What is the LOL of video games?
What is the LOL of video games?
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>VGcats still around in 2017
This is how you know there is no god.
this comic is so fucking stupid
who asks to find someone related to their hobby? why couldn't they just ask about being a geek or gamer in conversation?
The Yotsuba video game
>Implying it is not good
Because then they can't feel like a special snowflake
haha real life situations don't work with video game logic!
You have to admit he's got a point.
Is the joke that it's a white guy mugging a black person, when it would be the opposite irl?
you can't use the word "cis-gendered" seriously and also have a point. Those are mutually exclusive items. you also can't recast Iron man as a fucking black woman and have one of her first appearances be begging to be purposefully discriminated against in grade school as motivation without looking like you're pushing and agenda. Why the fuck am I even typing this, everyone with a brain inside their head knows this shit and its not like typing this anywhere Dobson could read it would influence his retarded ass damn I'm tired.
Who doesn't want to see
>Nigger doctor ordering space KFC
>Nigger doctor robbing space gas store
>Nigger doctor speeding
>Nigger doctor getting shot by the poleez
The joke here is the guy is ambushing her, so he could still get the first turn if this was a typical RPG. The mugger is also part of her party, which doesn't make any sense, since she would be attacking her own party. She also manages to do 9999 damage, which would be hard to do right at the beginning of her turn, especially since her low HP tells us she's not max level, leaving us to believe she would've had to do something to do that much damage. The HP itself is open for debate, as you can argue who can take more abuse, but it is likely the male would have more anyways.
reminds me of the one thing said on zero punctuation's webcomic episode
It's not.
Scott should just stop making shitty comics and draw porn of the pink cat instead.
There is already good porn of aeris, so why do you bitch?
Portal unfortunately
>implying there's enough of her
>implying even a handful of it is good
Most of it is off-model or just shit.
Borderlands 2. It's a no-brainer.
1)Any webcomic trying to argue a point is bad,it either results to "look how smug and right I am" or obnoxious strawmen (or both),especially considering you can't really argue with a comic given the structure
2)>using the word "cis"
3)"*I am aware that I'm wrong but i'll say it anyway"
Just make new characters
But he's ambushing her. That means he gets initiative first
>Comically low number
>acting like you don't know her name
Where is she keeping the bat? Why not use a gun?
>Graphic shows ~25%
Wew, we /alternative facts/ now
There's a yotsuba game? Sounds cute.
That face when webcomic artists accidentally stumble on to your fetish
Pulls more from the anime.
When I was a kid I saw Rule 34 of VG Cats on Aerisdies, and I wanted to tell Scott all about it. I wanted to tell him that there's somebody out there making porn of his work, an erotic mockery of what he's doing, and that there are people out there getting off on it.
I pussied out because then he'd know I was checking out porn of his work.
I had a pretty nice childhood.
Back in 2006 I think he made a front page update where he sperged out because someone sent him futa Aeris porn, he deleted it but it was being reposted all over Sup Forums at that point.
So he points out a problem but has no answer to solve it, I mean why do people like him even bother saying anything when this fat fuck doesn't say anything on how to fix it.
>that face when
Best be baiting
Well, to be fair, futa is shit.
There you go user
Now it's properly packaged
It is supposed to be "that feel when"
She'll always be "that pink cat" to me.
Faces convey feelings
Seems to me feminism has become more of a religion than a political stance.
I mean look at what's happening right now.
1. If you aren't a feminist you are inherently mysoginistic
2. Facts introduced are often ignored even laughed at.
3. Belittlement is constantly being used for the other side.
4. These are their facts and sit down and accept that.
I mean this can be said about any political movement but if you disagree with a modern feminist, you are a devil in their eyes.
>please don't point out flaws in my argument
Pretty sure Feminism has always been more if a religion.
Oh man I totally forgot Aerisdies, I haven't been there in fucking years
Thank you user, I'm gonna go nostalgia fap
Are you gay user?
Are they friends, siblings or lovers?
It doesn't really matter somebody post porn
I would be if I liked futa.
So no.
>You just dawdle around and do cute stuff all day
who /recaptureyouth/ here
Whatever you say Gok Wan
It was never a political stance, that's something that idiots who think their beliefs should be mandated by the government say, it's a social ideology, very similar to a religion in nature when taken to the extremes
Holy fuck that was cute
>New chapter out every 6 months
A-salt a-salt!
Who is that adorable orange cat?
Leo's (the grey cat) sister, I think.
>bird lawyer
i want to fuck aeris
post white Korra pls
I love that someone actually drew this
That's 404-tan you godamn newfag
D-did the lesbian girl cheat on her girlfriend?
Are they gonna be okay?
Open your eys
Does it count as cheating if the broke up few hours before?
No but it's still a scummy move
Why did they break up?
The religion is Marxism and is a belief that every person, race and sex (or gender nowadays) is equal despite the overwhelming evidence against such a notion, and such any inequalities that might exist are always a result of an injustice commited by the more privileged group over another less privileged one. Feminism is simply an extension of Marxism.
>not recognizing based Eltonel
shaking my head to be honest
>no shadman sameface
>no chromatic aberration
Please tell me how it goes, or at least give me the source, that phonecall was so genuine I suddenly really care about these cute girls and their relationship problems
Just a short doujinshi with drama for the sake of drama
Fucking punk ass Tsubasa, waiting to take advantage the moment something went wrong
Fuck why do I care so much
mfw and tfw used to mean faces, then at some point around 2012 anons started to use mfw and tfw without a reaction pic attached and started saying it meant "feel"
>that face when
It meant their face when retard.
You're a disgusting person who would be honestly reviled by anyone who really knew you
Kill yourself
That feel when no gf was the infamous post on krautchan that started that
It was a bannable offense back then to abuse greentext or use Sup Forums abbreiviations like those but here where its unregulated tfw took off