Anyone else suffer really strong rage when playing and losing? How do you cope with it...

Anyone else suffer really strong rage when playing and losing? How do you cope with it? I wasn't like this but lately it's really hitting me

Just take the loss as a lesson, learn from it.

I just play for fun, getting mad at video games is beyond retarded

youre playing bull shit e sports games like dota or cs go aren't you. No wonder ur raging. Nobody actualy enjoys those games

When I started getting angry in Dota/CS I just played the games less and it helped. I still kinda get angry when no one cooperates or just playing way above my level but I don't flame them in chat or anything, just play the game and try my best.
You can try listening to musics or podcasts to chill you out and make you think about other things.

Also you need to understand that losing a game is as natural as winning one. Think of the matches as just one of the thousand other ones.

When I get mad I start shouting "FOCKIN ELL FOCKIN TWAT BLOODY WANKA" in a loud british accent. I'm not even british

I'm sure a lot of other emotional five-year-olds get mad at videogames too.

I don't rage if I lose because the opponent is better, that's fine, gotta improve

But when I keep losing to rng over and over, that shit is fucking unbeareble, I had to quit playing tes legends because I couldn't deal with the prophecies (and before some fuck opens his mouth yes I know probabilites and yes I know you can "play around them" (you can't with aggro))

i only get mad in fighting games like SF and Soul Calibur.

mad at myself for falling for the same bluff 4 times in 1 round.

It either comes with age or with skill.
When you're good enough to know why you lost, it's difficult to get angry at it, unless you're still a little child mentally.
Age is self explanatory.

I found out there's a pretty standard language for ragers like me that we all naturally developed, kind of like heavy stoners from across the US sounding the same.

>Are you fucking kidding me?
>For what?
>What was that shit?
>Oh yeah, fucking great, that's just fucking perfect.
>Fuck this game.

>yfw Cooper finally woke up

I play bf1 with 3.0 k/d
every win I feel nothing
every loss I feel like/have broken something

Only happens to me when playing online against other people. There are only two solutions: Play with friends, so having fun with them is a more important than going full turbo nerd or avoiding any online pvp experience you can

I cope with it by not talking about Judy.


You haven't trained your composure. Try and turn your losses into something constructive, you'd be amazed what a mindset change does for you; maybe even try laughing and remember to enjoy yourself above all. If you're not enjoying yourself then take a break.

second this , find a good pace music drink coffee and just play your best. You might be the best on the team but that also means working the hardest.
Pros often make alts to re boost to high elos, have you seen them play those accounts on youtube? They dont get pissed, because they know the rank doesnt matter, they dont need it to prove to themselves theyre good. Play like that and let it just come to you. No point getting offended by a sheep

I usually just scream into a pillow when I rage.

that sounds toxic as hell


Sometimes I get furious and start slamming the door and howling at nothing.


I don't get mad, but for some reason I just turn inward and get depressed. I don't feel as good at video games as I used to be and I don't mind losing, it's never winning that gets to me. I can win 1/10 times and feel fine but going on some massive loss streak really eats at my sanity

So Judy is probably Briggs' wife/Bobby's mom right?

very much so, but I don't type in chat ever

i played destiny from launch to this day. I was great at the game for 2.5/3 years, but something changed. i don't know if it's events in my life, the current meta, the patches and gun changes, what, but I decreased in skill significantly.

knowing how good I was and how far I've fallen hurts like nothing else. it has broken me.

? no?

yah destiny is shit stupid

She's the Asian from the Lodge.

Guys, let's talk about Judy

You need the peace that passes all understanding. That which can only be found through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

I remind myself that it's because I suck ass at video games and I'm being retarded
that usually calms me down




I'm not a testosterone sack of filth that is the human male, so no, I don't have this problem.