It's actually pretty damn fun

It's actually pretty damn fun.

Fun is not a legitimate reason to play something you fucking autist.


Its ok. I saved artemis

I believe you.

Hopefully it'll be something I'll want to play after another year of updates. I will say I'm impressed at how much they've fixed after the shitshow of a launch they had

Is it still mainly a mining game. I was hypes for it until I found it was a reskinned Minecraft.

too little too late.

>Fun is not a legitimate reason to play something
where did it all go wrong

I know you're new here but "fun is bad" is not that old a meme

I didn't know 2010 meant new but keep being an ironic shitposter.

>by hiding game name they think , they will catch more morons

nice shill

I'm pretty sure it was the header for the update page dumb dumb, and who the fuck would this be tricking. Anyone who was here when this shit launched would recognize what's being talked about


Downloaded it few days ago, still buggy as fuck but at least now it looks like a game and not an empty tech demo. And i heard that retards who bought it got half-working co-op. One year late.


2010 has always been new you fucking idiot.

A marginally prettier Spore

>just turn your brain off bro

Or you are just retarded and never played it

Since when was Spore a first-person exploration/mining game?

>trying to give someone shit for not playing No Mans Scam

I would be playing daily but the update fucked my save and I do t want to start over. Mostly because I'll to build all the warp reactors and max out my inventory space again.

When someone doesn't know shit about the game, yeah of course

seven years

how the fuck do i raid the freighter?they don't drop anything

And it's also been 7 years you fucking retard.

If it's not fun why bother etc etc...

You're only saying that because you bought it on sale.

Not how that works
If you haven't been here since before 2007 you're a newfag, end of discussion
Games after '99 aren't considered retro on /vr/ no matter how many years have passed, the same rule applies