How does it would make you feel if Gearbox announces the Opposing Force 2?

How does it would make you feel if Gearbox announces the Opposing Force 2?

Happier than half life 3.

And half life 3 would make me cuuuuuummmmmm.

they wouldn't


>gearbox announces op4-2
>anthony burch is the writer

Shephard still fan favourite character
And i reckon Randy might wanna settle a deal with Gaben for the next installment of the spin-off series

and who knows, maybe Marc would come out of retirement for it too...

When are these two gonna come back?

>shephard gets cucked by the resistance member in the end


With the way Valve writes their games, it would be a miracle if we even see Alyx ever again.

Shepard legit needs to come back

>shephard takes out combine gunship
>"that thing killed x of my men and you destroyed it by yourself? you, my friend, are a certified BADASS!"

>Wow, you look like you were BORN for BATTLE!

>opposing force 2
>made by gearbox

I really do not trust that company at all, much less if they have Randy cuckboy at the lead. Would they be forced to use source to make it?

weren't the Randy who was in charge of the Oppossing Force?

Opposing force was co-developed by gearbox. Randy Pitchford was the lead designer. Fucking underage kids I swear.

I would rather see a new Brothers in Arms, but at the same time I'm glad they have forget about this series.

>2.99$ DLC with 10 different spray logos to express YOUR individuality.

>opposing force 2 ending
>shephard defeats the combine and cucks gordon
>he takes off his mask and looks straight at the player
>he's actually a black man with Vitiligo
>some kind of techno rap music starts playing
>*credits roll*

I'd hate to say it, but I'd rather see Randy work on the next HL title than there not be one

The only good things by Gearbox, OF and BiA, both ending on cliffhangers.


He's actually gordan freeman from an alternate dimension


if they made it in the same engine and just continued the story without adding any fucking bullshit then maybe. but fuck theirs enough half life story mods to last me a life time and most of them fucking rock


terrible, take a lap.

>Alright Shepard listen up. These things here, the COmbine, they've been going around killing folks and whatnot for years. Definitely and certifiably NOT BADASS my friendo. What I need you to do is infiltrate their tower thing and disable the local defense grid. That's the grid that runs all the local defenses, that's why it's called the defense grid. Anywho you're gonna have to shut that thing down or better yet blow the damn thing up. Oh and if you could go ahead and take summa them Combine sumbitches out while you're at it tha'd be super badass.

So what will Shepard do? Will it start off with him applying to become a Civil Protection unit? Is he going to be on a train to a new city? What does he do? HOW DOES G MAN USE THIS MAN'S STRENGTH?