How many hours do you sleep every day, Sup Forums...

How many hours do you sleep every day, Sup Forums? How are you able to balance studying for tests and playing video games?


Sleep from 5am-2pm

Living the dream

7 or 8 hours.

I play video games for an hour at most.

>How are you able to balance studying for tests
>studying for tests
I graduated High School over a year ago, and college is a fucking meme
Get real you fucking fag, if you're still on school then you've failed as a human being

>How many hours do you sleep every day, Sup Forums
when I have no plans? 11-12 hours. When I have classes? probably 4-5. I'm desperate for alone time so I just stay up late to get it.

>How are you able to balance studying for tests and playing video games?
I don't

It's nice but I wish I had a girlfriend



no girl would want a neet bf, they would just nag you constantly to change for them or dump you if you don't

>being a fucking normie
Lmaoing @ your life bro
I live the neet life

Sleep from 12am-1am to about 9:00-9:30.
Work, come home and play about 2 hours of vidya a day.

what if the girl was a neet herself

around 5 hours.

lol, I'm a neet dude and I abuse my parents wallet.

all day long.

That's why you get a neet gf you moron

Roughly six hours. I go to bed at around midnight and wake up at 6:30am. My schedule is usually:
>Wake up
>Drink water, then brush teeth and wash face
>Make breakfast and have coffee
>Finish everything by 8am
>If I have to go anywhere (work, school, etc) I shower, then work on any projects or papers for school until I need to go
>Otherwise, I play games until 10am before doing the papers / projects
>Once I either finish up or the clock reaches 2pm, I stop and make something to eat and take an hour break.
>At around 3:30pm, I either go back to working on projects or head out to walk my dog.
>By 4:30pm, I brush up on any troubles I have with my classes and study until I'm more confident in my stance.
>Once 6pm hits, I spend the rest of the day relaxing and playing games.
>Every time listed can vary by an hour or so
>If I have work and I don't have big projects due I just relax for that day.

I don't, i have anatomy test in a few days, its almost 2 am and im lurking Sup Forums

Girlfriends are a meme to get you to work your ass off for them.
They don't make you any happier or any less depressed than you already are.

I sleep whenever I want and play games whenever I want. I don't work or go to school anymore. I usually sleep about 12 hours.

6 hours, even on weekends
right before exams I study so much that i almost dont play vidya at all. Apparently i am strong willed because of that according to some friends

>studying for tests
Graduated a while ago. I give myself 7-8 hours to sleep every night so I can play from about 6pm to midnight. It's a living.

then you'd have a keeper

good luck finding one though

From 6-12, when I had a job it was 4-6 (rarely 8 when I just fall unconscious)

if you don't leave your house, and she doesn't leave her house, how the fuck are you gonna find her?

I sleep for 7 hours usually, except for weekends where I sleep for 9 hours. Balancing vidya with school is easy until the last month where I have to drop vidya

Through Korean Furry Straight Shota forums of course

I sleep from around 10-11pm to 5-6am
All of my studying is done in the mornings and the evenings/sometimes late afternoons are free
Unless you're a diehard overachiever at Harvard or working at a hedge fund or something there's really no excuse for not being able to find a couple hours a day to goof off

Neet is not hikki

6-12 hours.

Who's lovely ass and panties do these belong too?

A nice 8+ hours, I usually sleep around 10-11 PM and wake up around 7-8 AM. Just finished med school and I'll start working in 2 months or so, but even with all this free time right now I don't have much urge to spend it playing video games for some reason.

They aren't mutually exclusive either
A neet girl is most of the time also a shut in
So good luck finding a neet gf that shares your likings and is also willing to go out

Everyone uses it the same way anyway, and why did people stop using hikki?

convenience store very late at night

You're joking but I totally found a chick and got nudes solely through Shotacon.

You win
You lose

More pantsu please


8-12 hours my schedule goes around the clock all ways which is natural if you never need to wake up at specific times


>Not being a hikki

I only study like 2 hours before the test

>8-18 work
>return home at 20
>2 hours max on vidya
>1-6 sleep

what can I do for the rest of my life that doesn't involve going to college?
I fucking hate school

I sleep as long as I want and play as long as I want
That is until I start working here in about two days
At least I will get money to buy things I want I guess

>Wage Slave
Your life is even more useless than mine.

Literally anything else. I have two friends with creative arts degrees and neither of them are being used. College is a waste of time and PAYING for College is a scam.

Do "literally" anything else.

Can you imagine yourself living like this in your 30s-40s? Holy shit, go out asap.

>start working
>finally get money to buy vidya
>can't be bothered to play vidya anymore

what if there's nothing I want to do and I have no motivation for anything

Dude besides the no gf thing I'm loving life
Why would I want to work

>studying for tests
I finished school 20 years ago
I only work 3-4 hours a day distantly, so I have pretty much the whole day to do whatever