Banning people for being ass holes isn't violating the first Amendment

>Banning people for being ass holes isn't violating the first Amendment
It's their game. They have every right to ban you for spamming "nigger" in the chat.

Thanks, reddit. What would we do without you as our moral compass?



thanks nigger

>Banning people for being ass holes isn't violating the first Amendment

It isn't because you willingly signed a contract when you agreed to the terms of use for the product/service you're using. If you did not find the terms amenable, then you didn't have to use the service.

I'd challenge every idiot personally to take their case to court if they think it's such a flagrant violation of their rights, but that would mean owning up to the dumb shit they say and they never would.

Incorrect. The right to free speech means that you can say what you want without the threat of being censored. Government or not. He's right about other people not having to hear it, but he's wrong in saying that they can do anything to stop you

And yet this faggot while argue for net neutrality without a single ounce of self awareness.

>Pay for a game

>People who own game create arbitrary rules on what you can and cannot say in chat or you literally lose your investment

>somehow not fucking literal robbery

>Buying a product before reading the terms of use

Sounds like you're just an idiot.

>so upset he got buttdestroyed in the old thread he made a new one whining

any action taken, whether it's banning or throwing someone out of a house you own for something they say, is objectively and irrefutably a violation of freedom of speech

So if i made a contract that made them my slaves it would be ok?

Yes just handwave abuse of rights so when it matters contextually to you it will be too late

No, because contract cannot enforce illegal things.

Of course.
Didn't you read page 5286 of the EULA?


Spotted the communist libcuck

Not providing a place to speak does not prevent you from speaking.

libturds btfo once again

now can we please genocide them

What does that have to do with freedom of speech?

Why do leftists intentionally ignore the fact that freedom of speech refers more to just the law? It refers to our culture as well, which is the more important part.

discuss video games
terrifying, i know


so what was his reaction when Trump got in?