to it. You can actually meme people into having new fetishes, it happened to me too
Most prefectures in Japan have their own laws that raise the age of consent to between 16 to 18. So for example the effective age of consent in Tokyo by local statute is 18.
The exceptions are two territories that the age remains 13:
Marcus Islands which doesn't have a civilian population, and the Okinotori Islands which are uninhabited.
Mad Thad ITT
>per 100.000
I've been itching to play mmos again recently, I played a lot of black desert last year but got burnt out.
How's Tera nowadays? I recall having a lot of fun playing it back then but I'm not sure if it's still alive, especially since I'm EU.
Also is Blade and Soul good? I'm gonna give it a shot since it seems alright.
so it's just unreported because it's pointless to with that population
Go for it. BnS EU has a pretty active /vg/ community, though they mostly stick to Discord.
>be friend for 5 years
>real close to dude almost consider him a brother
>get into ffxiv with friendo
>he pays my sub for 2 years because he knows im a neet trying to get life in order
>decide to raid creator tier
>girl joins my static
>gets really close to her
>start to attack me and a few other friends that we had made on the game
>only talks with her and no one else now
I miss my friend its fucking stupid how he changed. He's also has had gfs before too when we were friends but never acted like this
also havent talked to him in a year
that's what happens when they start defining everything a man does to court women rape
>Things that never happened.
I heard this fucking story so many times on this damn mongolian ass licking forum that it has become a horrible cliché. Stop lying on the internet.
>Like the look of XIV way back at launch and decide to join a Sup Forums FC
>hear BAD shit about the ones in Tera etc
>hear about the thread degeneracy and the horrors abound there
>ask which server everyone is playing on
>shitpost explosion begging me to play on balmung while one sane person details all servers Sup Forums is playing on
>oh how bad could it be and my beta character is on Ultros anyway
>its actually good
>had fun ever since and the FC is still strong
>Turns out its all the other server thats the bad rep and literally killed the thread
>Im still in the same FC since launch and Balmung has gone through eight, as well as enough drama to fill a library
Honestly after the shit i heard about other servers and games i dont get how a >Sup Forums FC could actually be decent.
W-what is it user?
Some dudes can't handle gfs.
>Have one friend who has mental issues and geneally doesn't have his shit together.
>Always back him up and support him through the years, regardless of gfs or jobs or whatever.
>As soon as he gets a gf he immediatley shits on my life to look better in front of her.
At the very least all our friends are equally disgusted by this.
but he has had gfs before so its something I don't get I know he was in a dark place at the time but i dont know man
They don't last that long, but I think you got the wrong user, user.
I think I joined the FC on Balmung back when the game was still new and it was pretty shit.
It was full of maybe a handfull of a people that could play the game decently and progressed through the content and then the rest were either casuals or just terrible.
Eventually the decent people split off into their own guild. I was bored of the game and quit playing at the same time so I don't know how long that spit-off guild lasted for.
Sup Forums groups can be fine but if they arent they end up worse than normie guilds because you get a bunch of people who are pretty much insane
It's dead Jim.
Every day i feel awful for the people rused to balmung. Back at the start the drama was at least funny, like the Cactuar grass inspectors shit. Too bad it became all Balmung ERP drama, now even worse because its all recycled into shitposts repeated 1000 times.
At least watching the trainwreck gave me a good laugh cause i love watching drama and it never affected my FC.
You can either confront him about it and risk him totally chimping out (which he probably will do since a gf is involved) or just cut contact for a while until he comes back (which he will because only spending time with the gf is hell after the honeymoon period).
There's a difference between someone getting a fetish from physically being exposed to it, and being meme'd to it. How many actual guys would/could fuck a 3D trap? How many women actually would liked to be raped by a real robber? Not saying it doesn't happen, people can be conditioned and shit, but I'd say the majority of people, when faced with their fetish irl, would be turned off by it.
I was on balmung for a bit before the thread migrated there. All i can say is FUCK everyone from the thread, FUCK anyone who was a part of no.3 or Ultrash linkshell, the server got shit up 100 fold because they never kept it to their god awful thread or even their FC.
Basically I'm a drawfag and at some point I decided to study feet. Of course I looked up a bunch of pics of women's feet and study them.
Some time later I started getting boners to them. A little later I started fapping to girl's feet and I fapped only to feet for more then a week, then I calmed down a bit. I think the reason is some of those pics were lewd or just had cute girls showing their feet.
Interestingly enough it's not the feet themselves that I find hot but rather the act of a girl showing her feet, or playing with them.
I definitely agree fantasy doesn't equal reality in terms of attraction
Fuck off retard.
Im pretty sure he will try to reconcile things if a break up happens and who knows it might because while his gf is good looking shes also a cunt and last time I he got on me for something I didn't do he brought her up out of nowhere
Yeah, that's not surprising. It's why I don't ever bother joining Sup Forums guilds or groups anymore.
>I don't want to but I'm gonna
KYS mah man.
Post your feet art
Eh, considering my experiences on Ultros they aren't all bad. Just be careful and don't expect much, also its generally decided by how shit/good the management is.
It's just refreshing to play with a group of people where i dont have to mind language, or watch what i say, i can just...chill.
Sorry, I am not ready. Not yet.
I still miss the Korean block fucking it up for everyone else.
It really shows when I've seen Canadian people playing games that are even remotely Japanese, or have characters that look slightly young compared to the roster (which means they are flat rather than titty monsters) and they get really uncomfortable about it.
im also on ultros
ZR. The Sup Forums one.
If you want in just make an app saying you're from Sup Forums, you'll get accepted. But you probably have one already you're cool with.
Was just wondering what FC im in O O O and been part of it since almost the beginning of that FC