Perfect heroes don't exi-

>Perfect heroes don't exi-

OP we already know you want the hot monkey dick

>needs babysitting

winston a cute! CUTE!

They should nerf him. Fuck this dive meta.

>Only good tanks left in the game is now Winston and Zarya

No, buff his counters if he's doing too well.

shit character. doesn't even have much porn

>people are still playing this clunky garbage

>has big dick
what a load of bananas

Winston himself wasn't overpowered he just existed in a meta in which he was extremely valuable. Overwatch's balance ecosystem is actually really interesting to watch. Heroes games like League only ever really become viable when they are buffed and lose viability when they're nerfed. But Blizzard has done a really good job at lowering or raising the necessity of a character without harming the character itself.

roadhog tho

Not aiming isn't fun.

literally nothing wrong with current hog

It's not entirely perfect. Sometimes mechanics are added that are unhealthy and that need to be tweaked because of it. I do hate when people say "Oh get rid of Hog one shot but add doomfist? That's shit" Simply because the hook was far safer then rocket punch is. Hook doesn't require any engagement other than a small window of time where you must stand still, while rocket punch require Doomfist to completely go in on an enemy and put themselves in an unfavorable position.

I do think that allowing Roadhog to heal while moving, while a necessary change, is counterproductive to his design of a low mobility character, but that's just my opinion.

Winston was literally the only fun hero in Overwatch. Still not as perfect as yours truly.


>shoulder tackle people and stay on the point
>die because teammates are off playing like the game is team deathmatch and no one is playing a support/healer hero

this is why I hate paladins

>Zarya main since launch
>One of the more mechanic intensive heores
>spent hours honing my quick reasoning for optimal shielding
>new changes roll out
>Mouth breather who knows nothing about her instalock her in rank because she's the new darling
>will most likely be nerfed in the days to come
All her porn is shit, you put all her good skins in heroes of the storm, and now this. Is there any greater suffering then being a Zarya main?

if it wasn't for her meh shield she would literally be perfect, shame you can't have the shoulder bash legendary and the fortress at the same time

Playing mobas

Yeah, being a Pharah main

When dev notes state that
>We buffed D.VA, now she'll have an interesting way to remove Pharah
When D.VA was already the biggest HP sucking Mosquito tank (that isn't a leaping Winston) against her, it's suffering
And then
>battle Mercy
Never played with many pocket Mercy's, but giving your beats support more attack options is like kicking one crutch out from under you

Pharah counters who now? I've even seen brave Junkrats and Doomfists trying to swat Pharah out of the sky now. You just need to hit her once before she's forced to retreat. Shields everywhere, hit scan everywhere, healing everywhere, but people still yell "nerf"

Just f-

I love leaping to pharahs because they usually don't expect me to be taking half their HP or all of them if they're retarded

My #1 favorite thing to do in mayhem. All the while, raining huge spherical shields for my team below

>Is there any greater suffering then being a Zarya main?
What the fuck are you on about? Zarya has been amazing and viable since the dawn of the game. Her new ult is far more consistent especially when you consider the fact that the most played DPS heroes could easily escape from it.

not him but i do

>Character who doesn't have to aim at all

What did they mean by this?

Yeah what the hell, why is he in a first person shooter when he's not even a person?