Wyd Sup Forums ?

wyd Sup Forums ?

Been playing a lot of quake (1) and just started playing blood.

Been on a huge old school FPS kick lately.

What I always do shitpost

Did the forum mods give up entirely against the wave of WE?

Talking about this is insensitive and problematic so it's not allowed on this site.
Go away racist drumpflet

Jesus Christ I hate Kekistanis

It now has more active threads than pubg or csgo at 1700.

So why is it being raided, what did I miss?

Sup Forums's just raiding it for fun, someone's crossposting it here to get Sup Forums involved too it looks like

Weaponized autism.

You mist be retarded if you think its Sup Forums they literally have 0 threads about it. It all from r/the_donald and feom Sargon of Akkad. Fucking retards always blaming Sup Forums.


Is there a specific reason behind it? Are they blackwashing someone? Where the fuck does the game even take place?

But you have to admit that it's pretty funny. They even have baneposting.

They made Ehyptians black

>Sargon of Akkad

Wut? How is he involved in this at all?

The "WE WUZ KINGS" meme refers directly to certain African American people believing that the Egyptians are black.

Assassin's Creed Origins does the same

Like their slaves or something? They really didn't do the whole 'WE WUZ KANGS' shit literally right?

Oh for fuck sake they did, didn't they. I need to see this train wreck now.

What's that old saying? There's no such thing as bad publicity? People are talking about the game even more now. Look at this thread for example.

Holy fuck I type like a retard.
No of course it's Sup Forums its also a bit of stormfront since they got booted or something.

>Sargon fan base
>not 99% Sup Forumsfags

now am asking if you're the one behind the threads
also just asking about you guys what's wrong with that ?