Are you ready to buy brand new Bethesda's Creation Club™ content for Fallout 4?

Are you ready to buy brand new Bethesda's Creation Clubâ„¢ content for Fallout 4?

Bethesda forgot that they need to make an addictive and polished game BEFORE trying to rape people's wallets

This is basically Horse Armor 2.0

Fuck that

Seems to have worked just fine over the last decade.

not with any kind of microtransactions though. They actuality have to make games

b-but skyrim is a addictive and polished game

I guess I'll just never understand people's hatred of this system. The original Steam paid mods was garbage, I 100% agree because it lacked all forms of quality control. But this new system literally has agreements where the modder MUST maintain their mods at all times, they cannot half-finish a piece and get paid for it, it must be compatible with everything and, while not super amazing, Bethesda is QAing all mods that come through the system. It's essentially outsourced DLC.

It's Valve-levels of lazy development

But it isn't, just compare Valve paid mods to this.

Pretty sure Bethesda also did QA for all their games. And New Vegas. Their QA is the opposite of what you want.

where are the bikini and big tits mods?

Compare DotA 2 cosmetics to this

What about them? It's the exact same thing. You get scammed to look uglier and ruin the game's art direction.

I would rather not have paid mods.

I thought part of the CC rules was no currently released mods allowed

hellfire armor is released on nexus


The rule of creation club (ie what modders apply for) is that, however you use your prior releases as a portfolio of sorts to get in.
However the actual mod marketplace (also named creation club) doesn't care.
It's fucked up desu but that's just more bethesda nonsense.

sure why not?

Half this shit is already on Nexus
why would I care?

If you give them more money (and buy Fallout 4 VR btw) they can actually fix the game.

You are not Bethesda's target audience. You haven't been for about a decade.

Consolecucks are already eating this shit up.