What happened to all the good gaming content on this site?

What happened to all the good gaming content on this site?

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They all left.

we never had good gaming content on Youtube, you just grew up out of it.

they stopped making money because of WSJ, they flocked to twitch


Vids aren't as popular as live streams now, so Twitch is the new "it"

People realised that screaming and 70 part let's plays were the way to make money .

Why put effort in when you can just play a random game, scream, and use memes

Pewdiepie made enough big companies angry that they told the little birds on their shoulders to tell everyone else and make most advertising leave the site, making it so earning a living on Youtube is impossible now.

They all went to twitch & became fags

it's on twitch

Twitch is now an easier place to earn steady income, so a lot has moved to there.

they became shit

the same thing that happened to all the other good content they demonetized it

The jews

considering they started demonetizing LGR i imagine a lot of them have jumped to twitch

Whats wrong?
It's like the best place to get the latest underground most trusted news and cool youtubers get shit so early

>LGR on the list

last time I checked kiddos dont even bother with lgr and his content isnt clickbaity bullshit like half of YouTube today

Classics of Game is back.
What else do you want.

It's clearly a list to piss people off

Google bought it in an effort to brainwash American youth into being liberal. It didn't work and now Trump is president. So they are de-monetising all the wrong-think on the site and moving the videos into the bad-goy corner where they will never be seen and comments on them are disabled.

For the love of god why? He's so inoffensive, how could they do that to him? They don't like him doing his Duke Nukem voice?

Anyone know a good non-autistic letsplayer for Stalker or Fallout. Those are always comfy games to have in the background.

not sue he probably got caught either in a keyword bot or because x amount of people youtube doesn't like subscribed to him they started demonetizing him

I legit can't believe he has less than 10k subs. It's fucking criminal

why to youtubers keep making these retarded ass faces

Is NCS, dare I say, /ourguy/??

The passion will return now that the money is going away

doubt it



fuck off autist

Nice thumbnails, cunt.


he looks like a heroin addicted jeremy kyle

ehh he was a heavy smoker at one point but he never went past that

>has shit videos
>gets called out
>posts Sup Forums-tier gifs
my fucking sides

>tfw you see your favourite mgs player transistion into a IRL-only streamer


Fucking kill me guys

Anyone know some good guides for editing with either Sony Vegas or Premiere?

I have a bunch of footage but their programs are such a fucking mess.




The "hey" reminded me of Chuggaaconroy. I miss when he wasn't as loud. He was still an autist, but 95% of the commentary was tame enough to listen to in the background. These days I've got to keep an eye on my volume just in case he pops a boner at some point and starts yelling and yacking it up like a hyena.

YT employees thought it was a good idea to cut literally anything that doesn't fit their narrative. This is beyond gaming btw

how do i create good shit that people will enjoy?

Well first ask yourself about what (You) want to make.

They moved to twitch, youtube doesn't want creators anymore, they want consumers.

This is shit

>people are now suing youtube for not giving them as much ad money as they would like

maybe now there's less ad money, they will fuck off

YT is no longer worth putting much effort into.
Post cat videos or get demonetized

it gets kids to click their videos

Why though? The streamed shit is just longer with more minutia usually. I prefer something with good edits so its not wasting my fucking time. Also I dont want to look at anyone's face. I dont give a fuck what you look like.

Not that guy but I only felt comfortable making gaming videos once I knew I wouldn't directly make money from them, felt like there was less pressure and hassle that way. I have other stuff on my channel that I can earn from though.

>Hating mandalore

For what purpose, mandalore is a chill dude.

Joseph Anderson exists, so I don't see what your issue is.

A lot of people like interacting with other viewers or the streamer in real time, instead of leaving comments and waiting for replies.

That is so cringe. Its sycophantic but considering the antisocial types here (self included) it makes sense.

Wait, what did Jump do to gaming channels?

It's still there, you just have to put effort into finding them.

Youtube is a dying platform

I wouldn't say it's dying, it's just that there's now a lot more low quality, low effort videos from people who want to make money. The good stuff is still there though.

No, it's just following the trend of any medium.

>People get money for doing decent content
>People see 'it's not hard'
>Flood it with lower quality content
>Repeat until it's a pain to search for decent content


Damn. A God has fallen. Pay your respects lads. F

>Rampant demonetization
>Peoples "careers" being pulled out from under them because Youtube hasn't been able to afford to pay all of them since the ads ran dry
Youtube is dead. And not a moment too soon

>the only people who make jewtube videos are the people who make content that they can't monetize anymore
my fucking sides

>Rampant demonetization
This can be a good thing though. It might cut down on the flood of PewDiePie wannabes and other things like that. There were way too many people just copying what was successful at first and making low quality content, and then forcing their videos to be 10+ minutes because that got them more ad revenue.

Fuck off ACG is good. I'd like to you see who you approve of, faggot

he was murdered

>what happened to all the good content

It became excellent. *dabs*

Use vidme

There is still some

They shut down my channel for "gratuitous violence", when it's a video game. The recent shit happening on July/August is kinda scary.

I only watch raw gameplay videos, so tired of hearing youtubers.

Youtube decided to stop paying users money so only the big corps get all the shekels. As a result, nobody wants to be a youtuber anymore. Goolag doesn't care anyways, youtube was never profitable for them, what's left is another propaganda venue

Youtube doing everything it can to fuck their biggest creators over.

Cutting ad revenue
Hiding "offensive" content
Shutting channels down over false copyright claims

All of this is done by their retarded robots and youtube "heroes" who do it for free

>admitting to watching "creators"


Are 'Channel Trailers' still a thing?

I've got about 7,000 subscribers and i do 2 videos a week both based on different things but i feel like their isn't much conectivity to my channel other than i do 'Lore Series and Reviews'.

So is it even worth doing a 'Welcome to my shitty channel' for people that click on it as an introductory video or just put one of my best videos up there instead.

What good gaming content?


If people are visiting your channel, they already know what you're about. I'd recommend just putting up one of your higher quality/more entertaining videos to get them hooked on your personality and style.

fuck jewtube

Makes sense, cheers user!

Cheers, best of luck to your career.

Streaming is more profitable. People literally pay pewdiepie in hundreds per donation just to watch him die in the first 10 min of every pubg match for 3 hours straight.